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Processor Instruction Sets
09-03-2021, 11:05 PM (This post was last modified: 09-03-2021 11:07 PM by Mike T..)
Post: #1
Processor Instruction Sets
I'm trying to finish a project I started a very long time ago and have recently spent sometime looking at the listings of the ROMs for the Classic, Woodstock, and Spice series and was rather surprised to discover that although they all use the ACT processor some opcodes are not the same.


1377    if n/c go to 0277 (same)
0552    c - 1 -> c[x]     (different)


1377    if n/c go to  5677 (same)
0552    c + c -> c[xs]     (different)

Are these differences actually documented anywhere (outside of the source code to simulators like Nonpareil)? It is very confusing!

Mike T.

HP21, HP25, HP32E, HP33C, HP34C, HP10C, HP11C, HP12C, HP32S, HP22S
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09-04-2021, 12:57 AM (This post was last modified: 09-04-2021 12:58 AM by teenix.)
Post: #2
RE: Processor Instruction Sets
There are differences with ACT instructions sets between HP-01, Classic and Woodstock series.

I guess the ACT's from these different series were never meant to be interchanged and it was probably easier to implement the op-codes in this way due to internal chip design.

This list may help, but cannot guarantee 110% ;-)


Op Code                 HP-01     Classic   Woodstock (All OCTAL Codes)
0 - c - 1 -> c[m]        0346      0346      1266      
0 - c - 1 -> c[ms]       0366      0366      1276      
0 - c - 1 -> c[p]        0342      0342      1242      
0 - c - 1 -> c[s]        0376      0376      1262      
0 - c - 1 -> c[w]        0356      0356      1272      
0 - c - 1 -> c[wp]       0362      0362      1246      
0 - c - 1 -> c[x]        0352      0352      1256      
0 - c - 1 -> c[xs]       0372      0372      1252      
0 - c -> c[m]            0306      0246      1226      
0 - c -> c[ms]           0326      0266      1236      
0 - c -> c[p]            0302      0242      1202      
0 - c -> c[s]            0336      0276      1222      
0 - c -> c[w]            0316      0256      1232      
0 - c -> c[wp]           0322      0262      1206      
0 - c -> c[x]            0312      0252      1216      
0 - c -> c[xs]           0332      0272      1212      
0 -> a[m]                1046      1346      0026      
0 -> a[ms]               1066      1366      0036      
0 -> a[p]                1042      1342      0002      
0 -> a[s]                1076      1376      0022      
0 -> a[w]                1056      1356      0032      
0 -> a[wp]               1062      1362      0006      
0 -> a[x]                1052      1352      0016      
0 -> a[xs]               1072      1372      0012      
0 -> b[m]                1406      0046      0066      
0 -> b[ms]               1426      0066      0076      
0 -> b[p]                1402      0042      0042      
0 -> b[s]                1436      0076      0062      
0 -> b[w]                1416      0056      0072      
0 -> b[wp]               1422      0062      0046      
0 -> b[x]                1412      0052      0056      
0 -> b[xs]               1432      0072      0052      
0 -> c[m]                0046      0306      0426      
0 -> c[ms]               0066      0326      0436      
0 -> c[p]                0042      0302      0402      
0 -> c[s]                0076      0336      0422      
0 -> c[w]                0056      0316      0432      
0 -> c[wp]               0062      0322      0406      
0 -> c[x]                0052      0312      0416      
0 -> c[xs]               0072      0332      0412      
0 -> f0                  N/A       0140      N/A       
0 -> f1                  N/A       0340      N/A       
0 -> f2                  N/A       0540      N/A       
0 -> f3                  N/A       0740      N/A       
0 -> f4                  N/A       1140      N/A       
0 -> f5                  N/A       1340      N/A       
0 -> f6                  N/A       1540      N/A       
0 -> f7                  N/A       1740      N/A       
0 -> p                   0314      0014      1474      
0 -> s0                  0044      0044      0014      
0 -> s1                  0144      0144      0114      
0 -> s1-7                0020      N/A       N/A       
0 -> s10                 1244      1244      1214      
0 -> s11                 1344      1344      1314      
0 -> s12                 1444      N/A       1414      
0 -> s13                 1544      N/A       1514      
0 -> s14                 1644      N/A       1614      
0 -> s15                 1744      N/A       1714      
0 -> s2                  0244      0244      0214      
0 -> s3                  0344      0344      0314      
0 -> s4                  0444      0444      0414      
0 -> s5                  0544      0544      0514      
0 -> s6                  0644      0644      0614      
0 -> s7                  0744      0744      0714      
0 -> s8                  1044      1044      1014      
0 -> s8-15               0120      N/A       N/A       
0 -> s9                  1144      1144      1114      
1 -> f0                  N/A       0040      N/A       
1 -> f1                  N/A       0240      N/A       
1 -> f2                  N/A       0440      N/A       
1 -> f3                  N/A       0640      N/A       
1 -> f4                  N/A       1040      N/A       
1 -> f5                  N/A       1240      N/A       
1 -> f6                  N/A       1440      N/A       
1 -> f7                  N/A       1640      N/A       
1 -> p                   0714      0114      1074      
1 -> s0                  0004      0004      0004      
1 -> s1                  0104      0104      0104      
1 -> s10                 1204      1204      1204      
1 -> s11                 1304      1304      1304      
1 -> s12                 1404      N/A       1404      
1 -> s13                 1504      N/A       1504      
1 -> s14                 1604      N/A       1604      
1 -> s15                 1704      N/A       1704      
1 -> s2                  0204      0204      0204      
1 -> s3                  0304      0304      0304      
1 -> s4                  0404      0404      0404      
1 -> s5                  0504      0504      0504      
1 -> s6                  0604      0604      0604      
1 -> s7                  0704      0704      0704      
1 -> s8                  1004      1004      1004      
1 -> s9                  1104      1104      1104      
10 -> p                  1614      1214      0674      
11 -> p                  0114      1314      0474      
12 -> p                  N/A       1414      0774      
13 -> p                  N/A       1514      1274      
14 -> p                  N/A       1614      N/A       
15 -> p                  N/A       1714      N/A       
2 -> p                   1114      0214      0574      
3 -> p                   1314      0314      1174      
4 -> p                   1014      0414      0174      
5 -> p                   0414      0514      1674      
6 -> p                   1514      0614      1374      
7 -> p                   1414      0714      0274      
8 -> p                   0214      1014      0374      
9 -> p                   0614      1114      1574      
a + 1 -> a[m]            1106      1746      0666      
a + 1 -> a[ms]           1126      1766      0676      
a + 1 -> a[p]            1102      1742      0642      
a + 1 -> a[s]            1136      1776      0662      
a + 1 -> a[w]            1116      1756      0672      
a + 1 -> a[wp]           1122      1762      0646      
a + 1 -> a[x]            1112      1752      0656      
a + 1 -> a[xs]           1132      1772      0652      
a + b -> a[m]            1306      1606      0466      
a + b -> a[ms]           1326      1626      0476      
a + b -> a[p]            1302      1602      0442      
a + b -> a[s]            1336      1636      0462      
a + b -> a[w]            1316      1616      0472      
a + b -> a[wp]           1322      1622      0446      
a + b -> a[x]            1312      1612      0456      
a + b -> a[xs]           1332      1632      0452      
a + c -> a[m]            0506      1706      0526      
a + c -> a[ms]           0526      1726      0536      
a + c -> a[p]            0502      1702      0502      
a + c -> a[s]            0536      1736      0522      
a + c -> a[w]            0516      1716      0532      
a + c -> a[wp]           0522      1722      0506      
a + c -> a[x]            0512      1712      0516      
a + c -> a[xs]           0532      1732      0512      
a + c -> c[m]            0706      0706      0626      
a + c -> c[ms]           0726      0726      0636      
a + c -> c[p]            0702      0702      0602      
a + c -> c[s]            0736      0736      0622      
a + c -> c[w]            0716      0716      0632      
a + c -> c[wp]           0722      0722      0606      
a + c -> c[x]            0712      0712      0616      
a + c -> c[xs]           0732      0732      0612      
a - 1 -> a[m]            1146      1546      1126      
