The Museum of HP Calculators

HP Forum Archive 19

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4915 digits of pi - MCODE 41 (19660 digits optional)
Message #1 Posted by PeterP on 26 Feb 2009, 5:27 p.m.


A few months back Katie insidiously infected me with the Pi bug (see here), from which I had been save until then. She has created a series of deeply impressive programs for a variety of HP calculators:Katie’s Pi article. Not knowing anything about the field I proceeded to read her programs as well as follow the kind explanations, links and book suggestions from her and Egan. Especially the Spigot algorithm was suggested as an interesting candidate.

Looking through the form I also found numerous threads for Pi calculations on the hp41. JFG had a program that calculated 560 digits in 22hours (see here). A program ‘Deep Pi’ is discussed here but seems to have extremely long run times. The first 6 digits take 38 minutes. And 625 digits take tens of days…
According to an old post from Gene Wright (see here) about a challenge between the TI-59 and HP-41 it would seem that with reasonable times, 1160 digits (15.5 hours) was the top mark. Allowing unreasonable run times, the incredible number of 3600 digits could be reached, albeit only in 4 month…

Please find below my own little contribution to the Many-Digits-of-Pi story on the HP-41 using MCODE. It is neither particularly elegant or ingenious (quite the opposite) but it does deliver 1160 digits in about 9 hours (instead of 15.5), 3600 digits in about 4 days (instead of 120 days), and 4915 digits in about 8 days. Using a RSU-2 unit with 128k (and a small extension of the code to switch banks, not implemented) one could calculate 19660 digits of pi in about 21.5 weeks. See a logarithmic comparison chart:

The code implements a straight forward Spigot mechanism (see Pi Unleashed, thanks Egan) using MLDL ram to store the intermediate results. Each intermediate result (the a(i)’s) are stored in 2 MLDL words (left and right Nybble). The right Nybble is converted to hex as each word can store at most 399d but can store 3ffh(=4096d). As the numbers don’t grow larger than 399,999, we can leave the left nybble in dec format. Also, as there are no 5 or 6 9’s consecutively in Pi in the first 20,000 digits, we don’t have to worry about that either.

The code asks for three inputs: The page where the MLDL ram starts to use, the number of digits and the base b to use (max = 5 for 5 digits at a time). One can set Flag 0 and the calc will stop at each group of digits and wait for a key to be pressed, otherwise it just keeps calculating, calculating, calculating… Setting Flag 1 will store the found digits in the same compressed format – each group of up to 5 digits is stored in 2 words, with the right nybble converted to hex. They are stored in reversed order though.

Runtimes are quite accurately n^2 (see table 1 below). Actual run-times on physical HP’s where done up to 505 digits and above I used the SDK emulator. Times marked with (*) are extrapolated from existing times using a power fit through the first 9 data-points up to 4915 digits with an R2 of 0.9992 so they should be quite accurate.

