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I41cx (iPhone/iPad) issue with Advantage Pac HEXIN implementation? - Printable Version

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I41cx (iPhone/iPad) issue with Advantage Pac HEXIN implementation? - KF6GPE - 03-09-2024

Ran into this last night while setting up the i41cx app, and wondering if anyone else has seen this.

I’ve loaded the Advantage module from the UI — swipe, touch the modules, spin to ADVANTAGE, and load. I’m pretty sure it’s loading the B revision of the Advantage Pac.

Using HEXIN, I’m not getting hex to decimal conversions — I seem to be getting junk; it looks like it’s incrementing some counter each conversion and outputting the result.

If I recall correctly, there’s no equivalent of word size on the Advantage Pac implementation the way there is with the 16C; everything works with sixteen bits, I think.

Does this ring a bell for anyone? Does anyone remember a HEXIN bug in some version of the pac that may be what i41cx is loading?

FWIW, the DM41X Advantage Pac does not have this bug — I was setting up my iPhone app to match the key bindings on my DM41X just for fun.

Curious minds want to know.