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Memory Teaser
Message #1 Posted by Mike T. on 26 Aug 2006, 6:39 p.m.

If you want to get straight on to the memory teaser skip feel free to skip the next two paragraphs...!

After a long break I've finally found my self with enough time and (more importantly the urge) to 'finish off' my HP33 simulator after over a year's pause. I don't have any good excuse except that I was finally able to replace my broken HP33C with a working one about a year ago, so there wasn't quite the same incentive to finish it as there had been.

The big difference now is of course that I'm now able to check my simulator against a real HP33C, where as before I had to extrapolate things from one of my other machines. I've been quite surprised by some of the subtle differences, and similarities, in behaviour between them. For example while I'd expect the behaviour of SST to be similar on the HP25 and HP33C, I was quite surprised to see that the HP34C behaved in a similar way to the HP11C, and while the HP10C is somewhere in between it is closer to the earlier models - even though it was the last to be produced...

During all this experimentation I came across an interesting 'feature' I'd forgotten about, normally the 'f' or 'g' prefix keys 'only' occur at the start of a key sequence on these models - but there are exceptions, from memory can you remember what they are? (Edited oriinal post as I'd overlooked the use of I and (i) - the feature I have in mind doesn't involve them..).

Sorry there are no prizes - though I will try to post the results of my handy work here some time soon(ish).

Have a good weekend, and just too keep you busy thinking I'd be interested in knowing if there are any other examples where the prefix keys occur in the middle of a (valid) key sequence.

Mike T.

Edited: 27 Aug 2006, 5:27 p.m. after one or more responses were posted

Re: Memory Teaser
Message #2 Posted by Karl Schneider on 26 Aug 2006, 7:50 p.m.,
in response to message #1 by Mike T.

Have a good weekend, and just too keep you busy thinking I'd be interested in knowing if there are any other examples where the prefix keys occur in the middle of a (valid) key sequence.

On the HP-15C, a matrix element can be stored and recalled using indices taken from the stack rather than from R0 and R1:

STO g {A-E}
RCL g {A-E}

-- KS

Edited: 26 Aug 2006, 7:51 p.m.

Re: Memory Teaser
Message #3 Posted by Gerson W. Barbosa on 26 Aug 2006, 7:56 p.m.,
in response to message #1 by Mike T.

normally the 'f' or 'g' prefix keys 'only' occur at the start of a key sequence on these models - but one some of them there is an exception, from memory can you remember what it is?

From (fresh) memory, on the 34C: STO f I, RCL f I, STO f (i) and RCL f (i). (Memory still fresh as I tried them this morning :-)

Re: Memory Teaser (HP-34/11/15)
Message #4 Posted by Karl Schneider on 26 Aug 2006, 9:45 p.m.,
in response to message #3 by Gerson W. Barbosa

on the 34C: STO f I, RCL f I, STO f (i) and RCL f (i).

Ah, that's because "f" is needed to access I and (i), which are also on the same keys as STO and RCL.

On the HP-15C, abbreviated keystroke sequences obviated this requirement. For example, "STO I" and RCL (i)" can be entered without using the shift key, since "STO TAN" or "RCL COS" would be nonsensical. This refinement was also necessary, due to STO/RCL arithmetic supported for I and (i). "STO + f I" would have required a four-keycode combination on the HP-15C, which display space did not permit. This is another instance of sharp thinking in the development of the HP-15C.

For that same reason (display of program keycodes), the lack of the abbreviated keystroke sequence apparently precluded STO arithmetic with I and (i) on the HP-34C. STO arithmetic is supported only for registers 0-9.

On the HP-11C, the abbreviated keystroke sequences are supported (e.g., STO I instead of STO f I), but STO arithmetic is also not supported for registers I, (i) and .0 through .9. This is yet another example where, I believe, HP borrowed ROM code from the HP-34C for the HP-11C.

One more thing: "f I" and "f (i)" are equivalent to "RCL I" and "RCL (i)" on the HP-34C and HP-11C. "f I" and "f (i)" relate strictly to complex numbers on the HP-15C.