Cheers, Peter

* Assembled by A41
* Thu Feb 26 16:39:13 2009
				.TITLE	"PI"
				.EQU	[PCTOC]	00D7
 0000 005			XROM	5	;XROM number. 
 0001 002			FCNS	2	;Header + functions
 0002 000013			DEFR4K	[Header] 0013	;1 - first executable of header
 0004 000018			DEFR4K	[MDOP] 0018	;2 - Many Digits of Pi
 0006 000			NOP
 0007 000			NOP
*0008 089			#089		; "I"
*0009 010			#010		; "P"
*000A 006			#006		; "F"
*000B 00F			#00F		; "O"
*000C 007			#007		; "G"
*000D 009			#009		; "I"
*000E 004			#004		; "D"
*000F 019			#019		; "Y"
*0010 00E			#00E		; "N"
*0011 001			#001		; "A"
*0012 00D			#00D		; "M"
 0013 3E0	[Header]	RTN
; Many Digits of PI
; Spigot algorithm from Pi-book
; uses base b <= 5 to show 5 digits at a time
;Flag0 - wait for key press after each group is shown
;Flag1 - store result digits in reverse order from end (iStart)
; X : base b in powers of 10
; Y : n - number of digits wanted
; Z : p - page number of start of MLDL ram to use
; All Stack and Alpha is used for temp storage
; 3(X):  i in dec, 1step               5(M): orig iStart in hex and 2 step
; 2(Y):  tmp                           6(N): last addr in hex and 2 step
; 1(Z):  iBits in dec, 1 step          7(O): iBits in hex, 2 step
; 4(L):  iStart in dec, 1 step         8(P): b|iStart in hex and 2 step
; 9(Q): q - remainder                  0(T): page number in hex in C:[0]
; All numbers are integers without exponent starting at C[0]
; User-Flag 0 -> wait for key press after each numbers shown. Stored in M-Flag 9
				.NAME	"MDOP"
*0014 090			#090		; "P"
*0015 00F			#00F		; "O"
*0016 004			#004		; "D"
*0017 00D			#00D		; "M"
 0018 1A0	[MDOP]		A=B=C=0		;
; set Flag 0 if we want to wait for key
 0019 244			CLRF	9
 001A 3B8			READ	14(d)
 001B 046			C=0	S&X
 001C 2FC			RCR	13	;first nybble into C[0}
 001D 3D8			C<>ST
 001E 00C			?FSET	3	;is userflag 0 set?
 001F 023			JNC	(sf0l1) +4 0023
 0020 3D8			C<>ST
 0021 248			SETF	9	;
 0022 013			JNC	(sf0l2) +2 0024
 0023 3D8	(sf0l1)		C<>ST
;calc and store page number to start MLDL-RAM 
 0024 078	(sf0l2)		READ	1(Z)	;read in number from user
 0025 05E			C=0	MS	;kill any sign
 0026 056			C=0	XS	;kill any sign on exponent
 0027 31C			R=	1
 0028 042			C=0	@R	;make sure it is a reasonable number <100
 0029 38D008			?NCXQ	[BCDBIN] 02E3	;convert to hex in C[S&X]
 002B 0AE			A<>C	ALL
 002C 04E			C=0	ALL
 002D 260			SETHEX
 002E 130010			LDIS&X	010
 0030 306			?A<C	S&X	;max page is F
 0031 0B50A2			?NCGO	[ERRDE] 282D
 0033 04E			C=0	ALL
 0034 270			RAMSLCT
 0035 0AE			A<>C	ALL
 0036 2F0			WRITDATA		;store into T(0)
;---------- Calc iStart = floor(10*n/3 + 1)
 0037 2A0			SETDEC
 0038 0B8			READ	2(Y)	;read in n
 0039 226			C=C+1	S&X	;*10
 003A 0AE			A<>C	ALL
 003B 04E			C=0	ALL
 003C 130003			LDIS&X	003
 003E 23C			RCR	2	;C:=3
 003F 261060			?NCXQ	[DV2_10] 1898	;C = A/C
 0041 00E			A=0	ALL
 0042 35C			R=	12
 0043 162			A=A+1	@R
 0044 01D060			?NCXQ	[AD2_10] 1807	;(10*n/3 + 1)
 0046 088			SETF	5	;to get int function
 0047 0ED064			?NCXQ	[INTFRC] 193B	;C= int(10*n/3 +1) = iStart in dec and 1 step
 0049 39C	[tmp1]		R=	0	;get rid of exponent
 004A 2A2			C=-C-1	@R	;get 10-exp
 004B 262			C=C-1	@R
 004C 3DA	(pil1)		RSHFC	M
 004D 262			C=C-1	@R
 004E 3F3			JNC	(pil1) -2 004C
 004F 046			C=0	S&X	;clear underflow
 0050 03C			RCR	3	;flush right
 0051 128			WRIT	4(L)	;iStart
 0052 1EE			C=C+C	ALL	;2nyb per i
 0053 0AE			A<>C	ALL
 0054 260			SETHEX
 0055 37903C187			?NCXQREL	[4DEC2HEX] 0187
 0058 0AE			A<>C	ALL
 0059 149024			?NCXQ	[ENCP00] 0952	;just in case
