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Folks, it's been over 33 years since the 41 was launched, and about 20 after its obsolescence - so it's probably time for a last community effort to preserve its module legacy.

The CL module library includes a very large selection of modules, but there are still a few elusive ROM images not available anywhere but dormant in your collections; yes we know who you are :-)

Here's my appeal to your altruistic nature, calling for a donation of the ROM images to the community - which should not impact the collectors value of the real items. It's for sure a personal choice but say, what a better way to get the mileage out of your collector's gear than getting it back to life??

From my own I have contributed with several of those, extracting the images of the following:

Bank Beratung SW
Buderus 2, Buderus 3
CalTrans Survey
Fairfield Gear Design
KC135 W&B-1; KC135 W&B-2
MWK 3; MWK-4
OvenTrop 2
Schenk's YATCH
SNEAP 1; Sneap 2; Sneap 3

And here's the list of those modules still missing - do you have some/many of them??
If so, let the sharing begin!


#    Module / EPROM    Type    XROM #    Distributor / Author    Case Name    Case Label    CAT2 Output    KB
1    3M Module    ROM    21        **3M QA100**    HP 82500A.-A15        4k
2    Appraiser Module 1.3    ZEPROM    1, 2, 3    Wainwright Systems    APPRAISER 1.3    (none)    -APPRAISER    12k
3    Appraiser Module 1.4    ZEPROM    1, 2, 3    Wainwright Systems    APPRAISER    APPRAISER MODULE    -APPRAISER    12k
4    Bausparkasse Schwäbisch Hall    EPROM    21, 31, 15, 16    Bausparkasse Schwäbisch H.    (none)    (none)    -BSH 1A    16k
5    BeechCraft Super King Air 200 and 200C    ROM    21, 31    Beech Aircraft Corp.    BEECH 200 SG    HP 82500B-A01    BE01, BE02    8k
6    Boeing B-52D FSC    ROM    21, 31        B-52D FSC    HP 82500B-A14    (Autostart) B52 DIO    8k
7    Boeing B-52H FSC    ROM    21, 31        B-52H FSC    HP 82500B-A16    (Autostart) B52 HIO    8k
8    Boeing E-6A W&B 0    MEPROM    9, 10, 21, 31        E-6A W&B 0    HTI 104-025-101    (Autostart)    16k
9    Boeing KC-135 FSC    ROM    21, 31        KC-135 FSC    HP 82500B-A12    (Autostart) KCIO    8k
10    C141B FSC    ROM    22, 31        C141B FSC    HP 82500B-A09    B22 / F31    8k
11    C5A FSC - V2    ROM    22    US AIR Force    C5A FSC    82500B - A14        
12    C5A FSC - V1    ROM    21, 31    US AIR Force    C5A FSC    82500B - A17        
13    Cessna Citation III    ROM    6        WT & BAL : PWR    HP 82500A-A20    W&B, PWR    4k
14    COGO41    ZEPROM    4, 5, 6, 7    D’ Zign    COGO41    COGO 41    COGO41A3    16k
15    COGO Rom        2                -COGOROM_1A    4k
16    Demopoulos T.M-GEODETIC    ROM    9, 10    Demopoulos LA Survey    T.M-GEODETIC    HP 82500B-E33    -0    8k
17    Demopoulos TOPO-SURVEY    ROM    21, 31    Demopoulos LA Survey    TOPO-SURVEY    HP 82500B-E32        8k
18    Dr Zign Racetrack    ROM    21    Dr. Z Investments Inc.    RACETRACK    HP 82500A-A24    (none)    4k
19    DRC     ZEPROM    ?                    
20    Financial Planner    ROM    21    Executive Financial Inc.    FIN PLAN 1    HP 82500A-A22    FIN PLAN 1    4k
21    Forecaster 1    ROM    10    William Finnegan Ass.    FORECAST 1    HP 82500A-A16    *FORECASTER    4k
22    Forecaster 2    ROM    10    William Finnegan Ass.    FORECASTER2    HP 82500A-A27    FORECASTER 2    4k
23    Forecaster 3    ROM    10    William Finnegan Ass.    FORECASTER3    HP 82508A-S06    FORECASTER3    4k
24    Gunzen Howitzer FH70 / M107    ROM    21, 31    Zengrange    FH70-M107    HP 82509A-G01    -0    8k
25    Handy Compact ROM    ROM    31    COMSAT GIS    HANDY COMPACT    HP 82500A-A05    (none)    4k
26    Hayes Surveying SunShooter    ROM    4, 10, 30, 31    Hayes Instrument Co.    (none)    (none)    SUNS-403-1,2,3,4    16k
27    McDonnell Douglas C-9B P-S APAC    ZEPROM    21, 31, 14, 15        (none)    C-9B P-S APAC    ROM ID 21,31,14,15    16k
28    McDonnell Douglas KC-10 LMC 1A    ZEPROM            KC-10 LMC 1A    (none)    -KC 10 LMC 1B    
29    McDonnell Douglas KC-10 LMC 1B    ZEPROM            KC-10 LMC 1B    (none)    -KC 10 LMC 1B    
30    McDonnell Douglas KC-10 LMC 2B    ZEPROM            KC-10 LMC 2B    (none)    -KC 10 LMC 2b    
31    Mead Johnson Enfamil    ROM    21    Mead Johnson    ENFAMIL ®    82508A-A01    C1985 MJND1    4k
32    Mead Johnson Prosobee    ROM    31    Mead Johnson    PROSOBEE ®    82508A-A02    C1985 MJND2    4k
33    Mercantile Mutual Live Plus/Investment Pack    ROM    3, 21        IPALL+RP1624    82500B-IO2    IDATA01 / IDATA2    8k
34    Military Engineering    ROM    21, 31        MILENG1/UTIL    82500B-A23    (none)    8k
