03-13-2014, 04:49 PM
A few weeks ago Geir started a thread about copying ASCII files, which is not possible using the standard function set in the CX. Some workarounds involved using the Mass storage functions SAVEAS/GETAS, as well as a FOCAL program from Raymond.
I tried that program but failed to make it work as supposed to, probably my bad. That made me start thinking of a MCODE implementation that would copy a source file into a destination one; and not only ASCII but of any type; like-to-like.
The code below shows the initial implementation - feel free to improve on it as you see fit ;-) Both files need to exist in X-Mem, but they don't have to be of the same size - which pretty much rules it out for program files, of course. Just make sure you know what you're doing...
Enjoy it!
PS. here's the original post: http://www.hpmuseum.org/forum/thread-260.html
I tried that program but failed to make it work as supposed to, probably my bad. That made me start thinking of a MCODE implementation that would copy a source file into a destination one; and not only ASCII but of any type; like-to-like.
The code below shows the initial implementation - feel free to improve on it as you see fit ;-) Both files need to exist in X-Mem, but they don't have to be of the same size - which pretty much rules it out for program files, of course. Just make sure you know what you're doing...
Enjoy it!
PS. here's the original post: http://www.hpmuseum.org/forum/thread-260.html
AF4A 08C "L"
AF4B 006 "F"
AF4C 00D "M" Copy X-Mem File
AF4D 019 "Y" " Source,Destination" in ALPHA
AF4E 010 "P" Both Files must exist
AF4F 003 "C"
AF50 03E B=0 MS wildcard type!
AF51 0A5 ?NC XQ Does [GTFLNA] and [RFLSCH]
AF52 0E8 ->3A29 [FLSHAC]
AF53 046 C=0 S&X
AF54 270 RAMSLCT select chip0
AF55 0B0 C=N ALL Source File Header
AF56 268 WRIT 9(Q) saved in rg.9(Q)
AF57 3E9 ?NC XQ Get Text after comma (!)
AF58 0D0 ->34FA [ALNAM2]
AF59 008 SETF 3
AF5A 281 ?NC XQ General File Search
AF5B 0F0 ->3CA0 [EFLSCH]
AF5C 38C ?FSET 0 not found?
AF5D 0B5 ?NC GO nope, say so!
AF5E 0F6 ->3D2D [FLNOFN]
AF5F 046 C=0 S&X
AF60 270 RAMSLCT select chip0
AF61 0B0 C=N ALL Dest File Header
AF62 128 WRIT 4(L) save it in 4(L)
AF64 278 READ 9(Q)
AF65 37E ?A#C MS
AF66 089 ?C XQ File Type Error
AF67 0F5 ->3D22 [FTPER]
AF68 244 CLRF 9 equal sizes
AF69 366 ?A#C S&X different?
AF6A 033 JNC +06 no, skip adjustments
AF6B 248 SETF 9 remember this for later
AF6C 306 ?A<C S&X is C smaller?
AF6D 013 JNC +02 yes, skip
AF6E 0A6 A<>C S&X no, get the smaller size
AF6F 106 A=C S&X into both counters
AF70 158 M=C ALL Source Header
AF72 070 N=C ALL DestInation header
AF73 198 C=M ALL source file counters
AF74 0FC RCR 10 rotate file addr to C[S&X]
AF75 10E A=C ALL prepare it as input
AF76 00D ?NC XQ Get next register adr
AF77 0D0 ->3403 [NXREG]
AF78 0A6 A<>C S&X reg to C[S&X]
AF79 270 RAMSLCT select it
AF7A 0A6 A<>C S&X rebuild A
AF7B 038 READATA get reg value
AF7C 0EE B<>C ALL save in B
AF7E 07C RCR 4
AF7F 158 M=C ALL Update source counter
AF80 0B0 C=N ALL Dest file register
AF81 0FC RCR 10 rotate file addr to C[S&X]
AF82 10E A=C ALL prepare it as input
AF83 00D ?NC XQ Get next register adr
AF84 0D0 ->3403 [NXREG]
AF85 0A6 A<>C S&X reg to C[S&X]
AF86 270 RAMSLCT select it
AF87 0A6 A<>C S&X rebuild A
AF88 0EE B<>C ALL reg value!
AF89 2F0 WRITDATA copy to destination
AF8B 07C RCR 4
AF8C 266 C=C-1 S&X decrease size count
AF8D 070 N=C ALL update destination counter
AF8E 266 C=C-1 S&X last one?
AF8F 323 JNC -28d no, do next
AF90 24C ?FSET 9 yes, non-equal sized?
AF91 1F9 ?C GO yes, Show 'END of FILE"
AF92 0FB ->3E7E [SAVRER]
AF93 3E0 RTN