a - 1 -> a[ms]           1166      1566      1136      
a - 1 -> a[p]            1142      1542      1102      
a - 1 -> a[s]            1176      1576      1122      
a - 1 -> a[w]            1156      1556      1132      
a - 1 -> a[wp]           1162      1562      1106      
a - 1 -> a[x]            1152      1552      1116      
a - 1 -> a[xs]           1172      1572      1112      
a - b -> a[m]            1346      1406      1026      
a - b -> a[ms]           1366      1426      1036      
a - b -> a[p]            1342      1402      1002      
a - b -> a[s]            1376      1436      1022      
a - b -> a[w]            1356      1416      1032      
a - b -> a[wp]           1362      1422      1006      
a - b -> a[x]            1352      1412      1016      
a - b -> a[xs]           1372      1432      1012      
a - c -> a[m]            0546      1506      1626      
a - c -> a[ms]           0566      1526      1636      
a - c -> a[p]            0542      1502      1602      
a - c -> a[s]            0576      1536      1622      
a - c -> a[w]            0556      1516      1632      
a - c -> a[wp]           0562      1522      1606      
a - c -> a[x]            0552      1512      1616      
a - c -> a[xs]           0572      1532      1612      
a - c -> c[m]            0746      0506      1066      
a - c -> c[ms]           0766      0526      1076      
a - c -> c[p]            0742      0502      1042      
a - c -> c[s]            0776      0536      1062      
a - c -> c[w]            0756      0516      1072      
a - c -> c[wp]           0762      0522      1046      
a - c -> c[x]            0752      0512      1056      
a - c -> c[xs]           0772      0532      1052      
a -> al                  0474      N/A       N/A       
a -> b[m]                1206      0446      0166      
a -> b[ms]               1226      0466      0176      
a -> b[p]                1202      0442      0142      
a -> b[s]                1236      0476      0162      
a -> b[w]                1216      0456      0172      
a -> b[wp]               1222      0462      0146      
a -> b[x]                1212      0452      0156      
a -> b[xs]               1232      0472      0152      
a -> cl                  0274      N/A       N/A       
a -> clrs                0174      N/A       N/A       
a -> dsp                 1374      N/A       N/A       
a -> rom address         N/A       N/A       0220      
a -> sw                  0674      N/A       N/A       
a exchange b[m]          1246      1446      0126      
a exchange b[ms]         1266      1466      0136      
a exchange b[p]          1242      1442      0102      
a exchange b[s]          1276      1476      0122      
a exchange b[w]          1256      1456      0132      
a exchange b[wp]         1262      1462      0106      
a exchange b[x]          1252      1452      0116      
a exchange b[xs]         1272      1472      0112      
a exchange c[m]          0406      1646      0226      
a exchange c[ms]         0426      1666      0236      
a exchange c[p]          0402      1642      0202      
a exchange c[s]          0436      1676      0222      
a exchange c[w]          0416      1656      0232      
a exchange c[wp]         0422      1662      0206      
a exchange c[x]          0412      1652      0216      
a exchange c[xs]         0432      1672      0212      
a[p] -> f                1334      N/A       N/A       
a[p]=0                   0030      N/A       N/A       
a[p]=1                   0130      N/A       N/A       
a[p]=2                   0230      N/A       N/A       
a[p]=3                   0330      N/A       N/A       
a[p]=4                   0430      N/A       N/A       
a[p]=5                   0530      N/A       N/A       
a[p]=6                   0630      N/A       N/A       
a[p]=7                   0730      N/A       N/A       
a[p]=8                   1030      N/A       N/A       
a[p]=9                   1130      N/A       N/A       
a[p]=_dot                1230      N/A       N/A       
a[p]=_neg                1330      N/A       N/A       
a[p]=_cln                1430      N/A       N/A       
a[p]=_lb                 1530      N/A       N/A       
a[p]=_3b                 1630      N/A       N/A       
a[p]=_bnk                1730      N/A       N/A       
al -> a                  1474      N/A       N/A       
altog                    1774      N/A       N/A       
b -> c[m]                1506      0206      0326      
b -> c[ms]               1526      0226      0336      
b -> c[p]                1502      0202      0302      
b -> c[s]                1536      0236      0322      
b -> c[w]                1516      0216      0332      
b -> c[wp]               1522      0222      0306      
b -> c[x]                1512      0212      0316      
b -> c[xs]               1532      0232      0312      
b exchange c[m]          1546      1046      0366      
b exchange c[ms]         1566      1066      0376      
b exchange c[p]          1542      1042      0342      
b exchange c[s]          1576      1076      0362      
b exchange c[w]          1556      1056      0372      
b exchange c[wp]         1562      1062      0346      
b exchange c[x]          1552      1052      0356      
b exchange c[xs]         1572      1072      0352      
bank switch              N/A       N/A       1060      
binary                   N/A       N/A       0420      
blink                    1134      N/A       N/A       
buffer -> rom address    N/A       0100      N/A       
c + 1 -> c[m]            0106      0746      0766      
c + 1 -> c[ms]           0126      0766      0776      
c + 1 -> c[p]            0102      0742      0742      
c + 1 -> c[s]            0136      0776      0762      
c + 1 -> c[w]            0116      0756      0772      
c + 1 -> c[wp]           0122      0762      0746      
c + 1 -> c[x]            0112      0752      0756      
c + 1 -> c[xs]           0132      0772      0752      
c + c -> c[m]            0246      1246      0566      
c + c -> c[ms]           0266      1266      0576      
c + c -> c[p]            0242      1242      0542      
c + c -> c[s]            0276      1276      0562      
c + c -> c[w]            0256      1256      0572      
c + c -> c[wp]           0262      1262      0546      
c + c -> c[x]            0252      1252      0556      
c + c -> c[xs]           0272      1272      0552      
c - 1 -> c[m]            0146      0546      1166      
c - 1 -> c[ms]           0166      0566      1176      
c - 1 -> c[p]            0142      0542      1142      
c - 1 -> c[s]            0176      0576      1162      
c - 1 -> c[w]            0156      0556      1172      
c - 1 -> c[wp]           0162      0562      1146      
c - 1 -> c[x]            0152      0552      1156      
c - 1 -> c[xs]           0172      0572      1152      
c -> a[m]                0446      0606      0266      
c -> a[ms]               0466      0626      0276      
c -> a[p]                0442      0602      0242      
c -> a[s]                0476      0636      0262      
c -> a[w]                0456      0616      0272      
c -> a[wp]               0462      0622      0246      
c -> a[x]                0452      0612      0256      
c -> a[xs]               0472      0632      0252      
c -> data                N/A       1360      1360      
c -> data address        N/A       1160      1160      
c -> data register 0     N/A       N/A       0050      
c -> data register 1     N/A       N/A       0150      
c -> data register 10    N/A       N/A       1250      
c -> data register 11    N/A       N/A       1350      
c -> data register 12    N/A       N/A       1450      
c -> data register 13    N/A       N/A       1550      
c -> data register 14    N/A       N/A       1650      
c -> data register 15    N/A       N/A       1750      
c -> data register 2     N/A       N/A       0250      
c -> data register 3     N/A       N/A       0350      
c -> data register 4     N/A       N/A       0450      
c -> data register 5     N/A       N/A       0550      
c -> data register 6     N/A       N/A       0650      
c -> data register 7     N/A       N/A       0750      
c -> data register 8     N/A       N/A       1050      
c -> data register 9     N/A       N/A       1150      
c -> m                   0434      N/A       N/A       
c -> stack               N/A       0450      1310      
c exchange d             0134      N/A       N/A       
c exchange m             N/A       0250      N/A       
cl -> a                  0074      N/A       N/A       
clear data registers     N/A       N/A       1260      
clear registers          0034      1650      0010      
clear status             N/A       0064      0110      
crc 100                  N/A       N/A       0100      
crc 1000                 N/A       N/A       1000      
crc 1100                 N/A       N/A       1100      
crc 1200                 N/A       N/A       1200      
crc 1300                 N/A       N/A       1300      
crc 1400                 N/A       N/A       1400      
crc 1500                 N/A       N/A       1500      
