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Firmware 2021 - Test PRINT and PRINT2D cmds - Printable Version

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Firmware 2021 - Test PRINT and PRINT2D cmds - compsystems - 04-16-2021 11:17 PM

Hello hp¹s

In firmware 2021, we have a new PRINT2D command in math book print format. =]

A: PRINT2D does not work in CAS mode =(

Quote:PRINT2D Syntax:
PRINT2D(obj, [font], [color], flags)
Prints either the result of expr or string to the terminal. The display will be done using textbook display

B: The tab symbol must be invisible in terminal view and visible in edit as ⇥

PHP Code:
    PRINT( "Hello\n\tworld \\ \" " ); //   Hello world \ "
PRINT2D"Hello\n\tworld \\ \" " );
"Hello\n\tworld \\ \" " ); 

Basic escape characters work great in the code editor, but not yet in the history view =(

Test PRINT & PRINT2D cmds

PHP Code:
EXPORT print_cmds_home()
PRINT(); // Clear terminal output
PRINT( (50 5*6) / ); // 5, evaluates, ok
PRINT2D( (50 5*6) / ); // 5, evaluates, ok
PRINT( "\n" ); // new line, ok
PRINT( quote(2) ); // 5^2, 1D without evaluating, ok
PRINT( '5 ^ 2' ); // 5^2, 1D without evaluating, ok
PRINT2Dquote(2) ); // 5² , 2D without evaluating, ok
PRINT2D'5 ^ 2' ); // 5² , 2D without evaluating, ok
PRINT( ); // 25, ok
PRINT2D); // 25, ok
PRINT( "\n" );

'(50 - (5*6)) / 4' ); //     1D without evaluating, ok
PRINT2D'(50 - (5*6)) / 4' ); // 2D without evaluating, ok
PRINT( "\n" );
"Hello\n\tworld \\ \" " );  //   Hello world \ "
PRINT2D"Hello\nworld" );
"\n" );

PRINT2D'17 / 3' ); // 17/3, rational division without evaluating, ok
PRINT2D17 ); // 5.6666... , approximate value calculation, ok
PRINT( "\n" );
PRINT2D'floor(17 / 3)' ); // print as function floor(17 / 3), but ⌊ 17/3 ⌋ is real 2D mathbook print, 8970 (⌊) & 8971(⌋)    unicode char
PRINT2Dfloor(17 3) ); // 5, ok, floor division discards the fractional part
PRINT( "\n" );
PRINT2D'ceiling(17 / 3)' ); // print as ceiling(17 / 3), but ⌈ 17/3 ⌉ is real 2D mathbook print, 8968(⌈)/8969(⌉) unicode char
PRINT2Dceiling(17 3) ); // 6
PRINT( "\n" );
PRINT2D'17 MOD 3' ); // 17 MOD 3
PRINT2D17 MOD 3 ); // 2, ok, the MOD operator returns the remainder of the division
PRINT( "\n" );
PRINT2D'abs(3+4*i)' ); // | 3 + 4i |, ok
PRINT2Dabs(3+4*i) ); // 5, ok
PRINT( "\n" );

"Done" );

Test print (lowercase) cmd
PHP Code:
print(); // Clear terminal output
print( (50 5*6) / ); // 5, evaluates, ok
print( (50 5*6) / ); // 5, evaluates, ok
print( "\n" ); // still not print new line =(
print( string(quote(2) )); // "5^2", 1D without evaluating
print( string('5 ^ 2') ); // "5^2", 1D without evaluating
print( quote(2) ); // 5² , 2D without evaluating, ok
print( '5 ^ 2' ); // 5² , 2D without evaluating, ok
print( ); // 25, ok
print( ); // 25, ok
print( "\n" );

string('(50 - (5*6)) / 4' )); //  1D without evaluating
print( '(50 - (5*6)) / 4' ); // 2D without evaluating, ok
print( "\n" );
"Hello\n\tworld \\ \" " );  //   Hello world \ "
print( "Hello\nworld" );
"\n" );