 005B 038			READ	0(T)	;page to use
 005C 1BC			RCR	11	;=-3
 005D 260			SETHEX
 005E 20E			C=A+C	ALL	; istart in Hex and 2 steps per i
 005F 1BC			RCR	11	;to have it in right pos in C
 0060 168			WRIT	5(M)	;store iStart for usage in later MLDL RAM Clean-up
 0061 03C			RCR	3	;shift back for P reg storage format
 0062 0AE			A<>C	ALL
 0063 0F8			READ	3(X)	;b
 0064 2FC			RCR	13	;=-1
 0065 0BE			A<>C	MS
 0066 0AE			A<>C	ALL
 0067 228			WRIT	8(P)	;b|iStart in hex
 0068 138			READ	4(L)	;iStart in dec and 1 step
 0069 0E8			WRIT	3(x)	;i in dec and 1 step
 006A 238	[CalcInit]	READ	8(P)	;b|iStart in hex
 006B 2A0			SETDEC		;calc 2*(b-1)!!!
 006C 0AE			A<>C	ALL
 006D 1BE			A=A-1	MS	;b-1
 006E 04E			C=0	ALL
 006F 130002			LDIS&X	002
 0071 2FC	(pil2)		RCR	13
 0072 1BE			A=A-1	MS
 0073 3F3			JNC	(pil2) -2 0071
 0074 33C	[InitW2]	RCR	1	;undo overflow shift
 0075 158			M=C		;save initvalue temporarily
 0076 00E			A=0	ALL	;prep A & B
 0077 02E			B=0	ALL
 0078 0A6			A<>C	S&X	;right Nybble into A
 0079 260			SETHEX
 007A 37903C185			?NCXQREL	[Do3rd_EP] 0185	;convert A[S&X] into hex -> C[S&X]
 007D 0A6			A<>C	S&X	;right Nybble into A[S&X]
 007E 198			C=M		;bring back full init value in dec
 007F 03C			RCR	3
 0080 0E6			B<>C	S&X	;left nybble in B[S&X], right Nybble in A[S&X]
 0081 149024	[InitLoop]	?NCXQ	[ENCP00] 0952	;clear C and select chip 0
 0083 038			READ	0(T)	;page number to use, hex and right justified
 0084 13C			RCR	8	;=-6. C[3:6] = 8000
 0085 23A			C=C+1	M	;8001 -> we don't use address 8000. i starts at 1 and not at 0
 0086 0BA			A<>C	M	; A[M] = 8001
 0087 238			READ	8(P)	;b|iStart in hex
 0088 05E			C=0	MS
 0089 1BC			RCR	11	;=-3 to get iStart into C[M]
 008A 260			SETHEX
 008B 0A6	[WR2L]		A<>C	S&X	;right nybble
 008C 040			WROM
 008D 000			NOP
 008E 0A6			A<>C	S&X
 008F 27A			C=C-1	M	;addre for left nybble
 0090 0C6			C=B	S&X	;left nybble
 0091 040			WROM
 0092 000			NOP
 0093 37A			?A#C	M	;compare to 8000
 0094 01B			JNC	[DoneInit] +3 0097
 0095 27A			C=C-1	M
 0096 3AB			JNC	[WR2L] -11 008B
 0097 2A0	[DoneInit]	SETDEC
 0098 1A0			A=B=C=0		;init other vars
 0099 149024			?NCXQ	[ENCP00] 0952
 009B 268			WRIT	9(Q)	;q:=0
 009C 238	[CalciBits]	READ	8(P)
 009D 05A			C=0	M
 009E 046			C=0	S&X
 009F 33C			RCR	1
 00A0 130001			LDIS&X	001	;10*b
 00A2 00E			A=0	ALL
 00A3 0AE			A<>C	ALL
 00A4 130003			LDIS&X	003
 00A6 23C			RCR	2	;C;= 3
 00A7 261060			?NCXQ	[DV2_10] 1898	;c=a/c = 10*b/3
 00A9 00E			A=0	ALL
 00AA 35C			R=	12
 00AB 162			A=A+1	@R
 00AC 01D060			?NCXQ	[AD2_10] 1807	;C=A+C = 10*b/3 + 1
 00AE 088			SETF	5
 00AF 0ED064			?NCXQ	[INTFRC] 193B
 00B1 39C			R=	0
 00B2 2A2			C=-C-1	@R
 00B3 262			C=C-1	@R
 00B4 2E2	(pil3)		?C#0	@R
 00B5 3DA			RSHFC	M
 00B6 262			C=C-1	@R
 00B7 3EB			JNC	(pil3) -3 00B4
 00B8 046			C=0	S&X	;clear underflow
 00B9 03C			RCR	3	;C:= iBits in dec
 00BA 068	[tmp2]		WRIT	1(Z)	;iBits in dec and 1 step in Z
 00BB 1EE			C=C+C	ALL
 00BC 00E			A=0	ALL	;prep A&B
 00BD 02E			B=0	ALL
 00BE 0A6			A<>C	S&X	;iBits in dec and 2 Steps into A[S&X] -> hex
 00BF 260			SETHEX
 00C0 37903C185			?NCXQREL	[Do3rd_EP] 0185
 00C3 0A6			A<>C	S&X	;save result into A
 00C4 149024			?NCXQ	[ENCP00] 0952
 00C6 0A6			A<>C	S&X	;bring back iBits in hex and 2 step
 00C7 1E8			WRIT	7(O)	;iBits in hex and 2 step
; Start the loop
 00C8 238	[InitML]	READ	8(P)	;
 00C9 05E			C=0	MS
 00CA 1BC			RCR	11	;-3 ;iStart into C[M]
 00CB 260			SETHEX
 00CC 23A			C=C+1	M	;GetA(i) expexts address of last nybble in A(i)
 00CD 0AE			C<>A	ALL	;so that A is only the hex address and all other stuff is clear