35    MORTAR    ROM    31    M I N D E F    MORTAR    HP 82500A-I01    MORTAR    4k
36    Morzen System ROM    ROM    16, 17, 18, 19    Zengrange    MFDC-2.3 MDP    MFDC2-MDP2.3    MFDC2-MDP38    16k
37    Morzen ROM    ROM        Zengrange    L16-4/2    MFDC2-225A 64_bg    MFDC2-225A    16k
38    MPCS-6    EPROM    ?        C-141B            
39    Mücke Software IBK    ROM    21, 31    Mücke Software    IBK MÜCKE    HP 82500B-A04    A    8k
40    MW Software Brøtje1    ROM    1, 2    MW Software        HP 82500BS-E69    BROETJE1-MW    8k
41    MW Software Buderus I    ROM    10, 31    MW Software    BUDERUS    HP 82500B-E27    BUDERUS1/2 +MW    8k
42    MW Software KERMI NT2000    ROM    1    MW Software    KERMI NT2000    HP 82500A-E31    KERMI-MW    4k
43    MW Software Köln 1    ROM    31    MW Software    MW-KOELN 1    HP 82500A-A01    -MW1KOELN-    4k
44    MW Software Köln 2    ROM    31    MW Software    MW 2Köln    HP 82500A-A01    -MW1KOELN-    4k
45    MW Software Köln 5 (Schornsteinberechnungen)    ROM    12, 13    MW Software    MW-KOELN 5    HP 82500B-E59    *MW5 KOELN*    8k
46    MW Software Oventrop Ventil-Modul + Cards    ROM    21    MW Software    OVENTROP    HP 82500A-E28    OVENTROP+MW    4k
47    MW Software Thermoval Modul    ROM        MW Software                
48    MW Software Velta Modul    ROM    3, 4    MW Software    Velta Wärme    HP 82500B-E29    -VELTA-MW-    8k
49    MW Software WILO Pumpenmodul    ROM    2    MW Software    WILO PUMPEN    HP 82500A-E26    WILO-MW    4k
50    NAVCOM (Educalc #45)    ROM        AP Systems                8k
51    Pictorial RomPower BVS    ROM    3    Pictorial RomPower    B V S    HP 82500A-A11    *** BVS ***    4k
52    Pictorial RomPower CMA    ROM    6    Pictorial RomPower    C M A    HP 82500A-A12    *** CMA ***    4k
53    Pictorial RomPower HPP    ROM    8, 12    Pictorial RomPower    H P P    HP 82500B-A25    *** HPP ***    8k
54    Pictorial RomPower RNA    ROM    7    Pictorial RomPower    R N A    HP 82500A-A13    *** RNA ***    8k
55    Retail Car Sales (Educalc #45)    ROM        Millenium Systems            AUTO Sales ?    
56    RHODESYSTEMS II    ROM    31    Rhode Systems Inc.    RHODESYSTEMS II    HP 82500A-A18    (Autostart)    4k
57    Schenck Auswucht- Modul CAB41    ROM    21, 31    Carl Schenck AG    CAB 41    Balancing Module    CSD-CAB41 1&2    8k
58    SDS Rom        31                SDS_ROM    4k
59    SMI CO-OP 41 Surveying Module    ROM    9, 10    SMI    CO-OP Module    HP 82500B-A42    COOPROM 1    8k
60    SMI CO-OP 41 Surveying Module Georgia Dot    ZEPROM    11, 12, 6    SMI    DC COGO    Georgia Dot 3.4    PERDUE3-3    12k
61    SMI CO-OP 41 Surveying Module GaDot    ZEPROM    4, 10, 31, 30    SMI    ZENGRANGE    CO-OP 41 GADOT    GADOT AUG16    16k
62    SMI COGO (Port 4)    ZEPROM    4, 10, 31, 30    SMI    (none)    COGO SMI (Port 4)    SURV-505-1,2,3 403-4    16k
63    SMI Sun Shooter Co-op Module    MEPROM    21, 31    SMI    (none)    8k#61786    CO-OP ROM    8k
64    SMI Surveyor-41th Co-op Module    ZEPROM    4, 10, 30, 31    SMI    ZENGRANGE    SURVEYOR-41th Port4    SURV-403-1,2,3,4    16k
65    SMI Surveyor-41th Plotter Module    ZEPROM    5, 6, 7, 12    SMI    ZENGRANGE    SURVEYOR-41th Port1    PLOT-224 +SMI-SEPT27    16k
66    TDS CO-OP 41 Instrument module    ZEPROM    5, 12    TDS    INSTRUMENT    CO-OP 41 Instrument    INST-115-1 / INST-115-2    8k
67    TDS CO-OP 41 Plotter module    ZEPROM    6, 7    TDS    PLOTTER    CO-OP 41 Plotter    PLOT-324-1/2    8k
68    TDS CO-OP 41 Surveying module    ZEPROM        TDS    SURVEYING    CO-OP 41 Surveying    SURV 405-1,2,3, 403-4    16k
69    TDS CO-OP 41 Surveying module    ZEPROM        TDS    SURVEYING    CO-OP 41 Surveying    SURV 405-1,2,3, 4    16k
70    Tinker AFB Module    ROM    21, 31        E3A FMS MOD9    HP 82500B-A22        8k
71    USPS Delivery Service Module    ROM    21, 31        DEL. SERV. 1    HP 82500B-A38    (none)    8k
72    UWE Mathe 1+2, ALLG 3, ETECH 4    ROM    1, 2, 3, 10        (none)    (none)    UWE MATHE    16k
73    Valuation 1    ROM    31        VALUATION 1    HP 82500A-E06    VALUATION1    4k
74    WPN Effects    ROM    21, 31        WPN EFFECTS    HP82500B-A39        8k
75    ZenNavPac II    ZEPROM    21, 31    Zengrange    ZenNavPac II v1.0    5962-99-8030935    NAVIG 2A    8k
76    ZenNavPac II Evaluation    ZEPROM    21, 31    Zengrange    ZenNavPac II v1.0    5962-99-8030935    NAVIG 2A    8k
77    ZENROM 3B    ROM    5    Zengrange    ZENROM 1    HP 82500A-E36    -ZENROM 3B    4k
78    ???    ZEPROM    4, 10, 30, 31    Zengrange            CONL-403-1/2/3 SURV-403-4    16k
Hello Ángel,

