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Standard Function Names - Anyone?
Message #1 Posted by Mike T. on 21 Nov 2005, 7:09 a.m.

Is there a standard (or failing that a generally accepted) way of naming the various RPN functions using just alphanumeric characters?

For many of the functions this seems straight forward enough (though I many have abbreviated things too much in places..?)

sin     -> SIN
sin-1   -> ARCSIN
x<>y    -> SWAP   (I'm assuming that SWAP is the same as X<>Y)
+       -> ADD
-       -> SUB
/       -> DIV

However, there is rather more scope for interpretation when you try to express some other functions without using 'special' characters - particularly when things get ambiguous...
->R     -> ???    (Convert to radians)
RAD     -> ???    (Select radian mode)
->R     -> ???    (Convert polar to rectangular co-ordinates)
R^      -> ???    (Round up)
R       -> ???    (Round down)
r       -> ???    (Correlation coefficient)
->H.MS  -> HMS    (?)
X<=Y    -> ???
Q       -> Q      (A bit to short?)
Q-1     -> INVQ   (?)
(i)     -> ???
I       -> ???
X2      -> SQR    (?)
/X      -> SQRT   (?)
10x     -> INVLOG (?)
etc etc etc 

Mike T.

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