 00CE 260	[iLoop]		SETHEX		;for later loops needed
 00CF 37903C1BA			?NCXQREL	[GetA(i)] 01BA
 00D2 0AE			A<>C	ALL	;A(i) into A[0:5]
 00D3 1A8			WRIT	6(N)	;last address into N in hex, 2 step
 00D4 260			SETHEX
 00D5 37903C235			?NCXQREL	[Calc_bA+qi] 0235	;res in C
 00D8 0AE			A<>C	ALL	;res into A
 00D9 0F8			READ	3(x)	;i in dec, 1 step
 00DA 2A0			SETDEC
 00DB 1EE			C=C+C	ALL
 00DC 26E			C=C-1	ALL	;2*i - 1
 00DD 0EE			C<>B	ALL	;into B
 00DE 260			SETHEX
 00DF 37903C216			?NCXQREL	[CalcRnQ] 0216
 00E2 268			WRIT	9(Q)	;q in C, r in A
 00E3 06E			A<>B	ALL	;r into B. prep for SaveA(i)
 00E4 1B8			READ	6(N)	;last address in hex and 2 step
 00E5 260			SETHEX
 00E6 23A			C=C+1	M
 00E7 0AE			C<>A	ALL
 00E8 37903C1E7			?NCXQREL	[SaveA(i)] 01E7
 00EB 149024	[Nxti]		?NCXQ	[ENCP00] 0952
 00ED 0F8			READ	3(x)	;i in dec and 1 step
 00EE 2A0			SETDEC
 00EF 26E			C=C-1	ALL
 00F0 0E8			WRIT	3(X)	;next i in dec and 1 step
 00F1 1B8			READ	6(N)	;last addr in hex and 2 step
 00F2 0AE			C<>A	ALL	;prep for [GetA(i)]
 00F3 0F8			READ	3(X)	;check if we are done
 00F4 26E			C=C-1	ALL	;if this is 0 we are done and need to process A(1)
 00F5 2EE			?C#0	ALL
 00F6 2C7			JC	[iLoop] -40 00CE
 00F7 260	[DoA(1)]	SETHEX
 00F8 37903C1BA			?NCXQREL	[GetA(i)] 01BA
 00FB 0AE			A<>C	ALL	;A(i) into A
 00FC 1A8			WRIT	6(N)	;last address into N in hex, 2 step
 00FD 260			SETHEX
 00FE 37903C235			?NCXQREL	[Calc_bA+qi] 0235	;result in C
;right b digits = remainder = A(1)
 0101 158			M=C		;temp store result
 0102 149024			?NCXQ	[ENCP00] 0952
;---- Stepping stone ---
 0104 013			JNC	(step1) +2 0106
 0105 21B	[StepML2]	JNC	[InitML] -61 00C8
 0106 238	(step1)		READ	8(P)
 0107 0BE			A<>C	MS	;b into A[MS]
 0108 02E			B=0	ALL
 0109 0E0			SLCTQ
 010A 2DC			R=	13
 010B 0A0			SLCTP
 010C 2DC			R=	13
 010D 2A0			SETDEC
 010E 198			C=M		;bring back b*A(1) + q*i
 010F 3DC	(da1l1)		R=R+1
 0110 1BE			A=A-1	MS
 0111 3F3			JNC	(da1l1) -2 010F
 0112 0F2			B<>C	P-Q	;clean out digits and save result in B
 0113 0EE			B<>C	ALL	;remainder into B as prep for SaveA(i)
 0114 0A8			WRIT	2(Y)	;temp storage of result
 0115 1B8			READ	6(N)	;last address in hex and 2 step
 0116 260			SETHEX
 0117 23A			C=C+1	M
 0118 0AE			C<>A	ALL
 0119 37903C1E7			?NCXQREL	[SaveA(i)] 01E7
 011C 149024	[ShowDigs]	?NCXQ	[ENCP00] 0952
 011E 238			READ	8(P)	;
 011F 158			M=C		;save iStart
 0120 2A0			SETDEC
 0121 1FE			C=C+C	MS	;calc extra shifts needed
 0122 29E			C=0-C	MS	;
 0123 0BE			A<>C	MS
 0124 006			A=0	S&X	;counter for leading 0s
 0125 166			A=A+1	S&X
 0126 0B8			READ	2(Y)	; bring back result digits
 0127 35C			R=	12	; shift to left (attention! This kills leading 0s!)
 0128 1BC			RCR	11	;min shift left is 3 (as res is right justified)
 0129 35E	(sdl2)		?A#0	MS
 012A 02B			JNC	(sdl1ep) +5 012F
 012B 1BE			A=A-1	MS
 012C 2FC			RCR	13
 012D 3E3			JNC	(sdl2) -4 0129
 012E 2FC	(sdl1)		RCR	13	;shift left 1 step so that we always show d.dddd or the like
 012F 1A6	(sdl1ep)	A=A-1	S&X	;for leading zeros
 0130 2E2			?C#0	@R
 0131 3EB			JNC	(sdl1) -3 012E
 0132 0A8			WRIT	2(Y)	;store for potential later save
;---- Stepping stone ---
 0133 013			JNC	[DoneShift] +2 0135
 0134 28B	[StepML1]	JNC	[StepML2] -47 0105
 0135 0A6	[DoneShift]	A<>C	S&X	;bring in neg exp for leading zeros
 0136 09902C			?NCXQ	[DSPCRG] 0B26	;shows full C-reg. uses all flags0-7
 0138 198			C=M		;bring back iStart & B
 0139 228			WRIT	8(P)
 013A 24C			?FSET	9	;do we wait for key press?
 013B 03B			JNC	[NoWaitC] +7 0142	;no -> just continue