crc 160                  N/A       N/A       0160      
crc 1700                 N/A       N/A       1700      
crc 260                  N/A       N/A       0260      
crc 300                  N/A       N/A       0300      
crc 360                  N/A       N/A       0360      
crc 400                  N/A       N/A       0400      
crc 500                  N/A       N/A       0500      
crc 560                  N/A       N/A       0560      
crc 60                   N/A       N/A       0060      
crc 660                  N/A       N/A       0660      
crc 760                  N/A       N/A       0760      
d -> c                   0334      N/A       N/A       
data -> c                N/A       1370      0070      
data register 0 -> c     N/A       N/A       0070      
data register 1 -> c     N/A       N/A       0170      
data register 10 -> c    N/A       N/A       1270      
data register 11 -> c    N/A       N/A       1370      
data register 12 -> c    N/A       N/A       1470      
data register 13 -> c    N/A       N/A       1570      
data register 14 -> c    N/A       N/A       1670      
data register 15 -> c    N/A       N/A       1770      
data register 2 -> c     N/A       N/A       0270      
data register 3 -> c     N/A       N/A       0370      
data register 4 -> c     N/A       N/A       0470      
data register 5 -> c     N/A       N/A       0570      
data register 6 -> c     N/A       N/A       0670      
data register 7 -> c     N/A       N/A       0770      
data register 8 -> c     N/A       N/A       1070      
data register 9 -> c     N/A       N/A       1170      
decimal                  N/A       N/A       1410      
delayed select group 0   N/A       1064      N/A       
delayed select group 1   N/A       1264      N/A       
delayed select rom 0     0064      0164      0064      
delayed select rom 1     0164      0364      0164      
delayed select rom 10    N/A       N/A       1264      
delayed select rom 11    N/A       N/A       1364      
delayed select rom 12    N/A       N/A       1464      
delayed select rom 13    N/A       N/A       1564      
delayed select rom 14    N/A       N/A       1664      
delayed select rom 15    N/A       N/A       1764      
delayed select rom 2     0264      0564      0264      
delayed select rom 3     0364      0764      0364      
delayed select rom 4     0464      1164      0464      
delayed select rom 5     0564      1364      0564      
delayed select rom 6     0664      1564      0664      
delayed select rom 7     0764      1764      0764      
delayed select rom 8     1064      N/A       1064      
delayed select rom 9     N/A       N/A       1164      
display off              1034      1050      0310      
display on               0734      N/A       N/A       
display reset twf        N/A       N/A       0320      
display toggle           N/A       0050      0210      
down rotate              N/A       1450      1110      
dsp -> a                 1734      N/A       N/A       
dsp=al                   1174      N/A       N/A       
dsp=cl                   0374      N/A       N/A       
dsp=sw                   0774      N/A       N/A       
dsscwp                   1534      N/A       N/A       
enscwp                   1434      N/A       N/A       
f -> a                   N/A       N/A       1610      
f -> a[p]                1234      N/A       N/A       
f exchange a             N/A       N/A       1710      
go to $00                0003      0003      0003      
go to $01                0007      0007      0007      
go to $02                0013      0013      0013      
go to $03                0017      0017      0017      
go to $04                0023      0023      0023      
go to $05                0027      0027      0027      
go to $06                0033      0033      0033      
go to $07                0037      0037      0037      
go to $08                0043      0043      0043      
go to $09                0047      0047      0047      
go to $0A                0053      0053      0053      
go to $0B                0057      0057      0057      
go to $0C                0063      0063      0063      
go to $0D                0067      0067      0067      
go to $0E                0073      0073      0073      
go to $0F                0077      0077      0077      
go to $10                0103      0103      0103      
go to $11                0107      0107      0107      
go to $12                0113      0113      0113      
go to $13                0117      0117      0117      
go to $14                0123      0123      0123      
go to $15                0127      0127      0127      
go to $16                0133      0133      0133      
go to $17                0137      0137      0137      
go to $18                0143      0143      0143      
go to $19                0147      0147      0147      
go to $1A                0153      0153      0153      
go to $1B                0157      0157      0157      
go to $1C                0163      0163      0163      
go to $1D                0167      0167      0167      
go to $1E                0173      0173      0173      
go to $1F                0177      0177      0177      
go to $20                0203      0203      0203      
go to $21                0207      0207      0207      
go to $22                0213      0213      0213      
go to $23                0217      0217      0217      
go to $24                0223      0223      0223      
go to $25                0227      0227      0227      
go to $26                0233      0233      0233      
go to $27                0237      0237      0237      
go to $28                0243      0243      0243      
go to $29                0247      0247      0247      
go to $2A                0253      0253      0253      
go to $2B                0257      0257      0257      
go to $2C                0263      0263      0263      
go to $2D                0267      0267      0267      
go to $2E                0273      0273      0273      
go to $2F                0277      0277      0277      
go to $30                0303      0303      0303      
go to $31                0307      0307      0307      
go to $32                0313      0313      0313      
go to $33                0317      0317      0317      
go to $34                0323      0323      0323      
go to $35                0327      0327      0327      
go to $36                0333      0333      0333      
go to $37                0337      0337      0337      
go to $38                0343      0343      0343      
go to $39                0347      0347      0347      
go to $3A                0353      0353      0353      
go to $3B                0357      0357      0357      
go to $3C                0363      0363      0363      
go to $3D                0367      0367      0367      
go to $3E                0373      0373      0373      
go to $3F                0377      0377      0377      
go to $40                0403      0403      0403      
go to $41                0407      0407      0407      
go to $42                0413      0413      0413      
go to $43                0417      0417      0417      
go to $44                0423      0423      0423      
go to $45                0427      0427      0427      
go to $46                0433      0433      0433      
go to $47                0437      0437      0437      
go to $48                0443      0443      0443      
go to $49                0447      0447      0447      
go to $4A                0453      0453      0453      
go to $4B                0457      0457      0457      
go to $4C                0463      0463      0463      
go to $4D                0467      0467      0467      
go to $4E                0473      0473      0473      
go to $4F                0477      0477      0477      
go to $50                0503      0503      0503      
go to $51                0507      0507      0507      
go to $52                0513      0513      0513      
go to $53                0517      0517      0517      
go to $54                0523      0523      0523      
go to $55                0527      0527      0527      
go to $56                0533      0533      0533      
go to $57                0537      0537      0537      
go to $58                0543      0543      0543      
go to $59                0547      0547      0547      
go to $5A                0553      0553      0553      
go to $5B                0557      0557      0557      
go to $5C                0563      0563      0563      
go to $5D                0567      0567      0567      
go to $5E                0573      0573      0573      
go to $5F                0577      0577      0577      
go to $60                0603      0603      0603      
go to $61                0607      0607      0607      
go to $62                0613      0613      0613      
go to $63                0617      0617      0617      
go to $64                0623      0623      0623      
go to $65                0627      0627      0627      