-- KS

Edited: 26 Aug 2006, 9:53 p.m.

Re: Memory Teaser (HP-34/11/15)
Message #5 Posted by Valentin Albillo on 26 Aug 2006, 10:14 p.m.,
in response to message #4 by Karl Schneider

Hi, Karl:

Karl posted:

"For that same reason (display of program keycodes), the lack of the abbreviated keystroke sequence apparently precluded STO arithmetic with I and (i) on the HP-34C. STO arithmetic is supported only for registers 0-9."

    Maybe so but there's a more fundamental reason, methinks. The HP-34C uses 1 byte per instruction so a maximum of 256 unique codes are available to represent instructions in program memory. The HP-34C already uses 255 of those 256 maximum codes, so simply there aren't enough codes left to implement STO arithmetic with I and (i), which would require 8 additional unique codes.

    This is not a problem for the HP-15C, because program steps can use 1- or 2-byte codes, bringing a maximum of 65,536 possible unique codes. The HP-15C only uses some 700+.

Best regards from V.

HP-34C/11C instruction codes (corrected)
Message #6 Posted by Karl Schneider on 27 Aug 2006, 1:55 a.m.,
in response to message #5 by Valentin Albillo

Maybe so but there's a more fundamental reason, methinks. The HP-34C uses 1 byte per instruction so a maximum of 256 unique codes are available to represent instructions in program memory. The HP-34C already uses 255 of those 256 maximum codes, so simply there aren't enough codes left to implement STO arithmetic with I and (i), which would require 8 additional unique codes.

Hello, Valentin --

Yes, indeed, that would be a more fundamental limitation. It probably explains a number of quirks -- for example, why SOLVE and INTEG can be invoked only with programs starting with labels A, B, 0, 1, 2, or 3.

That may also explain some quirks about the HP-11C, which seems to share substantial ROM code with the HP-34C -- for example, why the HP-11C offers only flags 0 and 1, when the HP-34C offered 0, 1, 2, and 3.

Here's a list of programmable functions that are present on one calc, but not on the other.

(NOTE: I believe this list to be complete, incorporating corrective additions after Valentin pointed out some fairly-obvious omissions that I wasn't seeing at first.)

HP-34C functions      HP-11C functions


Another difference is that the HP-11C has only 203 bytes of user RAM, versus 210 for the HP-34C. How might that be pertinent?

Best regards,

-- KS

Edited: 27 Aug 2006, 2:14 p.m. after one or more responses were posted

Re: HP-34C/11C instruction codes
Message #7 Posted by Valentin Albillo on 27 Aug 2006, 2:24 a.m.,
in response to message #6 by Karl Schneider

Karl posted:

"Here's a list (incomplete?) [...]"

    Seems likely. At the very least your list is missing INTEG A, INTEG B, SOLVE A, and SOLVE B, despite mentioning that they're valid instructions.

    And the HP-11C also has a 256-unique keycodes limit, of course.

Best regards from V.

Thanks! (HP-34C/11C instruction codes)
Message #8 Posted by Karl Schneider on 27 Aug 2006, 5:55 p.m.,
in response to message #7 by Valentin Albillo

Valentin --

Thanks for "filling in" my HP-34C/11C function-code list. I knew that the table wasn't complete, but just wasn't seeing the (fairly-obvious) omission that I looked for.

The table has been corrected in the original post, with acknowledgement of the changes.

This little exercise explains many of the seemingly-arbitrary limitations of the HP-34C and HP-11C. It also shows how modifications were needed in order to make the HP-15C possible (even if matrix- and complex-number functionality had not been added).

Finally, it shows the fundamental reason why the "y_est" (y-estimate) and r (correleation coefficient) functions were chosen to be kludged together (excuse me, combined) into one function. "r" really belongs as

1) a separate function (as on the HP-34C), or
2) included within "L.R.".

However, 1) was precluded by both scarce keyboard space and program-instruction space on the HP-11C. 2) was precluded by the structure of the table on the HP-11C/15C back plate, as well as the undesirability of a function that would return three results to a four-element stack.

