03-13-2014, 01:26 AM
This is truly an odd one. I am writing a program using the Beta distribution to solve some statistical problems. As a step in the program, I have to answer such questions as “what is the ordinate value associated with the (for example) 25% point of the cumulative Beta distribution.” The Beta distribution is defined on the range 0 to 1, and is a probability density (or distribution) function and so always sums or integrates to unity when the limits of integration are 0 and 1. The distribution is defined by
y = xx^(pp-1)*(1-xx)^(qq-1)/Beta(pp,qq)
pp and qq in my application can be any integers greater than unity, and within the calculating range of the Prime. They are both almost always under 100, usually far under.
I need to find that value on the x (or, as I named it above, xx) axis where the definite integral from 0 to xx is equal to 0.25 (or .75, or whatever other value I need for the purposes of the program [note that those two values would allow the computation of the interquartile range of the function]).
I used the “FNROOT” root finder (User Guide, p. 315) with the “int” integration function (ibid. p. 326) to come up with the following expression (in this example I am letting pp = 4 and qq = 6):
When using the CAS system on the Prime, that expression correctly evaluates to 0.29 (and does so surprisingly quickly.)
But then things get interesting. When I enter the same expression into the emulator’s CAS system, the returned value is -1.63, which fails on three counts, it is not between 0 and 1, it is negative, and it is wrong. Why? Do I then have to “tell” the emulator system to restrict xx to values from 0 to 1? I did not have to do so on the Prime, nor do I see how to do so. I checked to be sure all of the CAS settings matched on the Prime and the emulator, and they seemed to do.
Worse yet, when I use the variables p and q on the Prime, to which I have assigned values of 4 and 6, instead of the numerical constants 4 and 6 for the Beta function (I have to use variables, not constants, in my program), so the expression looks like this
the root finder then fails with the error message “undef” even though the values are all the same, i.e., the variables pp and qq have the values 4 and 6. Why should it work for one but not the other?
But, weirder and weirder, changing ONLY the (q-1) exponent in the above expression to its numerical value, 5, “fixes” the problem and the correct result, .29, is again delivered even though all of the other p and q variables remain in the expression.
A totally different problem comes up when I use the line in my program; the error message “Bad Guess(es)” is displayed. I tested it only using numerical constants, not the variables pp and qq.
This all seems very odd, to say the least, and I hesitate to invoke the b-word to explain it, so I would appreciate any suggestions. As is probably needless to say, progress on the program has pretty much stopped until I clear this up.
With thanks and confidence that someone out there will come up with a perfectly obvious explanation.
Ben Fairbank March 12, 2014
P.S. And yes, I have upgraded to the most recent software revision a few days ago.
y = xx^(pp-1)*(1-xx)^(qq-1)/Beta(pp,qq)
pp and qq in my application can be any integers greater than unity, and within the calculating range of the Prime. They are both almost always under 100, usually far under.
I need to find that value on the x (or, as I named it above, xx) axis where the definite integral from 0 to xx is equal to 0.25 (or .75, or whatever other value I need for the purposes of the program [note that those two values would allow the computation of the interquartile range of the function]).
I used the “FNROOT” root finder (User Guide, p. 315) with the “int” integration function (ibid. p. 326) to come up with the following expression (in this example I am letting pp = 4 and qq = 6):
When using the CAS system on the Prime, that expression correctly evaluates to 0.29 (and does so surprisingly quickly.)
But then things get interesting. When I enter the same expression into the emulator’s CAS system, the returned value is -1.63, which fails on three counts, it is not between 0 and 1, it is negative, and it is wrong. Why? Do I then have to “tell” the emulator system to restrict xx to values from 0 to 1? I did not have to do so on the Prime, nor do I see how to do so. I checked to be sure all of the CAS settings matched on the Prime and the emulator, and they seemed to do.
Worse yet, when I use the variables p and q on the Prime, to which I have assigned values of 4 and 6, instead of the numerical constants 4 and 6 for the Beta function (I have to use variables, not constants, in my program), so the expression looks like this
the root finder then fails with the error message “undef” even though the values are all the same, i.e., the variables pp and qq have the values 4 and 6. Why should it work for one but not the other?
But, weirder and weirder, changing ONLY the (q-1) exponent in the above expression to its numerical value, 5, “fixes” the problem and the correct result, .29, is again delivered even though all of the other p and q variables remain in the expression.
A totally different problem comes up when I use the line in my program; the error message “Bad Guess(es)” is displayed. I tested it only using numerical constants, not the variables pp and qq.
This all seems very odd, to say the least, and I hesitate to invoke the b-word to explain it, so I would appreciate any suggestions. As is probably needless to say, progress on the program has pretty much stopped until I clear this up.
With thanks and confidence that someone out there will come up with a perfectly obvious explanation.
Ben Fairbank March 12, 2014
P.S. And yes, I have upgraded to the most recent software revision a few days ago.