go to $66                0633      0633      0633      
go to $67                0637      0637      0637      
go to $68                0643      0643      0643      
go to $69                0647      0647      0647      
go to $6A                0653      0653      0653      
go to $6B                0657      0657      0657      
go to $6C                0663      0663      0663      
go to $6D                0667      0667      0667      
go to $6E                0673      0673      0673      
go to $6F                0677      0677      0677      
go to $70                0703      0703      0703      
go to $71                0707      0707      0707      
go to $72                0713      0713      0713      
go to $73                0717      0717      0717      
go to $74                0723      0723      0723      
go to $75                0727      0727      0727      
go to $76                0733      0733      0733      
go to $77                0737      0737      0737      
go to $78                0743      0743      0743      
go to $79                0747      0747      0747      
go to $7A                0753      0753      0753      
go to $7B                0757      0757      0757      
go to $7C                0763      0763      0763      
go to $7D                0767      0767      0767      
go to $7E                0773      0773      0773      
go to $7F                0777      0777      0777      
go to $80                1003      1003      1003      
go to $81                1007      1007      1007      
go to $82                1013      1013      1013      
go to $83                1017      1017      1017      
go to $84                1023      1023      1023      
go to $85                1027      1027      1027      
go to $86                1033      1033      1033      
go to $87                1037      1037      1037      
go to $88                1043      1043      1043      
go to $89                1047      1047      1047      
go to $8A                1053      1053      1053      
go to $8B                1057      1057      1057      
go to $8C                1063      1063      1063      
go to $8D                1067      1067      1067      
go to $8E                1073      1073      1073      
go to $8F                1077      1077      1077      
go to $90                1103      1103      1103      
go to $91                1107      1107      1107      
go to $92                1113      1113      1113      
go to $93                1117      1117      1117      
go to $94                1123      1123      1123      
go to $95                1127      1127      1127      
go to $96                1133      1133      1133      
go to $97                1137      1137      1137      
go to $98                1143      1143      1143      
go to $99                1147      1147      1147      
go to $9A                1153      1153      1153      
go to $9B                1157      1157      1157      
go to $9C                1163      1163      1163      
go to $9D                1167      1167      1167      
go to $9E                1173      1173      1173      
go to $9F                1177      1177      1177      
go to $A0                1203      1203      1203      
go to $A1                1207      1207      1207      
go to $A2                1213      1213      1213      
go to $A3                1217      1217      1217      
go to $A4                1223      1223      1223      
go to $A5                1227      1227      1227      
go to $A6                1233      1233      1233      
go to $A7                1237      1237      1237      
go to $A8                1243      1243      1243      
go to $A9                1247      1247      1247      
go to $AA                1253      1253      1253      
go to $AB                1257      1257      1257      
go to $AC                1263      1263      1263      
go to $AD                1267      1267      1267      
go to $AE                1273      1273      1273      
go to $AF                1277      1277      1277      
go to $B0                1303      1303      1303      
go to $B1                1307      1307      1307      
go to $B2                1313      1313      1313      
go to $B3                1317      1317      1317      
go to $B4                1323      1323      1323      
go to $B5                1327      1327      1327      
go to $B6                1333      1333      1333      
go to $B7                1337      1337      1337      
go to $B8                1343      1343      1343      
go to $B9                1347      1347      1347      
go to $BA                1353      1353      1353      
go to $BB                1357      1357      1357      
go to $BC                1363      1363      1363      
go to $BD                1367      1367      1367      
go to $BE                1373      1373      1373      
go to $BF                1377      1377      1377      
go to $C0                1403      1403      1403      
go to $C1                1407      1407      1407      
go to $C2                1413      1413      1413      
go to $C3                1417      1417      1417      
go to $C4                1423      1423      1423      
go to $C5                1427      1427      1427      
go to $C6                1433      1433      1433      
go to $C7                1437      1437      1437      
go to $C8                1443      1443      1443      
go to $C9                1447      1447      1447      
go to $CA                1453      1453      1453      
go to $CB                1457      1457      1457      
go to $CC                1463      1463      1463      
go to $CD                1467      1467      1467      
go to $CE                1473      1473      1473      
go to $CF                1477      1477      1477      
go to $D0                1503      1503      1503      
go to $D1                1507      1507      1507      
go to $D2                1513      1513      1513      
go to $D3                1517      1517      1517      
go to $D4                1523      1523      1523      
go to $D5                1527      1527      1527      
go to $D6                1533      1533      1533      
go to $D7                1537      1537      1537      
go to $D8                1543      1543      1543      
go to $D9                1547      1547      1547      
go to $DA                1553      1553      1553      
go to $DB                1557      1557      1557      
go to $DC                1563      1563      1563      
go to $DD                1567      1567      1567      
go to $DE                1573      1573      1573      
go to $DF                1577      1577      1577      
go to $E0                1603      1603      1603      
go to $E1                1607      1607      1607      
go to $E2                1613      1613      1613      
go to $E3                1617      1617      1617      
go to $E4                1623      1623      1623      
go to $E5                1627      1627      1627      
go to $E6                1633      1633      1633      
go to $E7                1637      1637      1637      
go to $E8                1643      1643      1643      
go to $E9                1647      1647      1647      
go to $EA                1653      1653      1653      
go to $EB                1657      1657      1657      
go to $EC                1663      1663      1663      
go to $ED                1667      1667      1667      
go to $EE                1673      1673      1673      
go to $EF                1677      1677      1677      
go to $F0                1703      1703      1703      
go to $F1                1707      1707      1707      
go to $F2                1713      1713      1713      
go to $F3                1717      1717      1717      
go to $F4                1723      1723      1723      
go to $F5                1727      1727      1727      
go to $F6                1733      1733      1733      
go to $F7                1737      1737      1737      
go to $F8                1743      1743      1743      
go to $F9                1747      1747      1747      
go to $FA                1753      1753      1753      
go to $FB                1757      1757      1757      
go to $FC                1763      1763      1763      
go to $FD                1767      1767      1767      
go to $FE                1773      1773      1773      
go to $FF                1777      1777      1777      
gokeys                   0220      N/A       N/A       
hi i'm woodstock         N/A       N/A       1760      
i8 -> a                  N/A       0350      N/A       
if a >= b[m]             1006      1006      1466      
if a >= b[ms]            1026      1026      1476      
if a >= b[p]             1002      1002      1442      
if a >= b[s]             1036      1036      1462      
if a >= b[w]             1016      1016      1472      
if a >= b[wp]            1022      1022      1446      
if a >= b[x]             1012      1012      1456      
if a >= b[xs]            1032      1032      1452      
