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Woodstock Battery Holder - Printable Version

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RE: Woodstock Battery Holder - jftman - 01-16-2024 07:54 PM

I am a fan of available 3D printer parts.
I had acquired an HP 65 that had no battery pac, but came with an unsealed 3x AA pack for laying in the four metal connectors and closing the two halves with glue.

Since I put in standard full size Alkaline batteries, everything goes in by pressure.
I wrangled the closure into the mated position and without gluing placed it into an HP67.

The door closes and keeps everything in place.
Works, and is free to be disassembled later when the bats are depleted.
I just have to Mark the calculator to NEVER use the inboard charging system!

Couldn't be happier.

RE: Woodstock Battery Holder - Dave1947 - 02-15-2024 05:55 PM

I've posted my Woodstock battery holder to Shapeways. Link is:


RE: Woodstock Battery Holder - John Garza (3665) - 02-15-2024 08:24 PM

(12-19-2023 07:15 AM)Peter Klein Wrote:  For anyone else interested in a Woodstock battery holder...

There's this: https://www.shapeways.com/product/6NQASTNS9/hp25-battery-holder
It has a realistic price. I just ordered one, it should arrive around New Year's Day.

Also, if you go to The Auction Site and search for "HP-25 battery," you will find someone who sells 3D printed battery holders for about $20.


Regarding Shapeways; what's the story with the Woodstock standard top and bottom pieces:

Seems an awfully steep price!

... maybe the 'wants beer' fellow wants A LOT of beer...


RE: Woodstock Battery Holder - rprosperi - 02-15-2024 09:37 PM

(02-15-2024 08:24 PM)John Garza (3665) Wrote:  Regarding Shapeways; what's the story with the Woodstock standard top and bottom pieces:

Seems an awfully steep price!

... maybe the 'wants beer' fellow wants A LOT of beer...


Well, who with such a name would only want a little???

Nate has not updated the default material in a long time. Dave found out that as the 'most frequently used' materials change from time to time, old listings that have not been updated to more current materials are stuck on the original materials which are hardly used at all any more, so the price rises and rises as stocks dwindle.

Feel free to contact Nate and tell him to update the listing, he probably has no idea....