Best regards,

-- KS

Edited: 27 Aug 2006, 6:00 p.m.

Re: Thanks! (HP-34C/11C instruction codes)
Message #9 Posted by Eric Smith on 28 Aug 2006, 9:33 p.m.,
in response to message #8 by Karl Schneider

If you're interested for any reason in the actual byte values used to represent the 11C and 34C instructions (and those of a few other models), there are tables linked from my web page.

Patents (& tables of HP-34C/11C instruction codes)
Message #10 Posted by Karl Schneider on 28 Aug 2006, 11:16 p.m.,
in response to message #9 by Eric Smith

Hello, Eric --

Thanks for pointing out the tables of function codes and other materials. I'd like to see the table for the HP-15C, if and when that is ready. I once went through the exercise of trying to list all its functions, but my total didn't quite match Valentin's...

The section on patents was intriguing, as well. A few of the granted patents, I think, are questionable. Good ideas? Yes, most certainly. However, a few of them fell well short of sheer ingenuity. For example:

3,892,958  Inverse/complementary function prefix key 

3,987,290 Calculator apparatus for displaying data in engineering notation

4,047,012 General purpose calculator having factorial capability

Good grief! Shift key? ENG display? Factorial?

I note that TI, Casio, and Sharp offered models with these capabilities during the period just after the patent application. Did they have to pay royalties to HP? If so, what if HP had instead refused to license those patents? I believe that these patents might have been challenged (if they weren't already), like the patent granted to's "One-Click" on-line ordering method (which wasn't a very good idea, in my estimation).

Other granted patents were deserving without a doubt, such as the bar-code reader and the HP-01 wristwatch/calculator. The patents took three years to be granted, however...

4,091,270  Electronic calculator with optical input means 

4,158,285 Interactive wristwatch calculator

BTW: Shouldn't patents

5,025,403  Fraction entry and display 

5,089,980 Double keystroke fraction entry and interface method

5,128,887 Numerical accuracy indicator for rounded numeric value display method

pertain to the HP-32SII, not the HP-32S?

Best regards,

-- KS

Edited: 29 Aug 2006, 12:18 a.m.

Re: Patents (& tables of HP-34C/11C instruction codes)
Message #11 Posted by Paul Dale on 29 Aug 2006, 12:51 a.m.,
in response to message #10 by Karl Schneider

Thanks for pointing out the tables of function codes and other materials. I'd like to see the table for the HP-15C, if and when that is ready. I once went through the exercise of trying to list all its functions, but my total didn't quite match Valentin's...

"Synthetic Methods on the HP-15c" by Allyn F. Tennant. PPC Calculator Journal Volume 10 No 1 January/February 1983 pages 49-53. The op code table is on page 53.

- Pauli

Official, complete HP-15C instruction codes?
Message #12 Posted by Karl Schneider on 29 Aug 2006, 3:01 p.m.,
in response to message #11 by Paul Dale

"Synthetic Methods on the HP-15c" by Allyn F. Tennant. PPC Calculator Journal Volume 10 No 1 January/February 1983 pages 49-53. The op code table is on page 53.

- Pauli

Thanks, Paul, for identifying the interesting article. Scans of the PPC Calculator Journals on DVD-ROM can be purchased from Warren Furlow, by arrangement with (and compensation to) Jake Schwartz, whose CD-ROM is available at

Unfortunately, the two-byte "op codes" shown in Fig. 4 of the article are the synthetic extracts, not the 2nd bytes of the built-in two-byte instructions. It would take two 16x16 tables to show those.

Would anyone know where those tables of codes would be?


-- KS

Edited: 31 Aug 2006, 12:06 a.m.

Re: Official, complete HP-15C instruction codes?
Message #13 Posted by Eric Smith on 1 Sept 2006, 2:15 p.m.,
in response to message #12 by Karl Schneider

Unfortunately, the two-byte "op codes" shown in Fig. 4 of the article are the synthetic extracts, not the 2nd bytes of the built-in two-byte instructions. It would take two 16x16 tables to show those.