 013C 261000			?NCXQ	[RSTKB] 0098	;debounce & reset keyboard
 013E 3CC	[KeyWL]		?KEY		;is a key pressed
 013F 3FB			JNC	[KeyWL] -1 013E	;no --> keep waiting
 0140 3C10B0	[CNewiSt]	?NCXQ	[CLLCDE] 2CF0
 0142 149024	[NoWaitC]	?NCXQ	[ENCP00] 0952
 0144 3B8			READ	14(d)	;check if we want to write the numbers out to MLDL RAM
 0145 046			C=0	S&X
 0146 2FC			RCR	13	;first nybble into C[0]
 0147 358			ST=C		;
 0148 20C			?FSET	2	;is user flag 1 set
 0149 08B			JNC	[NoSave] +17 015A
 014A 238			READ	8(P)
 014B 0BE			A<>C	MS	;get base to A[MS]
 014C 0B8			READ	2(Y)	;get digits
 014D 2A0			SETDEC
 014E 2FC	(wl1)		RCR	13	;shift one left
 014F 1BE			A=A-1	MS
 0150 3F3			JNC	(wl1) -2 014E
 0151 0EE			C<>B	ALL	;prep for SaveA(i)
 0152 178			READ	5(M)
 0153 10E			A=C	ALL
 0154 260			SETHEX		;now calc new last address
 0155 27A			C=C-1	M
 0156 27A			C=C-1	M
 0157 168			WRIT	5(M)
 0158 39D004			?NCXQ	[SaveA(i)] 01E7
 015A 149024	[NoSave]	?NCXQ	[ENCP00] 0952
 015C 238			READ	8(P)
 015D 05E			C=0	MS
 015E 0AE			A<>C	ALL
 015F 1F8			READ	7(O)	;2*iBits in hex
 0160 260			SETHEX
 0161 1CE			A=A-C	ALL	;new iStart
 0162 238			READ	8(P)
 0163 0BE			A<>C	MS
 0164 0AE			A<>C	ALL
 0165 228			WRIT	8(P)
 0166 138			READ	4(L)	;iStart in Dec
 0167 0AE			A<>C	ALL
 0168 078			READ	1(Z)	;iBits in dec
 0169 2A0			SETDEC
 016A 24E			C=A-C	ALL
 016B 057			JC	[MDOP_Done] +10 0175	;if underflow, we are definitely done :-)
 016C 128			WRIT	4(L)	;new iStart in dec, 1 step
 016D 0E8			WRIT	3(X)	; i in dec, 1 step
 016E 0AE			A<>C	ALL	;check if we are done
 016F 238			READ	8(P)
 0170 05A			C=0	M
 0171 046			C=0	S&X
 0172 2FC			RCR	13	;b into C[0]
 0173 1CE			A=A-C	ALL	;iStart - b > 0
 0174 203			JNC	[StepML1] -64 0134	;yes -> next loop
 0175 149024	[MDOP_Done]	?NCXQ	[ENCP00] 0952	;clear MLDL RAM
 0177 038			READ	0(T)	;read in page number
 0178 13C			RCR	8	;=-6
 0179 0AE			A<>C	ALL
 017A 178			READ	5(M)	;read in orig iStart (-stored pi digits if any)
 017B 0AE			A<>C	ALL
 017C 040	(cl1)		WROM		;loop to clear MLDL
 017D 000			NOP
 017E 23A			C=C+1	M
 017F 31A			?A<C	M
 0180 3E3			JNC	(cl1) -4 017C
 0181 345040			?NCXQ	[CLA] 10D1	;clear our junk
 0183 3E5042			?NCGO	[CLST] 10F9	;clear out junk and return to OS
;MCODE Function 4DEC2HEX
; convert 4-digit dec into hex
;Some entry ponts
 0185 04E	[Do3rd_EP]	C=0	ALL	;Clear crap from NCXQREL
 0186 08B			JNC	[Do3rd+1] +17 0197
 0187 04E	[4DEC2HEX]	C=0	ALL	;4-dig dec number in A
 0188 02E			B=0	ALL
 0189 130004			LDIS&X	004
 018B 1BC			RCR	11	;=-3
 018C 130096			LDIS&X	096	;C[0:3] = 4096
 018E 0EE			B<>C	ALL
 018F 01C			R=	3
 0190 2A0	[4dl]		SETDEC
 0191 18E			A=A-B	ALL
 0192 027			JC	[Do3rd] +4 0196
 0193 260			SETHEX
 0194 222			C=C+1	@R
 0195 3DB			JNC	[4dl] -5 0190
 0196 12E	[Do3rd]		A=A+B	ALL
 0197 0EE	[Do3rd+1]	C<>B	ALL
 0198 04E			C=0	ALL
 0199 130256			LDIS&X	256
 019B 0EE			C<>B	ALL
 019C 21C			R=	2
 019D 2A0	[3dl]		SETDEC
 019E 18E			A=A-B	ALL
 019F 027			JC	[Do2nd] +4 01A3
 01A0 260			SETHEX
 01A1 222			C=C+1	@R
 01A2 3DB			JNC	[3dl] -5 019D
 01A3 12E	[Do2nd]		A=A+B	ALL
 01A4 0EE	[Do2nd+1]	C<>B	ALL
 01A5 130016			LDIS&X	016
 01A7 0EE			C<>B	ALL
 01A8 31C			R=	1
 01A9 2A0	[2dl]		SETDEC
 01AA 18E			A=A-B	ALL
 01AB 027			JC	[Do1st] +4 01AF
 01AC 260			SETHEX
 01AD 222			C=C+1	@R
 01AE 3DB			JNC	[2dl] -5 01A9
 01AF 12E	[Do1st]		A=A+B	ALL
 01B0 342	[Do1d]		?A#0	@R	;do we have 10-15 left?
 01B1 033			JNC	[DoLast] +6 01B7
 01B2 260			SETHEX
 01B3 22E			C=C+1	ALL
 01B4 2A0			SETDEC
 01B5 1AE			A=A-1	ALL
 01B6 3D3			JNC	[Do1d] -6 01B0
 01B7 260	[DoLast]	SETHEX