if a >= c[m]             0606      0106      1426      
if a >= c[ms]            0626      0126      1436      
if a >= c[p]             0602      0102      1402      
if a >= c[s]             0636      0136      1422      
if a >= c[w]             0616      0116      1432      
if a >= c[wp]            0622      0122      1406      
if a >= c[x]             0612      0112      1416      
if a >= c[xs]            0632      0132      1412      
if a[m] >= 1             0646      1146      1526      
if a[m] # 0              0646      1146      1526      
if a[ms] >= 1            0666      1166      1536      
if a[ms] # 0             0666      1166      1536      
if a[p] >= 1             0642      1142      1502      
if a[p] # 0              0642      1142      1502      
if a[s] >= 1             0676      1176      1522      
if a[s] # 0              0676      1176      1522      
if a[w] >= 1             0656      1156      1532      
if a[w] # 0              0656      1156      1532      
if a[wp] >= 1            0662      1162      1506      
if a[wp] # 0             0662      1162      1506      
if a[x] >= 1             0652      1152      1516      
if a[x] # 0              0652      1152      1516      
if a[xs] >= 1            0672      1172      1512      
if a[xs] # 0             0672      1172      1512      
if b[m] = 0              1446      0006      1326      
if b[ms] = 0             1466      0026      1336      
if b[p] = 0              1442      0002      1302      
if b[s] = 0              1476      0036      1322      
if b[w] = 0              1456      0016      1332      
if b[wp] = 0             1462      0022      1306      
if b[x] = 0              1452      0012      1316      
if b[xs] = 0             1472      0032      1312      
if c[m] = 0              0006      0646      1366      
if c[m] >= 1             0206      0146      1566      
if c[m] # 0              0206      0146      1566      
if c[ms] = 0             0026      0666      1376      
if c[ms] >= 1            0226      0166      1576      
if c[ms] # 0             0226      0166      1576      
if c[p] = 0              0002      0642      1342      
if c[p] >= 1             0202      0142      1542      
if c[p] # 0              0202      0142      1542      
if c[s] = 0              0036      0676      1362      
if c[s] >= 1             0236      0176      1562      
if c[s] # 0              0236      0176      1562      
if c[w] = 0              0016      0656      1372      
if c[w] >= 1             0216      0156      1572      
if c[w] # 0              0216      0156      1572      
if c[wp] = 0             0022      0662      1346      
if c[wp] >= 1            0222      0162      1546      
if c[wp] # 0             0222      0162      1546      
if c[x] = 0              0012      0652      1356      
if c[x] >= 1             0212      0152      1556      
if c[x] # 0              0212      0152      1556      
if c[xs] = 0             0032      0672      1352      
if c[xs] >= 1            0232      0172      1552      
if c[xs] # 0             0232      0172      1552      
if p # 0                 0354      0054      1354      
if p # 1                 0754      0154      0554      
if p # 10                1654      1254      1554      
if p # 11                0154      1354      1454      
if p # 12                N/A       1454      0254      
if p # 13                N/A       1554      1154      
if p # 14                N/A       1654      N/A       
if p # 15                N/A       1754      N/A       
if p # 2                 1154      0254      0354      
if p # 3                 1354      0354      0754      
if p # 4                 1054      0454      0054      
if p # 5                 0454      0554      1254      
if p # 6                 1554      0654      0654      
if p # 7                 1454      0754      1654      
if p # 8                 0254      1054      0154      
if p # 9                 0654      1154      0454      
if p = 0                 N/A       N/A       1344      
if p = 1                 N/A       N/A       0544      
if p = 10                N/A       N/A       1544      
if p = 11                N/A       N/A       1444      
if p = 12                N/A       N/A       0244      
if p = 13                N/A       N/A       1144      
if p = 2                 N/A       N/A       0344      
if p = 3                 N/A       N/A       0744      
if p = 4                 N/A       N/A       0044      
if p = 5                 N/A       N/A       1244      
if p = 6                 N/A       N/A       0644      
if p = 7                 N/A       N/A       1644      
if p = 8                 N/A       N/A       0144      
if p = 9                 N/A       N/A       0444      
if s0 # 1                0024      0024      0034      
if s0 = 0                0024      0024      0034      
if s0 = 1                N/A       N/A       0024      
if s1 # 1                0124      0124      0134      
if s1 = 0                0124      0124      0134      
if s1 = 1                N/A       N/A       0124      
if s10 # 1               1224      1224      1234      
if s10 = 0               1224      1224      1234      
if s10 = 1               N/A       N/A       1224      
if s11 # 1               1324      1324      1334      
if s11 = 0               1324      1324      1334      
if s11 = 1               N/A       N/A       1324      
if s12 # 1               1424      1424      1434      
if s12 = 0               1424      1424      1434      
if s12 = 1               N/A       N/A       1424      
if s13 # 1               1524      1524      1534      
if s13 = 0               1524      1524      1534      
if s13 = 1               N/A       N/A       1524      
if s14 # 1               1624      1624      1634      
if s14 = 0               1624      1624      1634      
if s14 = 1               N/A       N/A       1624      
if s15 # 1               1724      1724      1734      
if s15 = 0               1724      1724      1734      
if s15 = 1               N/A       N/A       1724      
if s2 # 1                0224      0224      0234      
if s2 = 0                0224      0224      0234      
if s2 = 1                N/A       N/A       0224      
if s3 # 1                0324      0324      0334      
if s3 = 0                0324      0324      0334      
if s3 = 1                N/A       N/A       0324      
if s4 # 1                0424      0424      0434      
if s4 = 0                0424      0424      0434      
if s4 = 1                N/A       N/A       0424      
if s5 # 1                0524      0524      0534      
if s5 = 0                0524      0524      0534      
if s5 = 1                N/A       N/A       0524      
if s6 # 1                0624      0624      0634      
if s6 = 0                0624      0624      0634      
if s6 = 1                N/A       N/A       0624      
if s7 # 1                0724      0724      0734      
if s7 = 0                0724      0724      0734      
if s7 = 1                N/A       N/A       0724      
if s8 # 1                1024      1024      1034      
if s8 = 0                1024      1024      1034      
if s8 = 1                N/A       N/A       1024      
if s9 # 1                1124      1124      1134      
if s9 = 0                1124      1124      1134      
if s9 = 1                N/A       N/A       1124      
jsb $00                  0001      0001      0001      
jsb $01                  0005      0005      0005      
jsb $02                  0011      0011      0011      
jsb $03                  0015      0015      0015      
jsb $04                  0021      0021      0021      
jsb $05                  0025      0025      0025      
jsb $06                  0031      0031      0031      
jsb $07                  0035      0035      0035      
jsb $08                  0041      0041      0041      
jsb $09                  0045      0045      0045      
jsb $0A                  0051      0051      0051      
jsb $0B                  0055      0055      0055      
jsb $0C                  0061      0061      0061      
jsb $0D                  0065      0065      0065      
jsb $0E                  0071      0071      0071      
jsb $0F                  0075      0075      0075      
jsb $10                  0101      0101      0101      
jsb $11                  0105      0105      0105      
jsb $12                  0111      0111      0111      
jsb $13                  0115      0115      0115      
jsb $14                  0121      0121      0121      
jsb $15                  0125      0125      0125      
jsb $16                  0131      0131      0131      
jsb $17                  0135      0135      0135      
jsb $18                  0141      0141      0141      
jsb $19                  0145      0145      0145      
jsb $1A                  0151      0151      0151      
jsb $1B                  0155      0155      0155      
jsb $1C                  0161      0161      0161      
jsb $1D                  0165      0165      0165      
jsb $1E                  0171      0171      0171      