That is incorrect. Table 4 shows the actual instruction opcodes of normal, keyboard-entered instructions.

You may be misinterpreting the table. In particular, pay attention to the legends of the table, and note that the lower case letters shown after the mnemonics are an indication of what the valid suffixes are. These are specified in the table "Postnotes for figure 4" at the bottom of the left column of page 50.

The vertical axis of the table, as indicated by the legend on the left, is the most significant nibble of the first byte of the instruction. (The least significant nibble of the first byte of a two byte instruction is always "F".)

The horizontal axis of the table, as indicated by the legend above, is the most significant nibble of the second byte of the instruction.

The least significant nibble of the second byte designates the operand of the instruction. The lower case letter in the table indicates which operand nibble values are valid for that instruction.

Because of the way the instructions are encoded, there are 240 possible single-byte instructions, all of which are used. There are 3840 possible unique two-byte instructions, but since four bits are the operand, there are only 240 possible "groups" of two-byte instructions, of which only 41 are actually used. The total number of actual (non-synthetic) unique two-byte instructions is 298, if I've counted correctly, for a total of 538 possible unique instructions (one or two byte).

Edited: 1 Sept 2006, 2:26 p.m.

Re: Official, complete HP-15C instruction codes?
Message #14 Posted by Karl Schneider on 2 Sept 2006, 1:46 a.m.,
in response to message #13 by Eric Smith

Eric --

Thank you very much for the clear, detailed explanation. I admit that I'd only glanced over the document, because on 8.5-inch x 11-inch paper, the text appears as small as the footnotes in the HP-15C manuals!

Figure 4 of the 1983 PPC Journal article is indeed a clever way of compressing the 2nd-byte tables, which, if decoded and expanded, could be listed in six partially-filled 16x16 tables. Perhaps I could list these in a spreadsheet form, directly convertible to HTML, if possible.

The figure sure looked like a table of synthetic instructions, what with "RCL J", "FIX d", and considering that the article concerned HP-15C synthetics.

The total number of actual (non-synthetic) unique two-byte instructions is 298, if I've counted correctly, for a total of 538 possible unique instructions (one or two byte).

I beg to differ with you on that point. I counted almost 700 programmable operations several years ago just by going through the function listings on pp. 272-280 of the HP-15C Owner's Handbook.

There is also a list of 2-byte instructions on page 218 of the same Handbook. (This list omits [GSB][.] label, x<> {A-E}, DSE {A-E}, and ISG {A-E} -- the only mistakes I've ever found in that manual!) It is fairly easy to count the number of 2-byte instructions for each of these items, and tally them up. I got a total of 460 two-byte instructions. Added to the 240 one-byte instructions, this makes an even 700 programmable instructions, plus at least 17 non-programmable operations:

  • 8 keyboard-labeled operations for editing and information (SST, BST, MEM, (i), CLEAR PRGM, CLEAR PREFIX, <- "delete program line", and <- "delete digit")

  • 4 state-changing operations (ON/off, program/run mode, USER/normal mode, ON/[.])

  • 5 self-test operations (ON/yx, ON/div, ON/X, ON/-, ON/+)

That's quite a set!

-- KS

Edited: 2 Sept 2006, 8:05 a.m. after one or more responses were posted

Re: Official, complete HP-15C instruction codes?
Message #15 Posted by Eric Smith on 2 Sept 2006, 4:22 a.m.,
in response to message #14 by Karl Schneider

Thanks for pointing out that I had miscounted. I reexamined my spreadsheet and found that I had miscounted the storage and recall arithmetic instructions, of which there are 176, so my corrected total is 420 two-byte instructions. How are you getting 460? Could it be that you are trying to count A-E as suffixes for storage and recall arithmetic? Or am I still missing some instructions?

ON/yx isn't really a self-test operation. It's a hardwired reset of processor chip, with no software involvement. It does not clear memory, though the internal processor state is corrupted. This hardware feature was added to the 1LF5 Nut processor chip (as used in both the early Voyagers and late 41C family) because of problems with 41C crashes, which with the earlier 1LA5 CPU could only be recovered by removing the batteries and either waiting for the capacitors to discharge or shorting them out.