 01B8 20E			C=C+A	ALL
 01B9 3E0	[4DHDone]	RTN
;MCODE Function GetA(i)
; Get A(i) stored in 2 words in MLDL-RAM
; right nybble is in hex, left nybble is in dec
; Input
; Last left nybble address in A[M]
; Ouput
; A(i) in dec in C[ALL], left nybble address in A[M]
;SETHEX expected
 01BA 1BA	[GetA(i)]	A=A-1	M	;next nybble
 01BB 0BA11A			C=A	M
 01BD 330			FETCHS&X		;right nybble in C[S&X], still in hex
 01BE 006			A=0	S&X
 01BF 0E6			B<>C	S&X
 01C0 130256			LDIS&X	256
 01C2 0E6			B<>C	S&X
 01C3 21C			R=	2	;first digit
 01C4 260	[Do3_h2d]	SETHEX
 01C5 262			C=C-1	@R
 01C6 027			JC	[Prep2_h2d] +4 01CA
 01C7 2A0			SETDEC
 01C8 126			A=A+B	S&X
 01C9 3DB			JNC	[Do3_h2d] -5 01C4
 01CA 222	[Prep2_h2d]	C=C+1	@R
 01CB 0E6			B<>C	S&X
 01CC 130016			LDIS&X	016
 01CE 0E6			B<>C	S&X
 01CF 31C			R=	1
 01D0 260	[Do2_h2d]	SETHEX
 01D1 262			C=C-1	@R
 01D2 027			JC	[Prep1_h2d] +4 01D6
 01D3 2A0			SETDEC
 01D4 126			A=A+B	S&X
 01D5 3DB			JNC	[Do2_h2d] -5 01D0
 01D6 222	[Prep1_h2d]	C=C+1	@R
 01D7 39C			R=	0
 01D8 260	[Do1_h2d]	SETHEX
 01D9 262			C=C-1	@R
 01DA 027			JC	[DoneH2D] +4 01DE
 01DB 2A0			SETDEC
 01DC 166			A=A+1	S&X
 01DD 3DB			JNC	[Do1_h2d] -5 01D8
 01DE 1BA	[DoneH2D]	A=A-1	M	;A[S&X] is right nybble in dec
 01DF 0BA11A			C=A	M
 01E1 330			FETCHS&X		;left nybble
 01E2 05E			C=0	MS
 01E3 05A			C=0	M
 01E4 1BC			RCR	11	;=-3
 01E5 0A6			A<>C	S&X	;A(i) in C[0:5], last address in A[M]
 01E6 3E0			RTN
;MCODE Function SaveA(i)
; Store A(i) in 2 words in MLDL-RAM
; right nybble is in hex, left nybble is in dec
; Input
; A[M]: i, right Nybble
; B[All] = A(i)
; Output
; i in C[M] for left Nybble
 01E7 04E	[SaveA(i)]	C=0	ALL	;clear crap from NCXQREL
 01E8 066			A<>B	S&X	;dec->hex right Nybble from A(i)
 01E9 130256			LDIS&X	256
 01EB 0E6			B<>C	S&X
 01EC 046			C=0	S&X
 01ED 21C			R=	2
 01EE 260	(sail1)		SETHEX
 01EF 222			C=C+1	@R
 01F0 2A0			SETDEC
 01F1 186			A=A-B	S&X
 01F2 3E3			JNC	(sail1) -4 01EE
 01F3 126			A=A+B	S&X
 01F4 260			SETHEX
 01F5 262			C=C-1	@R
 01F6 0E6	(saipl2)	C<>B	S&X
 01F7 130016			LDIS&X	016
 01F9 0E6			C<>B	S&X
 01FA 31C			R=	1
 01FB 260	(sail2)		SETHEX
 01FC 222			C=C+1	@R
 01FD 2A0			SETDEC
 01FE 186			A=A-B	S&X
 01FF 3E3			JNC	(sail2) -4 01FB
 0200 126			A=A+B	S&X
 0201 260			SETHEX
 0202 262			C=C-1	@R
 0203 342	(saipl3)	?A#0	@R	;doe we have 10,11,12,13,14 or 15?
 0204 033			JNC	(saipd) +6 020A	;no -> just finish up	
 0205 260			SETHEX
 0206 226			C=C+1	S&X
 0207 2A0			SETDEC
 0208 1A6			A=A-1	S&X
 0209 3D3			JNC	(saipl3) -6 0203
 020A 260	(saipd)		SETHEX
 020B 206			C=A+C	S&X
 020C 0BA			C<>A	M	;bring in address for right nybble
 020D 040			WROM
 020E 000			NOP
 020F 27A			C=C-1	M	;now get left nybble
 0210 0EE			C<>B	ALL
 0211 03C			RCR	3
 0212 0FA			C<>B	M
 0213 040			WROM
 0214 000			NOP
 0215 3E0			RTN		;i in C[M]
;MCODE Function CalcR&Q
; Calculates the quotient q and the remainder r of A(i) / (2i-1)
; Input
; A: = A(i)
; B: 2i - 1 in decimal, 1 step
; Ouput
; C: q
; A: r
 0216 04E	[CalcRnQ]	C=0	ALL	;clear crap from >NCXQREL
 0217 2A0			SETDEC
 0218 32E			?A<B	ALL	;is A(i) < (2i-1) -> res = 0
 0219 360			?CRTN		;just return. C=q=0, A=r=A(i)
 021A 0A0			SLCTP		;find start of A(i)
 021B 39C			R=	0
 021C 3D4	(crql1)		R=R-1
 021D 342			?A#0	@R
 021E 3F3			JNC	(crql1) -2 021C	;find first dig of A
 021F 0E0			SLCTQ		;use Q as counter to shift B
 0220 2DC			R=	13
 0221 0EE			C<>B	ALL
 0222 33C			RCR	1
 0223 2FC	(crql2)		RCR	13	;=-1
 0224 0E0			SLCTQ
 0225 3DC			R=R+1
 0226 0A0			SLCTP
 0227 2E2			?C#0	@R
 0228 3DB			JNC	(crql2) -5 0223
