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Full Version: AC Load Flow solver for the HP71 with Math ROM
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[attachment=5274]Hello all...

I thought that I should share a couple of BASIC programs for the HP71B that let you solve AC load flow problems for small systems. Because it relies on complex arithmetic, it needs the Math ROM, as well as the KEYWAIT lex file that provides the KEYWAIT$ function.

In the attached text file, there are two programs: PFEDIT lets you create a load flow case data in a text file. The format is similar to that used in the MATPOWER package (http://www.pserc.cornell.edu/matpower) . PFLOW lets you load a power flow case, solve it using Newton's method, and edit/change system parameters, as well as saving a solved case in another text file. The programs need the data structure definition contained in another text file called PFDATDEF; I also include text fles defining a simple 3-bus case and the IEEE 9 bus test case. The programs only allow one generator per bus.

The numerical techniques are pretty much those used in the MATPOWER package (which I co-authored). The 9 bus case is solved in a little over 4 minutes and 3 Newton iterations.

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