'17 / 3' ); // 17/3, rational division without evaluating, ok
print( 17 3. ); // 5.6666... , approximate value calculation, ok
print( "\n" );
'floor(17 / 3)' ); // print as function floor(17 / 3), but ⌊ 17/3 ⌋ is real 2D mathbook print, 8970 (⌊) & 8971(⌋)  unicode char
print( floor(17 3) ); // 5, ok, floor division discards the fractional part
print( "\n" );
'ceiling(17 / 3)' ); // print as ceiling(17 / 3), but ⌈ 17/3 ⌉ is real 2D mathbook print, 8968(⌈)/8969(⌉) unicode char
print( ceiling(17 3) ); // 6
print( "\n" );
'17 MOD 3' ); // 17 MOD 3
print( 17 MOD 3 ); // 2, ok, the MOD operator returns the remainder of the division
print( "\n" );
'abs(3+4*i)' ); // | 3 + 4i |, ok
print( abs(3+4*i) ); // 5, ok
print( "\n" );

"Done" );

output comparison between HOME and CAS
[Image: print2d_hp_prime_2021_img00.png]

RE: Firmware 2021 - Test PRINT and PRINT2D cmds - cyrille de brébisson - 04-19-2021 01:35 PM


Unfortunately, I do not think that I will be able to do much about the print and CAS mode...
PPL/CAS integration can only go so far without doing a LOT of work...

As far as the "tab" goes, how many spaces would you like it to be? 2 or 4?


RE: Firmware 2021 - Test PRINT and PRINT2D cmds - cyrille de brébisson - 04-19-2021 02:10 PM


Actually, I will just replace the tab with a single space...
Prime does not use a monospace font, so you should not be using tabs anyway :-)

_______ _ _ _ _
|__ __| | | | | | | | |
| | __ _| |__ ___ __| | ___ _ __ ___ | |_ __ _____ _ __| | __
| |/ _` | '_ \/ __| / _` |/ _ \ | '_ \ / _ \| __| \ \ /\ / / _ \| '__| |/ /
| | (_| | |_) \__ \ | (_| | (_) | | | | | (_) | |_ \ V V / (_) | | | <
|_|\__,_|_.__/|___/ \__,_|\___/ |_| |_|\___/ \__| \_/\_/ \___/|_| |_|\_\


RE: Firmware 2021 - Test PRINT and PRINT2D cmds - cyrille de brébisson - 04-20-2021 06:27 AM


I have fixed the improper escape decoding...


RE: Firmware 2021 - Test PRINT and PRINT2D cmds - compsystems - 04-24-2021 04:21 AM

(04-20-2021 06:27 AM)cyrille de brébisson Wrote:  Hello,

I have fixed the improper escape decoding...


ok, now it prints fine only in Terminal View, but not in the History View display, and in the [Show] screen, because it prints a little box □.

Inside the code it is not convenient to show spaces, better a tab symbol and more when the code is python (tab character (#09h) as an arrow ↦ , ⇥ or this you can modify the text font by replacing the empty or box character □ with an arrow ⇥, because with white spaces it is difficult to determine the indentation

PHP Code:
EXPORT prg1()
return "hello\n\tworld";
prg1() [enter] "hello\n\tworld" [up] [show] hello world

[Image: print2d_hp_prime_2021_img02.png]

RE: Firmware 2021 - Test PRINT and PRINT2D cmds - jonmoore - 04-24-2021 09:13 AM

(04-19-2021 01:35 PM)cyrille de brébisson Wrote:  As far as the "tab" goes, how many spaces would you like it to be? 2 or 4?


Considering that a calculator has limited horizontal real-estate, I'd suggest that 'tab' spacing should be 2 characters.

RE: Firmware 2021 - Test PRINT and PRINT2D cmds - parisse - 04-24-2021 03:37 PM

Yes, I'm using 2 spaces in KhiCAS.