This is as compared to ON/-, which is a software operation that forces a cold start will full memory initialization. But ON/- won't work if the processor hangs, hence the need for the ON/yx feature.

The ON/yx forced reset operation clears the internal state counter while it is in a particular part of the cycle, which is why the x register is effectively rotated 22 bits. I believe that other internal processor registers are similarly affected, including the status register, but I have not yet researched it enough to confirm this.

Note that the addition of the hardware reset capability to the 1LF5 did not completely solve the problem of unrecoverable 41C crashes. Unfortunately a corrupted buffer chain can result in a buffer appearing to have zero length, causing an infinite loop in the buffer validation that occurs at power on. Resetting the processor doesn't help because it will just get stuck in the same loop again. I'm somewhat surprised that the 41C ROMs weren't revised to fix this, but apparently it must not have been thought to happen often enough (without synthetic programming) to justify a fix.


Re: Official, complete HP-15C instruction codes?
Message #16 Posted by Paul Dale on 2 Sept 2006, 4:32 a.m.,
in response to message #15 by Eric Smith

Could it be that you are trying to count A-E as suffixes for storage and recall arithmetic?

I'm pretty sure I counted them. What is the problem here? My 15c certainly seems to accept them in program mode and they do what I expect when I have a 1x1 matrix.

- Pauli

Re: Official, complete HP-15C instruction codes?
Message #17 Posted by Eric Smith on 2 Sept 2006, 5:11 a.m.,
in response to message #16 by Paul Dale

Hmmmm... I could have sworn that I tried them years ago and didn't get them to work, but you're correct, they do.

Re: Official, complete HP-15C instruction codes?
Message #18 Posted by Paul Dale on 2 Sept 2006, 6:32 a.m.,
in response to message #17 by Eric Smith

What is missing is user mode STO and RCL arithmetic operations.

- Pauli

HP-15C: User mode STO and RCL arithmetic?
Message #19 Posted by Karl Schneider on 2 Sept 2006, 3:49 p.m.,
in response to message #18 by Paul Dale

What is missing is user mode STO and RCL arithmetic operations.

Hello, Paul --

I assume that by "what is missing", you imply that the HP-15C should have had these functions.

I don't quite see the pressing need. STO and RCL in USER mode is for conveniently entering and retrieving data from an entire matrix, element by element. STO and RCL arithmetic with a matrix identifier (e.g., "STO+ A") is for altering a particular matrix element without disturbing the stack.

If, for example, you want to add a constant offset value to every element of a matrix, you can do that on the stack:


If you want to add a different offset value to different elements of the matrix, you'll just have to manually set the indices in R0 and R1, then use STO arithmetic.

Best regards,

-- KS

Re: Official, complete HP-15C instruction codes?
Message #20 Posted by Eric Smith on 2 Sept 2006, 5:15 a.m.,
in response to message #16 by Paul Dale

Table summarizing HP-15C two-byte instructions

Re: Patents (& tables of HP-34C/11C instruction codes)
Message #21 Posted by Paul Dale on 29 Aug 2006, 1:34 a.m.,
in response to message #10 by Karl Schneider

I once went through the exercise of trying to list all its functions, but my total didn't quite match Valentin's...

A quick run through the op code table I mentioned above gives 700 different instructions. 240 single byte and the rest two byte. I've no idea if this is complete or not.

- Pauli

Re: HP-34C/11C instruction codes
Message #22 Posted by Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) on 27 Aug 2006, 11:19 a.m.,
in response to message #6 by Karl Schneider

Hi, Karl;

I consider that the 7 bytes missed in the HP11C (203 against the 210 in the HP34C) are due to the RANdom seed register.


Luiz (Brazil)

Re: Memory Teaser (HP-34/11/15)
Message #23 Posted by Gerson W. Barbosa on 26 Aug 2006, 10:37 p.m.,
in response to message #4 by Karl Schneider

One more thing: "f I" and "f (i)" are equivalent to "RCL I" and "RCL (i)" on the HP-34C and HP-11C.

