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monic part 2: connecting the keypad - Printable Version

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monic part 2: connecting the keypad - F-73P - 06-23-2020 04:10 AM

Previous: monic part 1: connecting the display

Next: monic part 3: towards a handheld

This thread shows how to connect a 4x4 matrix keypad and two push buttons. The keypad and push buttons are part of a virtual 6 column, 8 row matrix keypad to be added in the future.

A typical 4x4 matrix keypad has the following pinout:

[Image: 50028414746_935fedb522_z.jpg]

[Image: 50028676562_5f599e20c5_z.jpg]

Thus 8 pins are required to connect the keypad: 4 pins for the rows and 4 for the columns. Also 4 pins are required for the two push buttons. Since 10 pins are used for the display this gives a total of 22 GPIO pins.

However the EVK has only 16 GPIO pins, so the pins connected to D2-D7 on the display are also connected to the rows of the keypad and the push buttons:

[Image: 50042024928_34234800d8_z.jpg]

[Image: 50042560691_59d14d3b0e_z.jpg]

For some reason certain GPIO pins configured as inputs were being pulled low, even with internal pull-up resistors activated. For this reason the following changes (in bold) were made to the connections between the display and EVK:

[Image: 50035351923_a7c6fca3a6_z.jpg]

The connections between the keypad/push button input pins and EVK are:

[Image: 50042803466_4120238ba6_z.jpg]

The pins are reconfigured in the Config Tools as per the table below:

[Image: 50042981677_a086eb9946_z.jpg]
[Image: 50042166648_c3ca334f44_z.jpg]

The header file “display.h” was moved to the “display” folder and the “header” folder in "source" deleted. A new folder “keypad” was created in "source" and a header file “keypad.h” placed in it.

Therefore #include "../header/display.h" at the beginning of "GLCD.c" is changed to #include "display.h".

"keypad.h" is:


#define keyHeld  38

Replace the code in "HX8357D.c" with:


//Port of Adafruit code to i.MX RT1010

/*Copyright (c) 2013 Adafruit Industries.  All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

- Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
  this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
  this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
  and/or other materials provided with the distribution.



#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

#include "board.h"

#include "pin_mux.h"
#include "clock_config.h"

#include "display.h"


extern int width;
extern int height;


void writeRegister32(uint8_t, uint32_t);
void writeRegister8(uint8_t, uint8_t);
void setAddrWindow(int, int, int, int);
void flood(uint16_t, uint32_t);
void setLR(void);
void writeRegisterPair(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint16_t);
void displayPortWrite(unsigned int);
void delayms(unsigned int);


void initDisp(void) {
    uint8_t i;


    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) displayPortWrite(0x00);

    //write to LCD registers





    displayPortWrite(0x25);                                                           //-1.52V

    displayPortWrite(0x68);                                                           //Normal mode 70Hz, Idle mode 55 Hz

    displayPortWrite(0x05);                                                           //BGR, gate direction swapped












void setAddrWindow(int x1,int y1, int x2, int y2) {
    uint32_t t;

    t = x1;
    t <<= 16;
    t |= x2;
    writeRegister32(ILI9341_COLADDRSET, t);                                    // HX8357D uses same registers!
    t = y1;
    t <<= 16;
    t |= y2;
    writeRegister32(ILI9341_PAGEADDRSET, t);                                   // HX8357D uses same registers!

void writeRegister8(uint8_t a, uint8_t d) {

void writeRegister32(uint8_t r, uint32_t d) {
    __asm volatile ("nop");__asm volatile ("nop");__asm volatile ("nop");__asm volatile ("nop");__asm volatile ("nop");

    displayPortWrite(d >> 24);
    __asm volatile ("nop");__asm volatile ("nop");__asm volatile ("nop");__asm volatile ("nop");__asm volatile ("nop");

    displayPortWrite(d >> 16);
    __asm volatile ("nop");__asm volatile ("nop");__asm volatile ("nop");__asm volatile ("nop");__asm volatile ("nop");

    displayPortWrite(d >> 8);
    __asm volatile ("nop");__asm volatile ("nop");__asm volatile ("nop");__asm volatile ("nop");__asm volatile ("nop");


void flood(uint16_t colour, uint32_t len) {
    uint16_t blocks;
    uint8_t  i, hi = colour >> 8, lo = colour;



