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STRINGFROMID and gradians
09-19-2018, 10:10 PM (This post was last modified: 09-19-2018 10:15 PM by Didier Lachieze.)
Post: #16
RE: STRINGFROMID and gradians
Thanks Cyrille & Tim !

Leveraged from this program, here is a new program to generate text files for the different languages including the Group_ID and the related string in the language locale.
For each group the IDs are sorted by alphabetical order.

LOCAL li,header,group,id,j,k,str;
LOCAL Tx,Nmb,lg,id_list;


 lg:={"English","中文 (简体)","Français","Deutsch","Español","Nederlands","Português","日本語"};  // Language list
 Nmb:="STRINGFROMID_"+lg(Language)+".txt";                                                       // File name
 k:=MAX(MAKELIST(DIM(li(I,1))+MAX(DIM(tail(li(I)))),I,1,SIZE(li)))+1;   // Maximum length of any "group_ID" string

 FOR j FROM 1 TO SIZE(li) DO                             // For each group
   group:=li(j,1);                                       //   get group name
   id_list:=sort(UNION(tail(li(j))));                    //   get sorted list of IDs for this group, without duplicates
   if id_list(1)=="" THEN id_list:=tail(id_list); END;   //   remove empty string ID if any
   FOR id FROM 1 to SIZE(id_list) DO                     //   for each ID within a group
     str:= group+"_"+id_list(id);                        //     build "group_id" string
     Tx:=REPLACE(str,k+3,"")+STRINGFROMID(str)+"\r\n";   //     pad "group_id" string with spaces up to k+2 characters and add the localized string 
     LOCAL y,Nvo={};
     FOR y:=1 TO DIM(Tx) DO
     AFilesB(Nmb,AFilesB(Nmb)):=Nvo;                     //     Store Unicode text

 lg(Language)+": Done!"

And the txt files extracted from the current beta version:
1 English
2 中文 (简体)
3 Français
4 Deutsch
5 Español
6 Nerderlands
7 Português
8 日本語
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