jsb $1F                  0175      0175      0175      
jsb $20                  0201      0201      0201      
jsb $21                  0205      0205      0205      
jsb $22                  0211      0211      0211      
jsb $23                  0215      0215      0215      
jsb $24                  0221      0221      0221      
jsb $25                  0225      0225      0225      
jsb $26                  0231      0231      0231      
jsb $27                  0235      0235      0235      
jsb $28                  0241      0241      0241      
jsb $29                  0245      0245      0245      
jsb $2A                  0251      0251      0251      
jsb $2B                  0255      0255      0255      
jsb $2C                  0261      0261      0261      
jsb $2D                  0265      0265      0265      
jsb $2E                  0271      0271      0271      
jsb $2F                  0275      0275      0275      
jsb $30                  0301      0301      0301      
jsb $31                  0305      0305      0305      
jsb $32                  0311      0311      0311      
jsb $33                  0315      0315      0315      
jsb $34                  0321      0321      0321      
jsb $35                  0325      0325      0325      
jsb $36                  0331      0331      0331      
jsb $37                  0335      0335      0335      
jsb $38                  0341      0341      0341      
jsb $39                  0345      0345      0345      
jsb $3A                  0351      0351      0351      
jsb $3B                  0355      0355      0355      
jsb $3C                  0361      0361      0361      
jsb $3D                  0365      0365      0365      
jsb $3E                  0371      0371      0371      
jsb $3F                  0375      0375      0375      
jsb $40                  0401      0401      0401      
jsb $41                  0405      0405      0405      
jsb $42                  0411      0411      0411      
jsb $43                  0415      0415      0415      
jsb $44                  0421      0421      0421      
jsb $45                  0425      0425      0425      
jsb $46                  0431      0431      0431      
jsb $47                  0435      0435      0435      
jsb $48                  0441      0441      0441      
jsb $49                  0445      0445      0445      
jsb $4A                  0451      0451      0451      
jsb $4B                  0455      0455      0455      
jsb $4C                  0461      0461      0461      
jsb $4D                  0465      0465      0465      
jsb $4E                  0471      0471      0471      
jsb $4F                  0475      0475      0475      
jsb $50                  0501      0501      0501      
jsb $51                  0505      0505      0505      
jsb $52                  0511      0511      0511      
jsb $53                  0515      0515      0515      
jsb $54                  0521      0521      0521      
jsb $55                  0525      0525      0525      
jsb $56                  0531      0531      0531      
jsb $57                  0535      0535      0535      
jsb $58                  0541      0541      0541      
jsb $59                  0545      0545      0545      
jsb $5A                  0551      0551      0551      
jsb $5B                  0555      0555      0555      
jsb $5C                  0561      0561      0561      
jsb $5D                  0565      0565      0565      
jsb $5E                  0571      0571      0571      
jsb $5F                  0575      0575      0575      
jsb $60                  0601      0601      0601      
jsb $61                  0605      0605      0605      
jsb $62                  0611      0611      0611      
jsb $63                  0615      0615      0615      
jsb $64                  0621      0621      0621      
jsb $65                  0625      0625      0625      
jsb $66                  0631      0631      0631      
jsb $67                  0635      0635      0635      
jsb $68                  0641      0641      0641      
jsb $69                  0645      0645      0645      
jsb $6A                  0651      0651      0651      
jsb $6B                  0655      0655      0655      
jsb $6C                  0661      0661      0661      
jsb $6D                  0665      0665      0665      
jsb $6E                  0671      0671      0671      
jsb $6F                  0675      0675      0675      
jsb $70                  0701      0701      0701      
jsb $71                  0705      0705      0705      
jsb $72                  0711      0711      0711      
jsb $73                  0715      0715      0715      
jsb $74                  0721      0721      0721      
jsb $75                  0725      0725      0725      
jsb $76                  0731      0731      0731      
jsb $77                  0735      0735      0735      
jsb $78                  0741      0741      0741      
jsb $79                  0745      0745      0745      
jsb $7A                  0751      0751      0751      
jsb $7B                  0755      0755      0755      
jsb $7C                  0761      0761      0761      
jsb $7D                  0765      0765      0765      
jsb $7E                  0771      0771      0771      
jsb $7F                  0775      0775      0775      
jsb $80                  1001      1001      1001      
jsb $81                  1005      1005      1005      
jsb $82                  1011      1011      1011      
jsb $83                  1015      1015      1015      
jsb $84                  1021      1021      1021      
jsb $85                  1025      1025      1025      
jsb $86                  1031      1031      1031      
jsb $87                  1035      1035      1035      
jsb $88                  1041      1041      1041      
jsb $89                  1045      1045      1045      
jsb $8A                  1051      1051      1051      
jsb $8B                  1055      1055      1055      
jsb $8C                  1061      1061      1061      
jsb $8D                  1065      1065      1065      
jsb $8E                  1071      1071      1071      
jsb $8F                  1075      1075      1075      
jsb $90                  1101      1101      1101      
jsb $91                  1105      1105      1105      
jsb $92                  1111      1111      1111      
jsb $93                  1115      1115      1115      
jsb $94                  1121      1121      1121      
jsb $95                  1125      1125      1125      
jsb $96                  1131      1131      1131      
jsb $97                  1135      1135      1135      
jsb $98                  1141      1141      1141      
jsb $99                  1145      1145      1145      
jsb $9A                  1151      1151      1151      
jsb $9B                  1155      1155      1155      
jsb $9C                  1161      1161      1161      
jsb $9D                  1165      1165      1165      
jsb $9E                  1171      1171      1171      
jsb $9F                  1175      1175      1175      
jsb $A0                  1201      1201      1201      
jsb $A1                  1205      1205      1205      
jsb $A2                  1211      1211      1211      
jsb $A3                  1215      1215      1215      
jsb $A4                  1221      1221      1221      
jsb $A5                  1225      1225      1225      
jsb $A6                  1231      1231      1231      
jsb $A7                  1235      1235      1235      
jsb $A8                  1241      1241      1241      
jsb $A9                  1245      1245      1245      
jsb $AA                  1251      1251      1251      
jsb $AB                  1255      1255      1255      
jsb $AC                  1261      1261      1261      
jsb $AD                  1265      1265      1265      
jsb $AE                  1271      1271      1271      
jsb $AF                  1275      1275      1275      
jsb $B0                  1301      1301      1301      
jsb $B1                  1305      1305      1305      
jsb $B2                  1311      1311      1311      
jsb $B3                  1315      1315      1315      
jsb $B4                  1321      1321      1321      
jsb $B5                  1325      1325      1325      
jsb $B6                  1331      1331      1331      
jsb $B7                  1335      1335      1335      
jsb $B8                  1341      1341      1341      
jsb $B9                  1345      1345      1345      
jsb $BA                  1351      1351      1351      
jsb $BB                  1355      1355      1355      
jsb $BC                  1361      1361      1361      
jsb $BD                  1365      1365      1365      
jsb $BE                  1371      1371      1371      
jsb $BF                  1375      1375      1375      
jsb $C0                  1401      1401      1401      
jsb $C1                  1405      1405      1405      
jsb $C2                  1411      1411      1411      
