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WP34s - Sort sum registers to calculate percentile - Printable Version

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WP34s - Sort sum registers to calculate percentile - Marko - 04-01-2015 11:58 AM

In my first attempts to do some programming in my WP34s, I stumbled upon this wikipedia article on the calculation of percentiles. In the section about The Linear Interpolation Between Closest Ranks method it says: "In particular, given the N sorted values, we define the percent rank corresponding to the nth value as ... [forumula]"
Can the values in the Sum registers be sorted using R-SORT? And if not, what is a better way to achieve this? Any help in the right direction is thankfully appreciated.

RE: WP34s - Sort sum registers to calculate percentile - Paul Dale - 04-01-2015 12:17 PM

The statistical registers cannot be sorted by R-SORT. They are not really registers as far as the user is concerned, they exist entirely independently of the user's registers. Moreover, the data you have accumulated isn't stored anywhere, only some accumulations of it -- the original values are not available anymore.

The best way I can think of is to store the values into registers and then work out the percentile from these using R-SORT.

- Pauli

RE: WP34s - Sort sum registers to calculate percentile - Marko - 04-01-2015 12:45 PM

(04-01-2015 12:17 PM)Paul Dale Wrote:  The best way I can think of is to store the values into registers and then work out the percentile from these using R-SORT.

Thank you for you quick reply, this will be a nice challenge!

- Marko