Thanks! I would never have guessed that. I have to remember to have the HP-34C manual printed.


Re: Memory Teaser
Message #24 Posted by Mike T. on 27 Aug 2006, 4:20 p.m.,
in response to message #3 by Gerson W. Barbosa

Still one missing....

Mike T.

Re: Memory Teaser
Message #25 Posted by Gerson W. Barbosa on 27 Aug 2006, 4:35 p.m.,
in response to message #24 by Mike T.

One of these?

GTO f I, GTO f (i), GSB f I and GSB f (i)


Re: Memory Teaser
Message #26 Posted by Mike T. on 27 Aug 2006, 4:55 p.m.,
in response to message #25 by Gerson W. Barbosa

Still not quite (though to be truthful I'd forgotten about these completely!).

Mike T.

Edited: 27 Aug 2006, 5:04 p.m.

Re: Memory Teaser
Message #27 Posted by Gerson W. Barbosa on 28 Aug 2006, 10:12 p.m.,
in response to message #26 by Mike T.

Oops! GTO f (i) and GSB f (i) don't exist. Sorry!

Re: Memory Teaser
Message #28 Posted by Thomas Okken on 26 Aug 2006, 8:06 p.m.,
in response to message #1 by Mike T.

I've been quite surprised by some of the subtle differences, and similarities, in behaviour between them. For example while I'd expect the behaviour of SST to be similar on the HP25 and HP33C, I was quite surprised to see that the HP34C behaved in a similar way to the HP11C, and while the HP10C is somewhere in between it is closer to the earlier models - even though it was the last to be produced...

I'm intrigued by this... Could you elaborate?
I'm familiar with the 25 and 10C, and their SST keys will show the line number plus instruction (keycodes) while held down, and execute the program line when released. The 41C and 42S are different in that holding the SST key down long enough (1 or 2 seconds) causes the instruction to be cancelled (signalled by the word NULL in the display) -- otherwise they're just like their old LED-era predecessors... Or so I seem to remember, anyway!

- Thomas

Re: Memory Teaser
Message #29 Posted by Mike T. on 27 Aug 2006, 4:42 p.m.,
in response to message #28 by Thomas Okken

Single step execution in RUN mode

HP25/HP33C/HP10C - Single stepping a program from the beginning DOES NOT terminate number entry.

HP34C/HP11C - Single stepping a program from the beginning DOES terminate number entry.

Viewing a program in PRGM mode

HP25/33C - Single step cycles through all program steps.

HP34C/11C - Single step cycles through only the used program steps.

HP10C - Single step cycles through all the available program steps.

This behaviour seems to depend on whether or not the machine in question uses labels as the target for GTO and GSB, and whether memory is shared between program and register storage...

I don't know what the HP15C does, but based on the observations above I think it probably follows the HP34C/11C.

Mike T.

Re: Memory Teaser
Message #30 Posted by Thomas Okken on 28 Aug 2006, 4:53 p.m.,
in response to message #29 by Mike T.

HP25/HP33C/HP10C - Single stepping a program from the beginning DOES NOT terminate number entry.

Aah, you're right, now I recall. I believe one of the programs in the HP-25 Applications Programs book actually had a bug because of this; IIRC there was a last-minute erratum included. (R/S does not terminate number entry either on the HP-25.)

- Thomas

Re: Memory Teaser
Message #31 Posted by Mike T. on 28 Aug 2006, 5:23 p.m.,
in response to message #30 by Thomas Okken

Thanks for that little sinppet of information, most useful as it happens...

Mike T.

Re: Memory Teaser (Answer)
Message #32 Posted by Mike T. on 28 Aug 2006, 5:20 p.m.,
in response to message #1 by Mike T.

The interesting instruction I had in mind was RCL 'f' E+, as not only is it not obvious, but just because it is still implemented on the HP34C even though since does not save any keystrokes in the same way as it did or some other models.

Mike T.

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