I've checked and I have a module which is not in your list but for which there don't seem to be any ROM image available: Speed Machine I 82500B-A34

If you can provide some instructions I can extract the image. I have a PIL box, a Clonix & a Nov-64.
Hi Didier, thanks for offering - The SpeedMachine module is already included in the CL Library, with ID = 'SMCH", located at flash addresses 0x0B2 and 0x0B3.

As to how to extract the ROM image I used to do it with the MLDL2k and the HEPAX , but the easiest way to do it now is with the serial transfer features on the CL. I'll be more than glad to send the documentation to anyone interested.

Gauging the otherwise overwhelming lack of response I think it's clear we'll never have a crow-funded project here. Too bad and a bit of a shame, but neo-liberalism reigns supreme these days... Sad

(06-19-2014 06:56 AM)Ángel Martin Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Didier, thanks for offering - The SpeedMachine module is already included in the CL Library, with ID = 'SMCH", located at flash addresses 0x0B2 and 0x0B3.
Too bad, I don't have a CL Sad
As far as I know there are two versions of the SpeedMachine module. Are both included in the CL Library?
What about specialty modules?

The 41 Bond Valuation/Pricing Module.
The 41 Code Release Module

among others.
(06-19-2014 06:56 AM)Ángel Martin Wrote: [ -> ]...
Gauging the otherwise overwhelming lack of response I think it's clear we'll never have a crow-funded project here. Too bad and a bit of a shame, but neo-liberalism reigns supreme these days... Sad

Crow funding is always available, but not reccomendable at all. Crowd-funding may be a better choice. :-)

Best regards,
(06-19-2014 01:01 PM)Andres Wrote: [ -> ]Crow funding is always available, but not reccomendable at all. Crowd-funding may be a better choice. :-)

Best regards,

why, don't you like ravens? ;-)

Maybe it's time to prepare the Spelling-ROM for the 41, all MCODE of course...

PS: recommendable has 2 m's, not 2 C's Smile
(06-15-2014 03:11 PM)Ángel Martin Wrote: [ -> ]And here's the list of those modules still missing - do you have some/many of them??
If so, let the sharing begin!


