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(71B) The Devil's Dungeon game
12-18-2019, 08:12 PM
Post: #1
(71B) The Devil's Dungeon game
This is the BASIC listing for:

The Devil's Dungeon Game

Stimulating Simulations, Second Edition, 1982, ISBN 0-8104-5170-0

The game, as listed in the book, relies on IF commands as the first command in a multi-command line. If the condition of the IF is true, then the rest of the multi-command line is executed, if the condition of the IF is false, the rest of the multi-command line is ignored. This is apparently not legal in HP-71B BASIC, so I had to refactor the program so as to not have any multi-command lines that begin with an IF command.

The game code had some 2-letter variables like YS. These were changed to 1 letter and 1 digit variables, like Y1.

The game code has a number of array variables, and it also had some single instance variables using the same character, like X and X(16). These were changed to discriminate between them, like X0 and X(16).

I have run the game a number of times, and it appears to be running properly, per the description and instructions in the book. This game runs well on the HP-71B with PIL-Box and the pyILPer application on an attached PC. If you have access to the Stimulating Simulations book for the instructions and examples, hopefully you may enjoy this game, too.


1 REM The Devil's Dungeon Game
2 REM Stimulating Simulations, 2nd Edition, 1982
4 REM Adapted to HP-71B, December 2019, smp
7 REM Set Room 1
10 DIM R(16),L(65),F(16),X(19),B(16)
15 REAL L0,G,E,D,I,J,F0,N,Q,R0,S,M,T,X0
20 L0=1 @ G=0 @ E=0 @ X0=16
30 D=1 @ Y1=101 @ Y2=101
40 FOR I=0 TO 65 @ L(I)=0 @ NEXT I
50 FOR I=1 TO X0
55 N=INT((3*RND)+1)
60 IF I=1 THEN N=3
70 FOR J=1 TO N
80 R0=INT(64*RND+1)
90 IF L(R0)<>0 THEN 80
100 L(R0)=I
110 NEXT J
120 R(I)=INT(524287*RND) @ B(I)=0
130 NEXT I 
140 B(L0)=1 @ R(1)=24576 @ FOR I=1 TO 19 @ X(I)=0 @ NEXT I
144 REM
145 REM Hazards
146 REM
150 IF RND>=0.01 THEN 160
155 DISP"Tremor!" @ FOR I=1 TO 20 @ L(I)=INT(X0*RND+1) @ NEXT I
160 IF RND>=0.01 THEN 170
165 DISP"Tremor!" @ FOR I=1 TO 20 @ L(I)=0 @ NEXT I
170 IF X(1)*X(12)<>1 OR RND>=0.4 THEN 180
175 DISP"Cursed by demon!" @ Y2=INT(0.5*Y2)
180 IF X(9)*X(11)<>1 OR RND>=0.4 THEN 190
182 DISP"Gassed!" @ Y1=INT(0.5*Y1)
185 REM
186 REM Decrement & Test
187 REM
190 Y2=Y2-D
200 Y1=Y1-D
210 IF Y1>0 AND Y2>0 THEN 220
211 DISP"You're dead!" @ END
214 REM
215 REM Output Status
216 REM
220 DISP
230 DISP"Gold: ";G;" Exp: ";E;" Depth: ";D
240 DISP"Speed: ";Y2;" Strength: ";Y1 @ GOSUB 250 @ GOTO 310
244 REM
245 REM Adjacent Rooms
246 REM
250 FOR I=1 TO X0 @ F(I)=0 @ NEXT I
260 FOR I=1 TO 64
270 IF L0<>L(I) THEN 300
280 IF L(I+1)<>0 AND L(I+1)<>L0 THEN F(L(I+1))=1
290 IF L(I-1)<>0 AND L(I-1)<>L0 THEN F(L(I-1))=1
304 REM
305 REM Convert
306 REM
310 N=R(L0)
320 FOR I=1 TO 19 @ Q=INT(N/2) @ X(I)=2*(N/2-Q) @ N=Q @ NEXT I
324 REM
325 REM Monsters, Demons, Gas
326 REM
330 IF X(2)<>0 THEN 340
332 M1=0 @ GOTO 380