 0229 0EE			B<>C	ALL
 022A 0E0			SLCTQ
 022B 222	(crql3)		C=C+1	@R
 022C 18E			A=A-B	ALL
 022D 3F3			JNC	(crql3) -2 022B
 022E 12E			A=A+B	ALL
 022F 262			C=C-1	@R
 0230 3AE			RSHFB	ALL
 0231 3D4			R=R-1
 0232 2D4			?R=	13
 0233 3C3			JNC	(crql3) -8 022B
 0234 3E0			RTN		;q in C, r in A
;MCODE Function Calc_bA(i)+qi
; Calculates the b*A(i) + q*i
; Input
; A(i) in A[0:5]
; Ouput
; C:= b*A(i) + q*i
 0235 238	[Calc_bA+qi]	READ	8(P)
 0236 0AE			A<>C	ALL
 0237 2FC	(cbal1)		RCR	13	;=-1
 0238 1BE			A=A-1	MS
 0239 3F3			JNC	(cbal1) -2 0237
 023A 33C			RCR	1	;c=b*A(i)
 023B 158			M=C		;store b*A(i) in M
 023C 278			READ	9(Q)
 023D 0EE			B<>C	ALL
 023E 0F8			READ	3(x)	;i in dec
 023F 00E			A=0	ALL
 0240 39C			R=	0
 0241 2A0			SETDEC
 0242 05B			JNC	[Qi_St] +11 024D
 0243 262	[QiL2]		C=C-1	@R	;counting down
 0244 12E	[QiL1]		A=A+B	ALL	;running sum
 0245 262			C=C-1	@R
 0246 3F3			JNC	[QiL1] -2 0244
 0247 3CE	[QiNxt]		RSHFC	ALL
 0248 0EE			B<>C	ALL
 0249 2FC			RCR	13	;=LSHFC = c*10
 024A 0EE			B<>C	ALL
 024B 2EE			?C#0	ALL	;done with all digits?
 024C 023			JNC	[QiDone] +4 0250
 024D 2E2	[Qi_St]		?C#0	@R	;is this a 0 digit?
 024E 3CB			JNC	[QiNxt] -7 0247	;yes, next digit
 024F 3A3			JNC	[QiL2] -12 0243	;no -> do loop
 0250 198	[QiDone]	C=M		;get back b*A(i)
 0251 20E			C=C+A	ALL
 0252 3E0			RTN
* [2dl]		01A9	REL	01AE 
* [3dl]		019D	REL	01A2 
* [4DEC2HEX]	0187	REL	0055 
* [4DHDone]	01B9	REL	
* [4dl]		0190	REL	0195 
* [CNewiSt]	0140	REL	
* [CalcInit]	006A	REL	
* [CalcRnQ]	0216	REL	00DF 
* [Calc_bA+qi]	0235	REL	00D5 00FE 
* [CalciBits]	009C	REL	
* [Do1_h2d]	01D8	REL	01DD 
* [Do1d]	01B0	REL	01B6 
* [Do1st]	01AF	REL	01AB 
* [Do2_h2d]	01D0	REL	01D5 
* [Do2nd+1]	01A4	REL	
* [Do2nd]	01A3	REL	019F 
* [Do3_h2d]	01C4	REL	01C9 
* [Do3rd+1]	0197	REL	0186 
* [Do3rd]	0196	REL	0192 
* [Do3rd_EP]	0185	REL	007A 00C0 
* [DoA(1)]	00F7	REL	
* [DoLast]	01B7	REL	01B1 
* [DoneH2D]	01DE	REL	01DA 
* [DoneInit]	0097	REL	0094 
* [DoneShift]	0135	REL	0133 
* [GetA(i)]	01BA	REL	00CF 00F8 
* [Header]	0013	REL	0002 
* [InitLoop]	0081	REL	
* [InitML]	00C8	REL	0105 
* [InitW2]	0074	REL	
* [KeyWL]	013E	REL	013F 
* [MDOP]	0018	REL	0004 
* [MDOP_Done]	0175	REL	016B 
* [NoSave]	015A	REL	0149 
* [NoWaitC]	0142	REL	013B 
* [Nxti]	00EB	REL	
* [PCTOC]	00D7	ABS	
* [Prep1_h2d]	01D6	REL	01D2 
* [Prep2_h2d]	01CA	REL	01C6 
* [QiDone]	0250	REL	024C 
* [QiL1]	0244	REL	0246 
* [QiL2]	0243	REL	024F 
* [QiNxt]	0247	REL	024E 
* [Qi_St]	024D	REL	0242 
* [SaveA(i)]	01E7	REL	00E8 0119 0158 
* [ShowDigs]	011C	REL	
* [StepML1]	0134	REL	0174 
* [StepML2]	0105	REL	0134 
* [WR2L]	008B	REL	0096 
* [iLoop]	00CE	REL	00F6 
* [tmp1]	0049	REL	
* [tmp2]	00BA	REL	
* (cbal1)	0237	REL	0239 
* (cl1)		017C	REL	0180 
* (crql1)	021C	REL	021E 
* (crql2)	0223	REL	0228 
* (crql3)	022B	REL	022D 0233 
* (da1l1)	010F	REL	0111 
* (pil1)	004C	REL	004E 
* (pil2)	0071	REL	0073 
* (pil3)	00B4	REL	00B7 
* (sail1)	01EE	REL	01F2 
* (sail2)	01FB	REL	01FF 
* (saipd)	020A	REL	0204 
* (saipl2)	01F6	REL	
* (saipl3)	0203	REL	0209 
* (sdl1)	012E	REL	0131 
* (sdl1ep)	012F	REL	012A 
* (sdl2)	0129	REL	012D 
* (sf0l1)	0023	REL	001F 
* (sf0l2)	0024	REL	0022 
* (step1)	0106	REL	0104 
* (wl1)		014E	REL	0150 
* [AD2_10]	1807	0044 00AC 
* [BCDBIN]	02E3	0029 
* [CLA]		10D1	0181 
* [CLLCDE]	2CF0	0140 
* [CLST]	10F9	0183 
* [DSPCRG]	0B26	0136 
* [DV2_10]	1898	003F 00A7 
* [ENCP00]	0952	0059 0081 0099 00C4 00EB 0102 011C 0142 015A 0175 
* [ERRDE]	282D	0031 
* [INTFRC]	193B	0047 00AF 
* [RSTKB]	0098	013C 
* A41:  0 WARNINGS(S)
* A41:  0 ERROR(S)