    // Write first pixel normally, decrement counter by 1

    blocks = (uint16_t)(len / 64);                                             //64 pixels/block
    if(hi == lo) {
        // High and low bytes are identical.  Leave prior data
        // on the port(s) and just toggle the write strobe.
        while(blocks--) {
            i = 16;                                                            //64 pixels/block/4 pixels/pass
            do {
                displayPortWrite(lo); displayPortWrite(lo); displayPortWrite(lo); displayPortWrite(lo);    //2 bytes/pixel
                displayPortWrite(lo); displayPortWrite(lo); displayPortWrite(lo); displayPortWrite(lo);    //x 4 pixels
            } while(--i);
        // Fill any remaining pixels (1 to 64)
        for(i = (uint8_t)len & 63; i--; ) {
    } else {
        while(blocks--) {
            i = 16; // 64 pixels/block / 4 pixels/pass
            do {
                displayPortWrite(hi); displayPortWrite(lo); displayPortWrite(hi); displayPortWrite(lo);
                displayPortWrite(hi); displayPortWrite(lo); displayPortWrite(hi); displayPortWrite(lo);
            } while(--i);
        for(i = (uint8_t)len & 63; i--; ) {

void drawFastVLine(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t length, uint16_t colour) {
    int16_t y2;

    // Initial off-screen clipping
    if((length <= 0) || (x<0) || ( x>= width) || (y>= height) || ((y2 = (y+length-1)) < 0)) return;
    if(y < 0) {                                                                // Clip top
        length += y;
        y = 0;

    if(y2 >= height) {                                                      // Clip bottom
        y2 = height - 1;
        length  = y2 - y + 1;

    setAddrWindow(x, y, x, y2);
    flood(colour, length);

void drawFastHLine(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t length, uint16_t colour) {
    int16_t x2;

    // Initial off-screen clipping
    if((length <= 0) || (y<0) || (y>= height) || (x>= width) || ((x2 = (x+length-1)) <  0)) return;
    if(x < 0) {                                                                // Clip left
        length += x;
        x = 0;
    if(x2 >= width) {                                                       // Clip right
        x2 = width - 1;
        length = x2 - x + 1;

    setAddrWindow(x, y, x2, y);
    flood(colour, length);

void setLR(void) {
    writeRegisterPair(HX8347G_COLADDREND_HI, HX8347G_COLADDREND_LO, width  - 1);
    writeRegisterPair(HX8347G_ROWADDREND_HI, HX8347G_ROWADDREND_LO, height - 1);

void writeRegisterPair(uint8_t aH, uint8_t aL, uint16_t d) {
    uint8_t hi = (d) >> 8, lo = (d);

void drawPixel(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t colour) {

    // Clip
    if((x < 0) || (y < 0) || (x >= width) || (y >= height)) return;

    setAddrWindow(x, y, width-1, height-1);
    displayPortWrite(colour >> 8);

void setRotation(uint8_t x) {
    uint8_t t;

    x = (x & 3);

    switch (x) {
    case 0:
    case 2:
        width = TFTWIDTH;
        height = TFTHEIGHT;
    case 1:
    case 3:
        width = TFTHEIGHT;
        height = TFTWIDTH;

    //HX8357D uses same registers as 9341 but different values
    switch (x) {
    case 2:
        t = HX8357B_MADCTL_RGB;
    case 3:
        t = HX8357B_MADCTL_MX | HX8357B_MADCTL_MV | HX8357B_MADCTL_RGB;
    case 0:
        t = HX8357B_MADCTL_MX | HX8357B_MADCTL_MY | HX8357B_MADCTL_RGB;
    case 1:
        t = HX8357B_MADCTL_MY | HX8357B_MADCTL_MV | HX8357B_MADCTL_RGB;
    writeRegister8(ILI9341_MADCTL, t);                                         //MADCTL