340 IF F0=1 THEN 370
350 M1=D*(X(3)+2*X(4)+4*X(5)+L0)
360 M2=D*(X(6)+2*X(7)+4*X(8)+L0)
370 DISP"Monster's Speed: ";M2;" Strength: ";M1
380 IF X(1)*X(12)=1 THEN DISP"Demons!"
390 IF X(9)*X(11)=1 THEN DISP"Poison Gas!"
394 REM
395 REM Treasure
396 REM
400 IF X(10)=1 THEN 410
402 T=0 @ GOTO 430
410 T=X(11)+2*X(12)+4*X(13)+1
420 DISP"Maximum Gold: ";T*L0*D+1
424 REM
425 REM Slides & Drop-offs
426 REM
430 S=X(15)+2*X(16)+4*X(17)+8*X(18)+1
440 IF S>X0 THEN S=1
450 IF S=0 THEN S=1
460 IF X(14)=0 OR S=L0 THEN 480
470 DISP"Slide To: ";S
480 IF X(19)*X(13)=1 THEN DISP"Drop-off"
484 REM
485 REM Input Move
486 REM
490 DISP"Move From: ";L0;" To: ";
500 FOR I=1 TO X0
510 IF F(I)=1 AND I<>L0 THEN DISP I;
520 NEXT I
535 IF M=88 THEN 1000
540 IF M=>0 OR X(19)*X(13)<>1 THEN 550
545 D=D+1 @ F0=0 @ GOTO 40
550 IF M=>0 THEN 560
555 DISP"No drop-off" @ GOTO 150
560 IF M<=X0 OR L0<>1 THEN 570
565 DISP"You found ";G;" pieces of gold!" @ END
570 IF M<=X0 THEN 600
574 REM
575 REM Magic Wand
576 REM
580 IF RND>=0.4 THEN 590
582 DISP"Backfire!" @ Y1=INT(0.5*Y1) @ Y2=INT(0.5*Y2) @ GOTO 150
590 DISP"Wand works!" @ R(L0)=266240 @ GOTO 220
594 REM
595 REM Move Trade
596 REM
600 IF M1>0 THEN 700
610 IF M<>0 OR L0<>1 THEN 920
620 DISP"Experience: ";E;" Speed: ";Y2;" Strength: ";Y1 @ INPUT"Add Speed: ";N
630 IF E-N<0 THEN DISP"Need more experience!" @ GOTO 620
640 E=E-N @ Y2=Y2+N @ DISP"Experience left: ";E
650 INPUT"Add Strength: ";N
660 IF E-N<0 THEN DISP"Need more experience!" @ GOTO 650
670 E=E-N @ Y1=Y1+N @ DISP"Experience left: ";E
680 GOTO 220
694 REM
695 REM Fight
696 REM
700 F0=1
710 IF M>0 THEN 900
720 Y3=INT(RND*Y1) @ M3=INT(RND*M1)
730 IF Y3>M1 THEN Y3=M1
740 IF M3>Y1 THEN M3=Y1
750 IF RND*Y2>RND*M2 THEN 780
760 DISP"Monster attacks!" @ Y1=Y1-M3 @ M1=M1-INT(0.5*Y3)
770 GOTO 800
780 DISP"You attack!" @ M1=M1-Y3 @ Y1=Y1-INT(0.5*M3)
800 E=E+2*Y3
810 IF M1>0 THEN 820
812 DISP"Monster is dead!" @ R(L0)=R(L0)-2 @ GOTO 150
820 DISP"Monster still alive!" @ GOTO 150
894 REM
895 REM Run
896 REM
900 IF RND*Y2<=RND*M2 THEN 910
902 DISP"Escaped!" @ GOTO 970
910 DISP"Monster hit you!" @ Y1=Y1-INT(0.2*M1) @ GOTO 970
914 REM
915 REM Treasure
916 REM
920 IF T=0 THEN 970
930 G1=INT(RND*T*L0*D)+1
940 IF X(1)*X(12)<>1 OR RND>=0.4 THEN 950
942 DISP"Demon got gold!" @ G1=0
950 DISP"You found ";G1;" pieces of gold!" @ G=G+G1 @ R(L0)=R(L0)-512
960 E=E+G1
964 REM
965 REM Move
966 REM
970 IF F(M)<>1 AND M<>S THEN 980
972 L0=M @ F0=0 @ E=E+D @ B(L0)=1 @ GOTO 150
980 DISP"Not adjacent" @ GOTO 150
994 REM
995 REM Print Rooms
996 REM
1000 L1=L0 @ FOR K=1 TO X0
1010 IF B(K)<>1 THEN 1070
1020 DISP K;"--";
1030 L0=K @ GOSUB 250
1040 FOR J=1 TO X0
1050 IF F(J)=1 AND J<>K THEN DISP J;
1060 NEXT J @ DISP
1070 NEXT K
1080 L0=L1 @ GOTO 220
2000 END

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(71B) The Devil's Dungeon game - smp - 12-18-2019 08:12 PM
RE: (71B) The Devil's Dungeon game - smp - 12-19-2019, 02:39 PM

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