Edited: 26 Feb 2009, 6:08 p.m.

Re: 4915 digits of pi - MCODE 41 (19660 digits optional)
Message #2 Posted by Xerxes on 27 Feb 2009, 6:38 a.m.,
in response to message #1 by PeterP

Impressive! Thanks for this further MCODE example.

Re: 4915 digits of pi - MCODE 41 (19660 digits optional)
Message #3 Posted by Antonio Maschio (Italy) on 27 Feb 2009, 9:03 a.m.,
in response to message #1 by PeterP

Make an article of it, or it will be buried under thousands of posts in a few months.

Anyway: Impressive!

-- Antonio

Re: 4915 digits of pi - MCODE 41 (19660 digits optional)
Message #4 Posted by Valentin Albillo on 27 Feb 2009, 10:20 a.m.,
in response to message #1 by PeterP

Hi, PeterP:

Impressive work. Just a quick note:

PeterP wrote:

"Also, as there are no 5 or 6 9’s consecutively in Pi in the first 20,000 digits, we don’t have to worry about that either."

That's not true. The string "999999" (6 9's) does occur at position 762 counting from the first digit after the decimal point (the 3. is not counted). Just as a visual check:


Best regards from V.

Re: 4915 digits of pi - MCODE 41 (19660 digits optional)
Message #5 Posted by Katie Wasserman on 28 Feb 2009, 12:28 p.m.,
in response to message #1 by PeterP

This is very impressive piece of code, I don't know MCODE but it almost makes me want to learn it! I'm glad that my article helped inspire your obsession for pi calculations maybe you'll figure out a new algorithm for it.

One of the best places I've found to seriously indulge this obsession is Simon Plouffe's home page. Follow the links to the articles sections and dig it. Eventually I found this paper. Read the section on the Borweins (at the very end), there is an amazing, simple formula given relating pi, 10 and e with the very curious statement: "The following is not an identity but is correct to over 42 billion digits."

pi ~ ( 1/10^5 * SIGMA(n,exp(-(n^2/10^10)),-inf,+inf) ) ^ 2

Although I'm not a mathematician (although I started out that way) how could this not be an identity? Must there at least be a conjecture that this is an identity?

Edited: 28 Feb 2009, 12:31 p.m.

Re: 4915 digits of pi - MCODE 41 (19660 digits optional)
Message #6 Posted by Valentin Albillo on 28 Feb 2009, 9:35 p.m.,
in response to message #5 by Katie Wasserman

Hi, Katie:

Katie posted:

    "there is an amazing, simple formula given relating pi, 10 and e with the very curious statement: "The following is not an identity but is correct to over 42 billion digits."
      pi ~ ( 1/10^5 * SIGMA(n,exp(-(n^2/10^10)),-inf,+inf) ) ^ 2
    Although I'm not a mathematician (although I started out that way) how could this not be an identity? Must there at least be a conjecture that this is an identity? "
It's not an identity and actually it's quite straightforward to demonstrate that it produces about 42.8631472996... { Pi2*10/Ln(10) } billion correct digits of Pi, but no more.

The demonstration makes use a well-known transformation formula of a theta function. For similar sums which give a large number of correct digits of some constant but nevertheless eventually differ, have a look at sum #7 and sum #8 in my Short & Sweet Math Challenge #13: Adding up to infinity

Regards from V.

Edited: 28 Feb 2009, 10:12 p.m.

Re: 4915 digits of pi - MCODE 41 (19660 digits optional)
Message #7 Posted by Egan Ford on 28 Feb 2009, 5:16 p.m.,
in response to message #1 by PeterP

Awesome. Can you provide a MOD file? Your excellent SDK update doc ends short of documenting the process to create a MOD file. I'd like to give it a try on my 41.


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