MEET THE HP 68WX ================ The HP 68WX is a wide-body extension to the classic series which includes additional functions and a larger keyboard. Feature Highlights ------------------ * 1,000 storage registers, R000 through R999. * 9,999 program steps, 0001 through 9999. * Can use either RPN or AOS logic. * The stack is of fixed size, but the size can be changed manually. * 26 program partitions (similar to the HP-95C's 4 partitions). * 126 labels per partition. * Can operate on complex numbers as well as real numbers. * Can operate on binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal base. * 1,000 flags, 000 through 999. * Last X and Last Y. * Undo last operation. * 100 single tones and 100 preset beeps. * 12 conditional tests: 6 comparing X and Y, 6 comparing X and 0. * Flexible flag testing: set?, clear?, set?clear, clear?clear, set?set, clear?set. * Like the HP-41, any register can be used to control indirect operations. * 4 loop control functions: ISZ, DSZ, ISG, DSE, using any register. * Copy/paste. * 30-digit mantissa and 4-digit exponent. * Flexible stack operations: Exchange X with Y (or Z or T), roll up, roll down, roll up twice, roll down twice, drop. * Work with common fractions directly, plus conversion to and from fraction. * Dot matrix LED. Program steps appear as mnemonics instead of keycodes (like the HP-32S). Details about Some Keys ----------------------- A Execute routine A of current program. f G Execute routine G of current program. g H Execute routine H of current program. f' I Execute routine I of current program. g' J Execute routine J of current program. F Execute routine F of current program. f PGM Begin program partition. Must be followed by A..Z. g' END End program partition. g CALL Call subroutine from a different partition. Followed by A..Z (partition) and label. f' JUMP Go to label in a different partition. Followed by A..Z (partition) and label. GTO Go to label. Followed by A..Z, 00..99 or IND. GTO . Go to line. Followed by 0000..9999. g' # Used prior to entering a hexadecimal number. DSP nn Change number of decimal places (00..29). f FIX . Set fixed point format without changing decimal places. f FIX nn Set fixed point format and number of places (00..29). g SCI . Set scientific format without changing decimal places. g SCI nn Set scientific format and number of places (00..29). f' ENG . Set engineering format without changing decimal places. f' ENG nn Set engineering format and number of places (00..29). g' ALL Set standard format (all decimal digits). x<>y Exchange X with Y. f x<> Exchange X with any register (000..999, IND). g NOP No operation. f' x<>z Exchange X with Z. g' x<>t Exchange X with T. Rv Roll down. g DROP Drop the stack, losing X, replicating the topmost register. f' Rvv Roll down twice. Handy when the stack is of a large size. g' R^^ Roll up twice. CPX Prefix for complex number operations. Can be followed by: x<>y, x<>, x<>z, x<>t, Rv, R^, DROP, Rvv, R^^, LN, e^x, LOG, 10^x, 1/x, sq.rt., x^2, root, SIN, COS, TAN, SIN-1, COS-1, TAN-1, HYP SIN, HYP COS, HYP TAN, HYP SIN-1, HYP COS-1, HYP TAN-1, ENTER^, CHS, CLx, -, +, x, :, y^x, ABS, CONJ, STO, STO+, STO-, STOx, STO:, STO CHS, STO y^x, RCL, RCL+, RCL-, RCLx, RCL:, RCL CHS, RCL y^x. f Re Isolate real portion of complex number. g Im Isolate imaginary portion of complex number. LN Natural log. g HYP Prefix for hyperbolic functions. Can be followed by: SIN, COS, TAN, SIN-1, COS-1, TAN-1. f Gold shift key. g Blue shift key. f' Green shift key. g' Red shift key. STO Store. Must be followed by 000..999 or IND. STO + Store add. Must be followed by 000..999 or IND. STO - Store subtract. Must be followed by 000..999 or IND. STO x Store multiply. Must be followed by 000..999 or IND. STO : Store divide. Must be followed by 000..999 or IND. STO CHS Store change sign. Must be followed by 000..999 or IND. STO y^x Store power. Must be followed by 000..999 or IND. f' %+ Calculate percent and then add. g' %- Calculate percent and then subtract. RCL Recall. Must be followed by 000..999 or IND. RCL + Recall add. Must be followed by 000..999 or IND. RCL - Recall subtract. Must be followed by 000..999 or IND. RCL x Recall multiply. Must be followed by 000..999 or IND. RCL : Recall divide. Must be followed by 000..999 or IND. RCL CHS Recall change sign. Must be followed by 000..999 or IND. RCL y^x Recall power. Must be followed by 000..999 or IND. g e Recall constant "e". f' i Recall constant "i". g' c Recall constant "c" (speed of light). ENTER^ Enter. f SAVEP Save program. Followed by partition name (A..Z). g LOADP Load program. Followed by partition name (A..Z). f' SAVED , Save all data registers. f' SAVED b,e Save block of registers (000..999 each). g' LOADD , Load all data registers. g' LOADD b,e Load block of registers (000..999 each). CHS Change sign. f LASTx Recall Last X register. g LASTy Recall Last Y register. f' UNDO Undo last operation or function. EEX Enter exponent. Can be followed by 0000..9999. f TONE Single tone. Followed by 00..99. f' BEEP Preset beeps. Followed by 00..99. CLx Clear X-register. f CL STK Clear entire stack. g CL REG , Clear all registers. g CL REG b,e Clear block of registers (000..999 each). f' CL sigma Clear summation registers. g' CL PRGM . Clear current program partition. g' CL PRGM Clear specific program partition (A..Z, IND). g' CL PRGM , Clear all program partitions. <- Correction. f |> Mark beginning of block for copy/paste. g <| Mark ending of block for copy/paste. f' CPY Copy block. g' PAST Paste at cursor location. 9 Digit 9. f delta-D Days between dates. g DOW Day of the week. f' DATE+ Add days to date. g' DATE- Subtract days from date. IND Indirect address. Followed by 000..999. f ^ Move cursor up. g v Move cursor down. f' > Move cursor right. g' < Move cursor left. y^x Raise to power. f' CEIL Ceiling. g' FLR Floor. 5 Digit 5. f' ly<-psec Parsecs to light-years. g' ly->psec Light-years to parsecs. ( Left arenthesis. Used when the 68CX is set to AOS logic, or to enter coordinates or complex numbers. f p/q Delimiter for common fraction entry. f' p/q<-Dec Decimal to common fraction. g' p/q->Dec Common fraction to decimal. VIEW View register. Followed by 000..999 or IND. f VW STK View stack. g VW REG , View all registers. g VW REG b,e View block of registers (000..999 each). f' VW sigma View summation registers. g' PSE Pause. 2 Digit 2. f yr<-day Days to years. g yr->day Years to days. f' day<-s Seconds to days. g' day->s Days to seconds. 3 Digit 3. f MAX Selects the maximum between X and Y. g MIN Selects the minimum between X and Y. f' MANT Isolate mantissa. g' EXP Isolate exponent. ) Right parenthesis. See "(" above. f' CONJ Conjugate of a complex number. g' MOD Modulus. PRx Print X. f PR STK Print stack. g PR REG , Print all registers. g PR REG b,e Print block of registers (000..999 each). f' PR sigma Print summation registers. g' PR PRGM . Print current program partition. g' PR PRGM , Print all program partitions. g' PR PRGM Print specific partition (A..Z, IND). : Division. f' FS Test: flag set? g' FC Test: flag clear? 0 Digit 0. f FSC Test: flag set? then clear. g FCC Test: flag clear? then clear. f' FSS Test: flag set? then set. g' FCS Test: flag clear? then set. . Decimal point. f ISZ Incrementing loop, test against 0. Followed by 000..999, IND. g DSZ Decrementing loop, test against 0. Followed by 000..999, IND. f' ISG Incrementing loop, flexible. Followed by 000..999, IND. g' DSE Decrementing loop, flexible. Followed by 000..999, IND. , Comma. Used to separate parameters or coordinates. g' RDM# Random number. STO g' RDM# Store X as seed for random number generator. = Equals. Used when 68CX is set to AOS logic. f RPN Set 68CX to RPN logic. g AOS Set 68CX to AOS logic. f' SIZE Change size of the stack. Followed by 02..99. g' sigmaREG Set summation block's first register. Followed by 000..999. R/S Run/Stop. f INPUT Stop for input into register. Followed by 000..999, IND. f' PROMPT Stop for output from register. Followed by 000..999, IND. HP is a trademark of the Hewlett-Packard company. AOS is a trademark of the Texas Instruments company.