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As I was doing some cleanup in my files, I found this one that I wanted to share with you...

This is a picture of the first running graphical program on the Prime G2 prototype HW (we did not yet have the "real" screen at the time)...


Hello Cyrille,

Thanks ! Nice picture
Progress! Clearly, the problem has been reduced!
The following hpPrimeX (professional level no longer pre-university) must have ports and a screen like the one shown in the image. =)

Quote:The following hpPrimeX (professional level no longer pre-university) must have ports and a screen like the one shown in the image. =)

Be carefull what you wish for! The device you see above is now non functional because I made a big mistake. I touched it... And ESD zapped it!
Ports are an ESD nightmare :-)

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