    // For 8357, init default full-screen address window:
    setAddrWindow(0, 0, width - 1, height - 1);

void displayPortWrite(unsigned int x) {
    uint32_t setBitMask;
    uint32_t clrBitMask;

    setBitMask = ((x & 0x01) << 11) | ((x & 0x02) << (15-1)) | ((x & 0x04) << (16-2)) | ((x & 0x08) << (17-3)) | ((x & 0x10) << (18-4)) | ((x & 0x20) << (20-5)) | ((x & 0x40) << (21-6)) | ((x & 0x80) << (23-7));
    clrBitMask = ((~x & 0x01) << 11) | ((~x & 0x02) << (15-1)) | ((~x & 0x04) << (16-2)) | ((~x & 0x08) << (17-3)) | ((~x & 0x10) << (18-4)) | ((~x & 0x20) << (20-5)) | ((~x & 0x40) << (21-6)) | ((~x & 0x80) << (23-7));

    GPIO_PortSet(GPIO1, setBitMask);
    GPIO_PortClear(GPIO1, clrBitMask);


Replace the code in "monic.c" with:


//monic 1.0


#include <stdio.h>
#include "board.h"
#include "peripherals.h"
#include "pin_mux.h"
#include "clock_config.h"
#include "MIMXRT1011.h"
#include "fsl_debug_console.h"

#include <stdbool.h>
#include "display/display.h"
#include "keypad/keypad.h"


uint16_t keyNumber;
uint16_t keyHeldCtr;

int16_t xCoordinate;
int16_t yCoordinate;
uint16_t fontColour;

int width;
int height;

uint8_t const *fontData;
uint32_t const *fontOffset;

int16_t xCoordinateCursor;
int16_t yCoordinateCursor;

uint8_t size;

extern uint8_t AdafruitClassicData[];

_Bool shift;


void initDisp(void);
void setRotation(uint8_t);
void fillScreen(uint16_t);
void fillRect(int16_t, int16_t, int16_t, int16_t, uint16_t);
void printString(char*);

void scanKp(void);
_Bool scanColumn(void);

void delay1ms(void);
void delayms(unsigned int);

void delay1us(void);
void delayus(unsigned int);

int main(void) {

    fontData = AdafruitClassicData;
    size = 4;
    //fontData = fontVW_1data;           //variable-width font data
    //fontOffset = fontVW_1Offset;


    SysTick->CTRL = 0;                                                         //disable SysTick


    fontColour = BLUE;
    xCoordinate = 130;
    yCoordinate = 0;
    printString("monic 1.0");

    fontColour = GREEN;
    xCoordinate = 0;
    yCoordinate = 29;
    printString("key pressed:");

    fontColour = RED;
    size = 3;
    xCoordinate = 0;
    yCoordinate = 64;