#    Module / EPROM    Type    XROM #    Distributor / Author    Case Name    Case Label    CAT2 Output    KB

21    Forecaster 1    ROM    10    William Finnegan Ass.    FORECAST 1    HP 82500A-A16    *FORECASTER    4k
22    Forecaster 2    ROM    10    William Finnegan Ass.    FORECASTER2    HP 82500A-A27    FORECASTER 2    4k
23    Forecaster 3    ROM    10    William Finnegan Ass.    FORECASTER3    HP 82508A-S06    FORECASTER3    4k


I have the FORECASTER 1 Module (but no documentation for it... which both I and Geir Isene have tried to obtain without success. Without the documentation, it is not very useful to me). I would however be happy to contribute its ROM image to the project. A couple of comments:

> I am not fully conversant with the CL storage capacity. I assume it has sufficient memory to store all of these ROM images?
> I do not know how to extract a ROM image (from either the 41 or any other calculator). I will have to research how to do so, unless you wish to send me simple instructions - but I assume some accessories not in my possession are required in order to do this.
> I have a donor HP-41CV (and maybe also a HP-41C) that would made a decent candidate for a 41-CL upgrade, but have not invested in the CL circuit card yet. Time to get busy with that mini-project I have been intending to undertake for two years now!

Jeff Kearns
I've seen a Diamond Teller rom. I know who has it. Will prompt him to get it out and about. :-)
(06-19-2014 04:06 PM)Gene Wrote: [ -> ]I've seen a Diamond Teller rom. I know who has it. Will prompt him to get it out and about. :-)

Thanks, that one is also included already - but this is starting to pick up!
(06-19-2014 04:03 PM)Jeff_Kearns Wrote: [ -> ]> I am not fully conversant with the CL storage capacity. I assume it has sufficient memory to store all of these ROM images?
> I do not know how to extract a ROM image (from either the 41 or any other calculator). I will have to research how to do so, unless you wish to send me simple instructions - but I assume some accessories not in my possession are required in order to do this.

Jeff Kearns

Yes, with its 2MB flash capacity I think the CL could easily hold all modules ever made... currently it has 233 modules on it, taking about 1.5 MB.

Extracting the ROM image requires some way to connect the physical machine to the PC. Depending on the method used different tools are available, such as:

1. IL-PER for HP-IL to PC (I've never used this approach)
2. MDL2k Manager for MLDL, using HEPAX RAM and via USB
3. New Diego's USB direct connect tool (still in beta status I think)
4. The Serial link on the CL (easiest and simplest)

I suspected this could be the difficulty, let me know if I can help.

(06-19-2014 12:30 PM)John W Kercheval Wrote: [ -> ]What about specialty modules?

The 41 Bond Valuation/Pricing Module.
The 41 Code Release Module

among others.

never heard/read about them and sure enough they sound intriguing... do you have access to the images?
I'll look into it, They were produced while I was at UC Berkeley by our people.

The Code Release module was cool because it was used to "hack" other modules and print/display the code.
(06-19-2014 04:49 PM)John W Kercheval Wrote: [ -> ]The Code Release module was cool because it was used to "hack" other modules and print/display the code.

wow, a hacker's module! Sounding better by the second, hope you can locate that jewel...
What about the HP-41 AOS EMULATOR ROM? Smile
(06-23-2014 01:25 AM)Dave Frederickson Wrote: [ -> ]What about the HP-41 AOS EMULATOR ROM? Smile

oh yes, that's a keeper! I've replaced the native OS with it on my units already ;-
(06-23-2014 06:59 AM)Ángel Martin Wrote: [ -> ]oh yes, that's a keeper! I've replaced the native OS with it on my units already ;-

The hardware upgrade option is still available....

Hello Ángel
I checked my PC and found these ROMs (see attached picture).
I believe at least some of them are on your Wanted-list. I wasn't allowed to attach them as .rar or .rom.
Have you got an email that I can send them to?
I also have two modules: ML-IDC and BC/UG IDC.
If you are interested, I'll try to extract the ROMs.

btw: how do you make the MOD files? I remember doing it 5-6 years ago with a C compiler, but I have totally forgotten how.

Poul Kaarup, Denmark
Many thanks Poul, indeed those are on the target list! I've sent you a PM with my email; appreciate your reaching out and offering to share... hopefully your example spreads and other folks join the show.

(06-25-2014 10:58 AM)Mike (Stgt) Wrote: [ -> ]IIRC there had been two versions of Squid's Barcode ROM. Do you have both of them?

I don't remember two versions of Squid's Barcode ROM, but I know there are two versions of Squid's Extended IL ROM - I have a preliminary version, in ROM image only of course (you have it as well, don't you :-)

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