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Full Version: PDF viewer on HP Prime
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Can anyone get access to the tiplanet.org? I want to download a pdf viewer at https://tiplanet.org/forum/viewtopic.php...56#p200656 (https://www.omnimaga.org/hp-prime/mviewe...-hp-prime/).
I have access but you need to know that mviewer is not a generic pdf viewer, it is an online converter to convert a pdf file to an HP Prime application including images of the document pages.

Here is the mviewer main page as I can see it (in French) :

[Image: mini_642154Screenshot20170711120013.png]
I think the HP Prime can not run a pdf reader because of its poor speed so maybe I must convert it to png/jpg format to read it.

Thank you all the same.
PDFs viewed just fine on PCs 20 years ago, and I suspect the Prime's processor is comparable to the average PC 20 years ago, so even with the presumably less efficient HP-PPL programs, I'd still think it should be possible to make a usable PDF viewer. Though I also suspect it would be quite an undertaking to write one and certainly not worth the effort.

Maybe if the Prime supported applications written in native code it would be possible to port an existing PDF library over to it.
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