jsb $C3                  1415      1415      1415      
jsb $C4                  1421      1421      1421      
jsb $C5                  1425      1425      1425      
jsb $C6                  1431      1431      1431      
jsb $C7                  1435      1435      1435      
jsb $C8                  1441      1441      1441      
jsb $C9                  1445      1445      1445      
jsb $CA                  1451      1451      1451      
jsb $CB                  1455      1455      1455      
jsb $CC                  1461      1461      1461      
jsb $CD                  1465      1465      1465      
jsb $CE                  1471      1471      1471      
jsb $CF                  1475      1475      1475      
jsb $D0                  1501      1501      1501      
jsb $D1                  1505      1505      1505      
jsb $D2                  1511      1511      1511      
jsb $D3                  1515      1515      1515      
jsb $D4                  1521      1521      1521      
jsb $D5                  1525      1525      1525      
jsb $D6                  1531      1531      1531      
jsb $D7                  1535      1535      1535      
jsb $D8                  1541      1541      1541      
jsb $D9                  1545      1545      1545      
jsb $DA                  1551      1551      1551      
jsb $DB                  1555      1555      1555      
jsb $DC                  1561      1561      1561      
jsb $DD                  1565      1565      1565      
jsb $DE                  1571      1571      1571      
jsb $DF                  1575      1575      1575      
jsb $E0                  1601      1601      1601      
jsb $E1                  1605      1605      1605      
jsb $E2                  1611      1611      1611      
jsb $E3                  1615      1615      1615      
jsb $E4                  1621      1621      1621      
jsb $E5                  1625      1625      1625      
jsb $E6                  1631      1631      1631      
jsb $E7                  1635      1635      1635      
jsb $E8                  1641      1641      1641      
jsb $E9                  1645      1645      1645      
jsb $EA                  1651      1651      1651      
jsb $EB                  1655      1655      1655      
jsb $EC                  1661      1661      1661      
jsb $ED                  1665      1665      1665      
jsb $EE                  1671      1671      1671      
jsb $EF                  1675      1675      1675      
jsb $F0                  1701      1701      1701      
jsb $F1                  1705      1705      1705      
jsb $F2                  1711      1711      1711      
jsb $F3                  1715      1715      1715      
jsb $F4                  1721      1721      1721      
jsb $F5                  1725      1725      1725      
jsb $F6                  1731      1731      1731      
jsb $F7                  1735      1735      1735      
jsb $F8                  1741      1741      1741      
jsb $F9                  1745      1745      1745      
jsb $FA                  1751      1751      1751      
jsb $FB                  1755      1755      1755      
jsb $FC                  1761      1761      1761      
jsb $FD                  1765      1765      1765      
jsb $FE                  1771      1771      1771      
jsb $FF                  1775      1775      1775      
keys -> a                N/A       N/A       0120      
keys -> rom address      N/A       0320      0020      
load constant 0          N/A       0030      0030      
load constant 1          N/A       0130      0130      
load constant 10         N/A       1230      1230      
load constant 11         N/A       1330      1330      
load constant 12         N/A       N/A       1430      
load constant 13         N/A       N/A       1530      
load constant 14         N/A       N/A       1630      
load constant 15         N/A       N/A       1730      
load constant 2          N/A       0230      0230      
load constant 3          N/A       0330      0330      
load constant 4          N/A       0430      0430      
load constant 5          N/A       0530      0530      
load constant 6          N/A       0630      0630      
load constant 7          N/A       0730      0730      
load constant 8          N/A       1030      1030      
load constant 9          N/A       1130      1130      
m -> c                   0234      1250      N/A       
m1 -> c                  N/A       N/A       0510      
m1 exchange c            N/A       N/A       0410      
m2 -> c                  N/A       N/A       0710      
m2 exchange c            N/A       N/A       0610      
mark and search          N/A       0400      N/A       
memory delete            N/A       0600      N/A       
memory full -> a         N/A       0745      N/A       
memory initialize        N/A       1600      N/A       
memory insert            N/A       0200      N/A       
no operation             0000      0000      0000      
p + 1 -> p               0320      1374      0720      
p - 1 -> p               0420      1334      0620      
pointer advance          N/A       1400      N/A       
return                   0520      0060      1020      
rotate a left            N/A       N/A       0520      
search for label         N/A       1200      N/A       
select rom 0             N/A       0020      0040      
select rom 1             N/A       0220      0140      
select rom 10            N/A       N/A       1240      
select rom 11            N/A       N/A       1340      
select rom 12            N/A       N/A       1440      
select rom 13            N/A       N/A       1540      
select rom 14            N/A       N/A       1640      
select rom 15            N/A       N/A       1740      
select rom 2             N/A       0420      0240      
select rom 3             N/A       0620      0340      
select rom 4             N/A       1020      0440      
select rom 5             N/A       1220      0540      
select rom 6             N/A       1420      0640      
select rom 7             N/A       1620      0740      
select rom 8             N/A       N/A       1040      
select rom 9             N/A       N/A       1140      
shift left a[m]          1646      0406      0726      
shift left a[ms]         1666      0426      0736      
shift left a[p]          1642      0402      0702      
shift left a[s]          1676      0436      0722      
shift left a[w]          1656      0416      0732      
shift left a[wp]         1662      0422      0706      
shift left a[x]          1652      0412      0716      
shift left a[xs]         1672      0432      0712      
shift right a[m]         1606      1306      1666      
shift right a[ms]        1626      1326      1676      
shift right a[p]         1602      1302      1642      
shift right a[s]         1636      1336      1662      
shift right a[w]         1616      1316      1672      
shift right a[wp]        1622      1322      1646      
shift right a[x]         1612      1312      1656      
shift right a[xs]        1632      1332      1652      
shift right b[m]         1706      1206      1726      
shift right b[ms]        1726      1226      1736      
shift right b[p]         1702      1202      1702      
shift right b[s]         1736      1236      1722      
shift right b[w]         1716      1216      1732      
shift right b[wp]        1722      1222      1706      
shift right b[x]         1712      1212      1716      
shift right b[xs]        1732      1232      1712      
shift right c[m]         1746      1106      1766      
shift right c[ms]        1766      1126      1776      
shift right c[p]         1742      1102      1742      
shift right c[s]         1776      1136      1762      
shift right c[w]         1756      1116      1772      
shift right c[wp]        1762      1122      1746      
shift right c[x]         1752      1112      1756      
shift right c[xs]        1772      1132      1752      
sleep                    0620      N/A       N/A       
stack -> a               N/A       0650      1010      
sw -> a                  0574      N/A       N/A       
sw+                      1274      N/A       N/A       
sw-                      1074      N/A       N/A       
swstop                   1674      N/A       N/A       
swstrt                   1574      N/A       N/A       
y -> a                   N/A       N/A       1210      
rom checksum             N/A       N/A       1460      
pik1120                  N/A       N/A       1120      
pik1220                  N/A       N/A       1220      
pik1320                  N/A       N/A       1320      
pik1660                  N/A       N/A       1660      
pik1720                  N/A       N/A       1720      
pik1420                  N/A       N/A       1660      
pik1620                  N/A       N/A       1660      
crc testf1               N/A       N/A       N/A       
crc testf2               N/A       N/A       N/A       
crc testf3               N/A       N/A       N/A       
crc testf4               N/A       N/A       N/A       
bcd -> c                 N/A       0750      N/A


