06-15-2014, 03:11 PM
Folks, it's been over 33 years since the 41 was launched, and about 20 after its obsolescence - so it's probably time for a last community effort to preserve its module legacy.
The CL module library includes a very large selection of modules, but there are still a few elusive ROM images not available anywhere but dormant in your collections; yes we know who you are :-)
Here's my appeal to your altruistic nature, calling for a donation of the ROM images to the community - which should not impact the collectors value of the real items. It's for sure a personal choice but say, what a better way to get the mileage out of your collector's gear than getting it back to life??
From my own I have contributed with several of those, extracting the images of the following:
Bank Beratung SW
Buderus 2, Buderus 3
CalTrans Survey
Fairfield Gear Design
KC135 W&B-1; KC135 W&B-2
MWK 3; MWK-4
OvenTrop 2
Schenk's YATCH
SNEAP 1; Sneap 2; Sneap 3
And here's the list of those modules still missing - do you have some/many of them??
If so, let the sharing begin!
The CL module library includes a very large selection of modules, but there are still a few elusive ROM images not available anywhere but dormant in your collections; yes we know who you are :-)
Here's my appeal to your altruistic nature, calling for a donation of the ROM images to the community - which should not impact the collectors value of the real items. It's for sure a personal choice but say, what a better way to get the mileage out of your collector's gear than getting it back to life??
From my own I have contributed with several of those, extracting the images of the following:
Bank Beratung SW
Buderus 2, Buderus 3
CalTrans Survey
Fairfield Gear Design
KC135 W&B-1; KC135 W&B-2
MWK 3; MWK-4
OvenTrop 2
Schenk's YATCH
SNEAP 1; Sneap 2; Sneap 3
And here's the list of those modules still missing - do you have some/many of them??
If so, let the sharing begin!