    while (1) {
        if (xCoordinate > 400) {
            xCoordinate = 0;
            yCoordinate +=24;
            if (yCoordinate > 294) {
                yCoordinate = 64;
                fillRect(0, 64, 480, 256, BLACK);
        switch (keyNumber) {
        case 0:
            if (keyHeldCtr == keyHeld) printString("0 H,");
            else printString("0,");
        case 1:
            if (keyHeldCtr == keyHeld) printString("1 H,");
            else printString("1,");
        case 2:
            if (keyHeldCtr == keyHeld) printString("2 H,");
            else printString("2,");
        case 3:
            if (keyHeldCtr == keyHeld) printString("3 H,");
            else printString("3,");
        case 6:
            if (keyHeldCtr == keyHeld) printString("6 H,");
            else printString("6,");
        case 7:
            if (keyHeldCtr == keyHeld) printString("7 H,");
            else printString("7,");
        case 8:
            if (keyHeldCtr == keyHeld) printString("8 H,");
            else printString("8,");
        case 9:
            if (keyHeldCtr == keyHeld) printString("9 H,");
            else printString("9,");
        case 12:
            if (keyHeldCtr == keyHeld) printString("12 H,");
            else printString("12,");
        case 13:
            if (keyHeldCtr == keyHeld) printString("13 H,");
            else printString("13,");
        case 14:
            if (keyHeldCtr == keyHeld) printString("14 H,");
            else printString("14,");
        case 15:
            if (keyHeldCtr == keyHeld) printString("15 H,");
            else printString("15,");
        case 18:
            if (keyHeldCtr == keyHeld) printString("18 H,");
            else printString("18,");
        case 19:
            if (keyHeldCtr == keyHeld) printString("19 H,");
            else printString("19,");
        case 20:
            if (keyHeldCtr == keyHeld) printString("20 H,");
            else printString("20,");
        case 21:
            if (keyHeldCtr == keyHeld) printString("21 H,");
            else printString("21,");
        case 28:
            if (keyHeldCtr == keyHeld) printString("28 H,");
            else printString("28,");
        case 35:
            if (keyHeldCtr == keyHeld) printString("35 H,");
            else printString("35,");
            if (keyHeldCtr == keyHeld) printString("NF H,");
            else printString("NF,");

void delay1us(void) {
    SysTick->VAL = 0;
    SysTick->CTRL = 5;

    while((SysTick->CTRL & 0x00010000) == 0);

    SysTick->CTRL = 0;

void delayus(unsigned int max) {
    unsigned int i;

    SysTick->LOAD = 0x000001F4;                                                //reload value for 1us

    for (i=0; i<max; i++) delay1us();

void delay1ms(void) {
    SysTick->VAL = 0;
    SysTick->CTRL = 5;

    while((SysTick->CTRL & 0x00010000) == 0);

    SysTick->CTRL = 0;

void delayms(unsigned int max) {
    unsigned int i;

    SysTick->LOAD = 0x0007A120;                                                //reload value for 1ms

    for (i=0; i<max; i++) delay1ms();

void scanKp(void) {



           (GPIO_PinRead(BOARD_INITPINS_COL5_PERIPHERAL, BOARD_INITPINS_COL5_CHANNEL) == 0)) {     //wait for key to be released

    delayms(2);  //debounce

           (GPIO_PinRead(BOARD_INITPINS_COL5_PERIPHERAL, BOARD_INITPINS_COL5_CHANNEL))) {     //wait for key to be pressed


    while (1) {
        delayms(2);  //debounce

        keyNumber = 0;

        //scan row A - bottom of 4x4 matrix keypad

        if (scanColumn()) break;

        //scan row B

        if (scanColumn()) break;

        //scan row C

        if (scanColumn()) break;

        //scan row D - top row of 4x4 matrix keypad

        if (scanColumn()) break;

        //scan row E

        if (scanColumn()) break;

        //scan row F

        if (scanColumn()) break;

        //scan row G

        if (scanColumn()) break;

        //scan row H

        if (scanColumn()) break;

        break;            //keyNumber = 48, key not found

    for (keyHeldCtr = 0; keyHeldCtr < keyHeld; keyHeldCtr++) {                 //determine if key held

            (GPIO_PinRead(BOARD_INITPINS_COL5_PERIPHERAL, BOARD_INITPINS_COL5_CHANNEL))) break;    //exit if key released



_Bool scanColumn(void) {
    return false;

The test code displays the number of the key pressed (followed by "H" if the key was being held down):

[Image: 50035919691_77c8837ccd_z.jpg]

According to the datasheets the rebound time for the keys on the keypad is not more than 2ms and not more than 5ms for the Omron B3F-1052 push buttons. Using a debounce delay of 2ms gives good results - the keys can be pressed quite quickly without misses or bouncing.