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RPNplus - Good RPN-calculator for Android
06-30-2016, 09:15 AM
Post: #8
RE: RPNplus - Good RPN-calculator for Android
Hi parse!

"Good eye" - the stack of RPNplus works really slightly different to HP-calculators ... but (let's say) that's not less efficient.

On RPNplus (and ie HP48gx) pressing ENTER pushes the stack and copies the entry to the x register (inserted value is in register x only).

On many HP-calculators (I own 15c, 35s, WP34s) ENTER copies the entry to the x register and pushes the stack (inserted value is in register x and y).

In detail RPNplus is based on an old console program (attached, written in C). Maybe this helps to answer your question.

In principal it reads a character
Quote:while((n=getchar())!=ESC) // quit
and adds it to a string (including dealing with decimal point, prefix, exponent, etc.).
Quote: if(strlen(s)<STRLEN) {strcat(s," "); s[strlen(s)-1]=n;

If ENTER is pressed and (a valid string is existent) the stack is pushed and the string is written to register x (atof-function). If no valid string ist existent only the stack is pushed (x remains).
Quote: {if(strlen(s)>0) {u=z; z=y; y=x; x=atof(s);}
if((strlen(s)==0)&&(n==ENTER)) {u=z; z=y; y=x;}

Due to a calculating operation (ie. +) the operation is executed and the stack is pulled.
Quote: case '+': x=x+y; y=z; z=u; break;


C is a simple and tiny scientific RPN-Calculator.

Compile C with: gcc -Wall -s -O3 c.c -lm

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

#define PI 3.141592653589793238462643 // pi
#define ESC 0x1b // escape key
#define SPACE 0x20 // space
#define ENTER 0xa // enter
#define BKSPC 0x7f // backspace
#define STRLEN 128 // max stringlen

void help() // print help screen
{printf("Q sqr/sqrt E ee R rot>/< T tan/arc I invert P pi/pwr L ln/exp\n");
printf("A annu S sin/arc D deg/rad F fix/sci G gamma! H help K log/10^x\n");
printf("X swap C cos/arc V sinh/ar B cosh/ar N tanh/ar M rcl/sto\n");
printf("ESC exit BKSPC clx # clr SPC chs\n");

void disp(char s[STRLEN]) // write string
{printf("\r%s"," ");

void draw(long double x,long double y,long double z,long double u,int f) // display stack
{printf("\n: %4.*Lf\n",f,u); printf(": %4.*Lf\n",f,z);
printf(": %4.*Lf\n",f,y); printf(": %4.*Lf\n\n",f,x);
{printf("\n: %LE\n",u); printf(": %LE\n",z);
printf(": %LE\n",y); printf(": %LE\n\n",x);

void main() /* MAIN */
{int i,ise,ipos,fmt=2;
char n;
char s[STRLEN]="";
long double x=0,y=0,z=0,u=0,tmp=0,sto=0,rad=PI/180;

system("stty -icanon -echo");
help(); draw(x,y,z,u,fmt);

while((n=getchar())!=ESC) // quit
{if(n==',') n='.';
if(strlen(s)<STRLEN) {strcat(s," "); s[strlen(s)-1]=n;}
else if((strlen(s)>0)&&(n==BKSPC)) {s[strlen(s)-1]='\0'; disp(s);}
else if((strlen(s)>0)&&(n==SPACE))
{ise=0; ipos=1;
for(i=1;i<=strlen(s);i++) if((s[i]=='e')||(s[i]=='E')) {ise=1; ipos=i;}
{if(s[ipos+1]=='-') for(i=ipos+1;i<strlen(s);i++) s[i]=s[i+1];
else {for(i=strlen(s);i>ipos;i--) s[i+1]=s[i]; s[ipos+1]='-';}
{if(strlen(s)>0) {u=z; z=y; y=x; x=atof(s);}
if((strlen(s)==0)&&(n==ENTER)) {u=z; z=y; y=x;}
else if(n==BKSPC) {x=y; y=z; z=u;}
else if(n=='#') x=y=z=u=0;

else switch(n)
{case 'h': case 'H': help(); break;
case 'x': case 'X': tmp=x; x=y; y=tmp; break;
case 'r': tmp=x; x=y; y=z; z=u; u=tmp; break;
case 'R': tmp=u; u=z; z=y; y=x; x=tmp; break;
case 'F': fmt=100; break;
case 'd': rad=PI/180; break;
case 'D': rad=1; break;
case 'f': fmt=x; x=y; y=z; z=u; break;
case 'M': sto=x; break;
case 'm': u=z; z=y; y=x; x=sto; break;

case '+': x=x+y; y=z; z=u; break;
case '-': x=y-x; y=z; z=u; break;
case '*': x=x*y; y=z; z=u; break;
case '/': x=y/x; y=z; z=u; break;

case 'i': case 'I': x=1/x; break;
case ' ': x=-x; break;
case 'q': x=x*x; break;
case 'Q': x=sqrt(x); break;
case 'P': x=exp(x*log(y)); y=z; z=u; break;

case 'p': u=z; z=y; y=x; x=PI; break;
case 'l': x=log(x); break;
case 'L': x=exp(x); break;
case 's': x=sin(x*rad); break;
case 'S': x=atan(x/(sqrt(1-x*x)))/rad; break;
case 'c': x=cos(x*rad); break;
case 'C': x=(PI/2-atan(x/(sqrt(1-x*x))))/rad; break;
case 't': x=sin(x*rad)/cos(x*rad); break;
case 'T': x=atan(x)/rad; break;
case 'k': x=log(x)/log(10); break;
case 'K': x=exp(x*log(10)); break;
case 'v': x=(exp(x)-exp(-x))/2; break;
case 'V': x=log(x+sqrt(x*x+1)); break;
case 'b': x=(exp(x)+exp(-x))/2; break;
case 'B': x=log(x+sqrt(x*x-1)); break;
case 'n': x=(exp(x)-exp(-x))/(exp(x)+exp(-x)); break;
case 'N': x=log(sqrt((1+x)/(1-x))); break;
case 'g': for(tmp=i=1;i<=x;i++) tmp=tmp*i; x=tmp; break;
case 'a': x=(1-1/exp(x*log(1+y)))/y; y=z; z=u; break;
system("stty icanon echo");
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RE: RPNplus - Good RPN-calculator for Android - deetee - 06-30-2016 09:15 AM

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