# Module / EPROM Type XROM # Distributor / Author Case Name Case Label CAT2 Output KB
1 3M Module ROM 21 **3M QA100** HP 82500A.-A15 4k
2 Appraiser Module 1.3 ZEPROM 1, 2, 3 Wainwright Systems APPRAISER 1.3 (none) -APPRAISER 12k
3 Appraiser Module 1.4 ZEPROM 1, 2, 3 Wainwright Systems APPRAISER APPRAISER MODULE -APPRAISER 12k
4 Bausparkasse Schwäbisch Hall EPROM 21, 31, 15, 16 Bausparkasse Schwäbisch H. (none) (none) -BSH 1A 16k
5 BeechCraft Super King Air 200 and 200C ROM 21, 31 Beech Aircraft Corp. BEECH 200 SG HP 82500B-A01 BE01, BE02 8k
6 Boeing B-52D FSC ROM 21, 31 B-52D FSC HP 82500B-A14 (Autostart) B52 DIO 8k
7 Boeing B-52H FSC ROM 21, 31 B-52H FSC HP 82500B-A16 (Autostart) B52 HIO 8k
8 Boeing E-6A W&B 0 MEPROM 9, 10, 21, 31 E-6A W&B 0 HTI 104-025-101 (Autostart) 16k
9 Boeing KC-135 FSC ROM 21, 31 KC-135 FSC HP 82500B-A12 (Autostart) KCIO 8k
10 C141B FSC ROM 22, 31 C141B FSC HP 82500B-A09 B22 / F31 8k
11 C5A FSC - V2 ROM 22 US AIR Force C5A FSC 82500B - A14
12 C5A FSC - V1 ROM 21, 31 US AIR Force C5A FSC 82500B - A17
13 Cessna Citation III ROM 6 WT & BAL : PWR HP 82500A-A20 W&B, PWR 4k
14 COGO41 ZEPROM 4, 5, 6, 7 D’ Zign COGO41 COGO 41 COGO41A3 16k
15 COGO Rom 2 -COGOROM_1A 4k
16 Demopoulos T.M-GEODETIC ROM 9, 10 Demopoulos LA Survey T.M-GEODETIC HP 82500B-E33 -0 8k
17 Demopoulos TOPO-SURVEY ROM 21, 31 Demopoulos LA Survey TOPO-SURVEY HP 82500B-E32 8k
18 Dr Zign Racetrack ROM 21 Dr. Z Investments Inc. RACETRACK HP 82500A-A24 (none) 4k
20 Financial Planner ROM 21 Executive Financial Inc. FIN PLAN 1 HP 82500A-A22 FIN PLAN 1 4k
21 Forecaster 1 ROM 10 William Finnegan Ass. FORECAST 1 HP 82500A-A16 *FORECASTER 4k
22 Forecaster 2 ROM 10 William Finnegan Ass. FORECASTER2 HP 82500A-A27 FORECASTER 2 4k
23 Forecaster 3 ROM 10 William Finnegan Ass. FORECASTER3 HP 82508A-S06 FORECASTER3 4k
24 Gunzen Howitzer FH70 / M107 ROM 21, 31 Zengrange FH70-M107 HP 82509A-G01 -0 8k
25 Handy Compact ROM ROM 31 COMSAT GIS HANDY COMPACT HP 82500A-A05 (none) 4k
26 Hayes Surveying SunShooter ROM 4, 10, 30, 31 Hayes Instrument Co. (none) (none) SUNS-403-1,2,3,4 16k
27 McDonnell Douglas C-9B P-S APAC ZEPROM 21, 31, 14, 15 (none) C-9B P-S APAC ROM ID 21,31,14,15 16k
28 McDonnell Douglas KC-10 LMC 1A ZEPROM KC-10 LMC 1A (none) -KC 10 LMC 1B
29 McDonnell Douglas KC-10 LMC 1B ZEPROM KC-10 LMC 1B (none) -KC 10 LMC 1B
30 McDonnell Douglas KC-10 LMC 2B ZEPROM KC-10 LMC 2B (none) -KC 10 LMC 2b
31 Mead Johnson Enfamil ROM 21 Mead Johnson ENFAMIL ® 82508A-A01 C1985 MJND1 4k
32 Mead Johnson Prosobee ROM 31 Mead Johnson PROSOBEE ® 82508A-A02 C1985 MJND2 4k
33 Mercantile Mutual Live Plus/Investment Pack ROM 3, 21 IPALL+RP1624 82500B-IO2 IDATA01 / IDATA2 8k
34 Military Engineering ROM 21, 31 MILENG1/UTIL 82500B-A23 (none) 8k
36 Morzen System ROM ROM 16, 17, 18, 19 Zengrange MFDC-2.3 MDP MFDC2-MDP2.3 MFDC2-MDP38 16k
37 Morzen ROM ROM Zengrange L16-4/2 MFDC2-225A 64_bg MFDC2-225A 16k
38 MPCS-6 EPROM ? C-141B
39 Mücke Software IBK ROM 21, 31 Mücke Software IBK MÜCKE HP 82500B-A04 A 8k
40 MW Software Brøtje1 ROM 1, 2 MW Software HP 82500BS-E69 BROETJE1-MW 8k
41 MW Software Buderus I ROM 10, 31 MW Software BUDERUS HP 82500B-E27 BUDERUS1/2 +MW 8k
