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Full Version: HP Prime Code Snippets and Relative Help for Carbajo's Xcas YouTube Videos
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In this this thread we show how Jose Luis Tabara Carbajo in his Xcas YouTube Videos used 1 or 2 global CAS Variables as the parameters of a CAS View command line function with the result being returned to the History area.

In this thread posts, we include HP Prime CAS screenshots of the Xcas implementation found in his videos plus English comment of HP Prime CAS screenshots according to the Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) comment found in each video.

When viewing this thread from a Windows 7/10/11 computer the images all blocked for security reasons. Use Computer Learminng Service Auxillary 1 Xcas page. (Computer Learning Service page was written specifically for windows security but can be used for Mac, IOS, Android, and Chromebook to view on a single page all of Jose Luis Tabara Carbajo Xcas commands translated for use in the HP Prime CAS View)

This thread can be used to practice and extend skills found in the eBook / Print on Demand book, HP Prime Guide Algebra Fundamentals, free Prime Academy | Learning Center website, and new upcoming OneNote HP Prime notebook - Basic Math Covid Math Skills and Review Guide.

Due the usefulness of HP Prime screenshots to members becoming familiar with the HP Prime we will include all the HP Prime screens shots we made for the Xcas videos rather than only showing screen shots using 1 or 2 global CAS Variables as the parameters of a CAS view command line function.

We like using Entry set to Textbook except where noted. If we find the commands in the CAS menu, Math menu, or template keys we use them. Otherwise we look them up in the Catlg menu. If needed, we used the HP Prime Help key to assist with HP Prime CAS view entry.

The Xcas videos used uppercase letters A-Z for variables names. Since the HP Prime uses uppercase letters A-Z for Real, we changed variable names to lowercase. Lowercase made variable entry easier, since default mode for HP Prime CAS view is lowercase. The Xcas videos use Algebraic Entry thus all functions are written as lowercase. The HP Prime CAS view command line uses lowercase when a function name is displayed but displays some of the function results in the History area using uppercase.
From Jose Luis Tabara Carbajo in his Xcas YouTube Videos.

When viewing this post from a Windows 7/10/11 computer the images all blocked for security reasons. Use Computer Learminng Service Auxillary 1 Xcas page.

Directly entering values or expressions in CAS functions. For approx use a b/c key.
[Image: add_exp_y.png]

Using evalf for significant digits plus Prime's root template rather than Xcas root function.
[Image: exp_70_rat_den_z.png]

The soft key simplify for the last entry works the same as expand.
[Image: simplify_0.png]

Use Polynomial>Find Roots proots rather than Xcas roots and Algebra> Substitute subst rather than subs.
[Image: factor_proot_1.png]
From Jose Luis Tabara Carbajo in his Xcas YouTube Videos.

When viewing this post from a Windows 7/10/11 computer the images all blocked for security reasons. Use Computer Learminng Service Auxillary 1 Xcas page.

Notice use of Matrix (Vector) format for solve multiple variable entry. Use upper right for radian / degree not Xcas angle_radian assigned 0 or 1.
[Image: solve_ang_rad_2.png]

Notice previous notes plus Matrix (Vector) to display multiple results.
[Image: ang_rad_log_base_3.png]

Need to use purge to prevent variable interaction with results not be what we are looking for. The HP prime function lncollect only gives us partially what we are looking for.
[Image: solve_exp_solve_cos_4.png]

Notice function values plus corresponding limit.
[Image: solve_cos_eq_lim_5.png]
From Jose Luis Tabara Carbajo in his Xcas YouTube Videos.

When viewing this post from a Windows 7/10/11 computer the images all blocked for security reasons. Use Computer Learminng Service Auxillary 1 Xcas page.

Notice the various derivative examples.
[Image: lim_taylor_6.png]

Here we have integration and vectors.
[Image: int_xcos_vector_7.png]

Dealing with formula for Dot product plus Cross product function.
[Image: arc_cos_maxnorm_8.png]

See the double bracket notation for multiple row matrices plus various matrix operations. For matrices we like changing input Entry to Algebraic. For a 2by3 matrix [[r1c1, r1c2, r1c3], [r2c1, r2c2, r2c3]].
[Image: mat_row_div_mat_inv_9.png]
From Jose Luis Tabara Carbajo in his Xcas YouTube Videos.

When viewing this post from a Windows 7/10/11 computer the images all blocked for security reasons. Use Computer Learminng Service Auxillary 1 Xcas page.

Inverse and identity matrix operations. Simultaneous equations by two methods. For matrices we like changing input Entry to Algebraic.
[Image: ind_mat1_ainv_x_b_10.png]

A third method, plus handling infinite and no solution simultaneous equations.
[Image: rref_char_poly11.png]

At the Xcas YouTube Videos Eigenvalues and Egenvectors are covered. Our HP Prime CAS came up with different values, so we left off.

End of HP Prime Code Snippets and Relative Help
A composite of all the images with their overview is available on the Computer Learminng Service Auxillary 1 Xcas page.

With each new update to HP Prime Calculator, HP Prime Pro (Windows, Android and iOS Apple), HP Prime Lite (Windows - Free), virtual pc and mac lots of work to see what has changed.

Need to check out all snippets in this thread plus my eBook / Print on Demand book, HP Prime Guide Algebra Fundamentals and my HP Prime Academy website. Think I am ok with my eBook / Printed Book and website because of emphasis on CAS for learning Algebra and higher math. Use of elementary Apps seems not to change. I also will need to make sure that functions and Apps that I created in the eBook / Printed book and on the website function correctly.

I should note that the website is linked to 90 plus YouTube Video, including complete course Finite Math using HP Prime. Take a look. I used OneNote for instruction and screenshots and the interactive virtual calculator to demonstrate the HP Prime steps.

This thread, my HP Prime eBook, my HP Prime Academy, and my Finite Math HP Prime YouTube course took a lot of work. I tried my best to be accurate. Hope you enjoy them and can find some use for all my HP Prime work.
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