RE: Firmware 2021 - Test PRINT and PRINT2D cmds - compsystems - 04-24-2021 05:03 PM

Mr parisse
Why in CAS mode QUOTE or '' it is not working?, that is, when printing it evaluates the expression

PHP Code:
PRINT2Dquote(2) ); // 5² , 2D without evaluating
PRINT2D'5 ^ 2' ); // 5² , 2D without evaluating 

RE: Firmware 2021 - Test PRINT and PRINT2D cmds - parisse - 04-24-2021 05:54 PM

PRINT2D is not a CAS command.

RE: Firmware 2021 - Test PRINT and PRINT2D cmds - jonmoore - 04-24-2021 06:58 PM

On the subject fonts in the Python text editor, I noticed that the Alpha status indicator in the top bar displays incorrect information. It shows the font as being capitalised when it's lower case and visa versa.

RE: Firmware 2021 - Test PRINT and PRINT2D cmds - compsystems - 04-28-2021 05:54 PM

eval is a supercommand, an example with to print cmd
frn info: http://www-fourier.ujf-grenoble.fr/~parisse/giac/doc/fr/cascmd_fr/cascmd_fr259.html#sec338

In the following code you can see that to clean the screen I use
PRINT(); & Print;

print cmd without parentheses in CAS mode clears the screen, while at HOME it requires (), for this reason an improvement is that print() in CAS is interpreted as a clear screen, because when a code is executed any mode (CAS or HOME) works the same

PHP Code:
PRINT(); print; // clear terminal view
purge(r); purge(p); purge(q); purge(t); // purge(r,p,q,t);
a); // 1-3*i > 1+i*r > 1+i*(p+1) > 1+i*(q+1) > 1+i*(t+1) > 1+i*(-4+1) > 1-3*i
print(eval(a,1)); // 1+i*r
print(eval(a,2)); // 1+i*(p+1) 
print(eval(a,3)); // 1+i*(q+1) 
print(eval(a,4)); // 1+i*(t+1)
print(eval(a,5)); // 1+i*(-4+1) > 1-3*i

Another very useful improvement is that when placing a variable of the name of a CAS type function from the [var] menu, it automatically places an empty parenthesis as a suffix after the name of the program.
eval_cmd_cas> eval_cmd_cas()
The reason is that without parentheses it is considered as RCL or call of the content of the function and not as its execution.

RE: Firmware 2021 - Test PRINT and PRINT2D cmds - compsystems - 04-28-2021 10:51 PM

Hi, the following code works fine from HOME mode, but not from CAS mode.

Note that it uses WAIT cmd, to stop printing, in the hp48 and 50 series it showed HALT at the top, this is important to know that the printing is paused, I think it is also important to place this message, it may be above the la current time

PHP Code:
    local x
    PRINT(); print; 
// clear terminal view
print( "2D printing, Press any key to continue" ); wait;
"\n" );
"Expr1:" );
'f(x) = x^3 - 2*x^2 + x -1' );
f(x) := x^2*x^-1wait;
"\n\n" );

"Expr2:" );
'f(x) | (x=y)' ); wait;
'x^3 - 2*x^2 + x -1 | (x=y)' ); wait;
f(x) | (x=y) ); wait;
"\n\n" );

"Expr3:" );
'g(x) = 1/(x+3)' );
g(x) := 1/(x+3); wait;
"\n\n" );

"Expr4:" );
'f( g(x) )' ); wait;
'x^3 - 2*x^2 + x -1 | ( x=g(x) )' ); wait;    
'x^3 - 2*x^2 + x -1 | ( x = 1/(x+3) )' ); wait;    
fg(x) ) ); wait;
"\nsimplify:" );
simplifyf(g(x)) ) ); wait;
"\n\n" );

"Expr5:" );
'g( f(x) )' ); wait;
'1/(x+3) | (x=f(x))' ); wait;
gf(x) ) ); wait;
"\nsimplify:" );
simplifyg(f(x)) ) ); wait;

"\nDone" );


HOME mode
test_expr2Dprint_CAS() [enter] ok, but in the end it returns the source code, this is because the name of the program suppresses the parentheses