42 MW Software KERMI NT2000 ROM 1 MW Software KERMI NT2000 HP 82500A-E31 KERMI-MW 4k
43 MW Software Köln 1 ROM 31 MW Software MW-KOELN 1 HP 82500A-A01 -MW1KOELN- 4k
44 MW Software Köln 2 ROM 31 MW Software MW 2Köln HP 82500A-A01 -MW1KOELN- 4k
45 MW Software Köln 5 (Schornsteinberechnungen) ROM 12, 13 MW Software MW-KOELN 5 HP 82500B-E59 *MW5 KOELN* 8k
46 MW Software Oventrop Ventil-Modul + Cards ROM 21 MW Software OVENTROP HP 82500A-E28 OVENTROP+MW 4k
47 MW Software Thermoval Modul ROM MW Software
48 MW Software Velta Modul ROM 3, 4 MW Software Velta Wärme HP 82500B-E29 -VELTA-MW- 8k
49 MW Software WILO Pumpenmodul ROM 2 MW Software WILO PUMPEN HP 82500A-E26 WILO-MW 4k
50 NAVCOM (Educalc #45) ROM AP Systems 8k
51 Pictorial RomPower BVS ROM 3 Pictorial RomPower B V S HP 82500A-A11 *** BVS *** 4k
52 Pictorial RomPower CMA ROM 6 Pictorial RomPower C M A HP 82500A-A12 *** CMA *** 4k
53 Pictorial RomPower HPP ROM 8, 12 Pictorial RomPower H P P HP 82500B-A25 *** HPP *** 8k
54 Pictorial RomPower RNA ROM 7 Pictorial RomPower R N A HP 82500A-A13 *** RNA *** 8k
55 Retail Car Sales (Educalc #45) ROM Millenium Systems AUTO Sales ?
56 RHODESYSTEMS II ROM 31 Rhode Systems Inc. RHODESYSTEMS II HP 82500A-A18 (Autostart) 4k
57 Schenck Auswucht- Modul CAB41 ROM 21, 31 Carl Schenck AG CAB 41 Balancing Module CSD-CAB41 1&2 8k
58 SDS Rom 31 SDS_ROM 4k
59 SMI CO-OP 41 Surveying Module ROM 9, 10 SMI CO-OP Module HP 82500B-A42 COOPROM 1 8k
60 SMI CO-OP 41 Surveying Module Georgia Dot ZEPROM 11, 12, 6 SMI DC COGO Georgia Dot 3.4 PERDUE3-3 12k
61 SMI CO-OP 41 Surveying Module GaDot ZEPROM 4, 10, 31, 30 SMI ZENGRANGE CO-OP 41 GADOT GADOT AUG16 16k
62 SMI COGO (Port 4) ZEPROM 4, 10, 31, 30 SMI (none) COGO SMI (Port 4) SURV-505-1,2,3 403-4 16k
63 SMI Sun Shooter Co-op Module MEPROM 21, 31 SMI (none) 8k#61786 CO-OP ROM 8k
64 SMI Surveyor-41th Co-op Module ZEPROM 4, 10, 30, 31 SMI ZENGRANGE SURVEYOR-41th Port4 SURV-403-1,2,3,4 16k
65 SMI Surveyor-41th Plotter Module ZEPROM 5, 6, 7, 12 SMI ZENGRANGE SURVEYOR-41th Port1 PLOT-224 +SMI-SEPT27 16k
66 TDS CO-OP 41 Instrument module ZEPROM 5, 12 TDS INSTRUMENT CO-OP 41 Instrument INST-115-1 / INST-115-2 8k
67 TDS CO-OP 41 Plotter module ZEPROM 6, 7 TDS PLOTTER CO-OP 41 Plotter PLOT-324-1/2 8k
68 TDS CO-OP 41 Surveying module ZEPROM TDS SURVEYING CO-OP 41 Surveying SURV 405-1,2,3, 403-4 16k
69 TDS CO-OP 41 Surveying module ZEPROM TDS SURVEYING CO-OP 41 Surveying SURV 405-1,2,3, 4 16k
70 Tinker AFB Module ROM 21, 31 E3A FMS MOD9 HP 82500B-A22 8k
71 USPS Delivery Service Module ROM 21, 31 DEL. SERV. 1 HP 82500B-A38 (none) 8k
72 UWE Mathe 1+2, ALLG 3, ETECH 4 ROM 1, 2, 3, 10 (none) (none) UWE MATHE 16k
73 Valuation 1 ROM 31 VALUATION 1 HP 82500A-E06 VALUATION1 4k
74 WPN Effects ROM 21, 31 WPN EFFECTS HP82500B-A39 8k
75 ZenNavPac II ZEPROM 21, 31 Zengrange ZenNavPac II v1.0 5962-99-8030935 NAVIG 2A 8k
76 ZenNavPac II Evaluation ZEPROM 21, 31 Zengrange ZenNavPac II v1.0 5962-99-8030935 NAVIG 2A 8k
77 ZENROM 3B ROM 5 Zengrange ZENROM 1 HP 82500A-E36 -ZENROM 3B 4k
78 ??? ZEPROM 4, 10, 30, 31 Zengrange CONL-403-1/2/3 SURV-403-4 16k