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09-04-2021, 03:34 AM
Post: #3
RE: Processor Instruction Sets
A little information on the evolution of the CPUs on the HP handhelds.
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09-04-2021, 04:03 PM
Post: #4
RE: Processor Instruction Sets
Thank you!

I was starting to think I was losing it.

That list should come in very handy. All I need to do now is get my head around the strange behaviour of the 'P' register...

(09-04-2021 12:57 AM)teenix Wrote:  There are differences with ACT instructions sets between HP-01, Classic and Woodstock series.

I guess the ACT's from these different series were never meant to be interchanged and it was probably easier to implement the op-codes in this way due to internal chip design.

Mike T.

HP21, HP25, HP32E, HP33C, HP34C, HP10C, HP11C, HP12C, HP32S, HP22S
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09-05-2021, 12:40 AM (This post was last modified: 09-05-2021 12:42 AM by teenix.)
Post: #5
RE: Processor Instruction Sets
(09-04-2021 04:03 PM)Mike T. Wrote:  Thank you!

I was starting to think I was losing it.

All I need to do now is get my head around the strange behaviour of the 'P' register...

You might by the time you finish, which never seems to happen ;-)

for HP67, HP-91, HP-97, HP29c, Spice
A bug in ARC chips cause a problem when the P register wraps around

This might help if you understand Pascal...


regP: Integer; // P register
Carry: Boolean; // Carry flag
aPCH: Array[0..2] of Integer;

Initialise aPCH = [0][0][0] at switch on

// for each instruction time before decoding instruction
aPCH[2] := aPCH[1]; 
aPCH[1] := aPCH[0];
aPCH[0] := 0;

// for [if P # N] instruction
Carry := not TestPCH(regP, N);

// for [if P = N] instruction
Carry = TestPCH(regP, N)

// for [p + 1 -> p] instruction
aPCH[0] := 1;

// for [p - 1 -> p] instruction
aPCH[0] := -1;


function TestPCHarray(P, N: Integer): Boolean;
if (N = 0) and (aPCH[1] = 1) and (aPCH[2] = 1) then
  if (P = 0) or (P = 1) then
    Result := False
    Result := True;
if (N = 0) and (aPCH[1] = -1) and (aPCH[2] = -1) then
  if (P = 0) or (P = 13) then
    Result := False
    Result := True;
  if P = N then
    Result := False
    Result := True;


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09-07-2021, 02:37 PM
Post: #6
RE: Processor Instruction Sets
(09-05-2021 12:40 AM)teenix Wrote:  You might by the time you finish, which never seems to happen ;-)
LOL - you don't know how true that is...

If you look at some of the comments in my source code you will discover just how long I've already been working on this - though to be fair there was a bit of a gap in the middle (of about 6 years) but I in my defence I have been teaching my self C and X11 at the same time! (

Looks like the P register is even stranger than I thought. Discovering that the binary value in to op code bears no relationship (that I can work out) to the value of P was odd enough. I can only assume that the way the registers arranged on the chip means the digits are not in order.

Mike T.

Mike T.

HP21, HP25, HP32E, HP33C, HP34C, HP10C, HP11C, HP12C, HP32S, HP22S
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09-08-2021, 05:45 PM (This post was last modified: 09-08-2021 05:46 PM by Alejandro Paz(Germany).)
Post: #7
RE: Processor Instruction Sets
Regarding P on the woodstocks, I recently thought that maybe it wraps from 13 to 0 and from 0 down to 13 and that causes the problem, what may have been a good idea to avoid 14 and 15 may have caused more problems. (Haven't tested this idea).

What baffles me is the apparent random choice of opcodes, arguments and encoding of the arithmetic group. I suppose they where implemented in a kind of PLA (hardwired) where it didn't make any difference to sort them or not. Maybe the circuits in the patent can shine some light, but I did not want to look into them and "taint" my efforts Smile.

Regarding the encoding of literals, maybe they where trying to obfuscate it in case the people at ti wanted to copy it ? Anyways ti approach is a bit different, if I remember correctly. (At least the TI-81..6 have no special purpose processor but uses Z80's decimal support at its fullest).
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09-09-2021, 06:12 AM
Post: #8
RE: Processor Instruction Sets
Hi Alejandro,

How is your TTL project coming along?


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09-09-2021, 06:09 PM
Post: #9
RE: Processor Instruction Sets
Thanks for asking:

After several iterations of ideas, simulations, long walks and sleepness nights, I think I have come up with a workable "design": Original instruction set (I wanted to re-write it at some point), a micro-sequenced ALU, using EPROMs (saves like 50 chips) and a discrete (with registers and adders) ALU. And a 2 phase clock, I dropped the single clock (too much fpga ghosts in my head) it simplifies some parts of the sequencing of the ALU.
I'm testing the microsequenced ALU now, building the real thing, I mean. I did the clock using a '74 and a couple of ANDs to discover that it glitches Sad, I'll use 4 D FFs, it will not glitch Smile.
(The daily job kind of gets in the way of doing productive work, if you know what I mean Big Grin )
Best regards,

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09-09-2021, 06:54 PM (This post was last modified: 09-09-2021 11:32 PM by Mike T..)
Post: #10
RE: Processor Instruction Sets
That is the trouble with this hobby (obsession).

I've not even half finished my first simulation attempt and I'm already thinking how I can use the CPU code in a Pi (or even a Pico) with a different display interface to drive real LEDs.

Must resist the ....

Mike T.

HP21, HP25, HP32E, HP33C, HP34C, HP10C, HP11C, HP12C, HP32S, HP22S
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09-09-2021, 11:29 PM
Post: #11
RE: Processor Instruction Sets
(09-09-2021 06:09 PM)Alejandro Paz(Germany) Wrote:  After several iterations of ideas, simulations, long walks and sleepness nights, I think I have come up with a workable "design":

Gee, and I thought I was the only one ;-)


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09-09-2021, 11:30 PM
Post: #12
RE: Processor Instruction Sets
(09-09-2021 06:54 PM)Mike T. Wrote:  That is the trouble with this hobby (obsession).

The "Black Hole" effect - you get too close, you cannot get away ;-)


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09-26-2021, 10:53 PM
Post: #13
RE: Processor Instruction Sets
(09-04-2021 12:57 AM)teenix Wrote:  There are differences with ACT instructions sets between HP-01, Classic and Woodstock series.

I guess the ACT's from these different series were never meant to be interchanged and it was probably easier to implement the op-codes in this way due to internal chip design.

This list may help, but cannot guarantee 110% ;-)


Op Code                 HP-01     Classic   Woodstock (All OCTAL Codes)
data -> c                N/A       1370      0070
data register 0 -> c     N/A       N/A       0070


Just wondering as the same op code can't be used for both instructions on the Woodstock processor which one is correct.. ? (I think it is the former..)

Mike T.

Mike T.

HP21, HP25, HP32E, HP33C, HP34C, HP10C, HP11C, HP12C, HP32S, HP22S
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09-26-2021, 11:37 PM
Post: #14
RE: Processor Instruction Sets
An error I think

[ data -> C ] may not be implemented in Woodstock, I cannot see this instruction in any of the code lists.

They use instructions like [ data register 0 -> C ]


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10-03-2021, 07:26 PM
Post: #15
RE: Processor Instruction Sets
Only the Woodstock/Topcat series, 19C, and 67 use the ACT processor. Despite the physical packaging, the 67 is NOT a Classic series machine, at least from an electrical and architecture view.

The Spice (30) series don't use an ACT, but they are architecturally compatible with it other than bank switching and self-test.

The Classic series, 46, 81, 1722A, and 9805 use the ARC and C&T chips, with a different architecture (instruction set and encoding).

The HP-01 uses it's own architecture, 48 bits wide rather than 56, and it's somewhere between the Classic and Woodstock architectures.

The 41 and Voyagers use Nut, also with a different architecture.

Even though the Classic, Woodstock, and Nut architectures aren't identical, they are all quite similar The big divergences from the original 56-bit architecture are Capricorn, as used in the 75 and Series 80, and Saturn, used in the 71B, Pioneers, 18C/19B/19BII, 28C/28S, 38, 39, 48, and 49, and then 6502-based and ARM-based calculators.

And of course the "big" desktops (9100, 9810/20/30, 9815/25/35/45, etc) use entirely different architectures from the handheld and handheld-derived machines.
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