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16C internal floating point format?
04-14-2021, 08:26 PM
Post: #10
RE: 16C internal floating point format?
Hi Bill,

Entering any of those lines generates "Error 1", both in Run and in Prgm mode. Any flag above 5 generates "Error 1".

On the 15C I know that someone found a way to enter "synthetic" instructions to be able to enter new "opcodes", but to my knowledge this has not been done on the 16C.


[35/45/55/65/67/97/80 21/25/29C 31E/32E/33E|C/34C/38E 41C|CV|CX 71B 10C/11C/12C/15C|CE/16C 32S|SII/42S 28C|S 48GX/49G/50G 35S 41X]
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RE: 16C internal floating point format? - ThomasF - 04-14-2021 08:26 PM
New 16C simulator - alpha on web - billf - 05-01-2021, 10:19 PM

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