(06-09-2017 12:09 PM)toml_12953 Wrote: [ -> ] (06-09-2017 11:12 AM)matthiaspaul Wrote: [ -> ]* selectable much larger display fonts
I'm not that old yet but we should have many more fonts and sizes available in any case (no pun intended!)
See also:
(06-09-2017 12:09 PM)toml_12953 Wrote: [ -> ] (06-09-2017 11:12 AM)matthiaspaul Wrote: [ -> ]* userRPL
As long as HPPL is still available!
Sure, I didn't mean to put away with HPPL.
(06-09-2017 12:09 PM)toml_12953 Wrote: [ -> ] (06-09-2017 11:12 AM)matthiaspaul Wrote: [ -> ]* direct support for turns (360° = 2*pi rad = 400 gon = 1 turn) as a fourth angular mode (not only as a unit) in addition to degrees/radians/gons
Who uses turns? If they're used by a large number of people then it would be worth it. If the number of users is relatively small, then no. It doesn't seem like using grads (gons) and dividing or multiplying by 400 to convert back and forth as necessary is too much trouble.
I consider turns to be some kind of "missing piece" among degrees, gons and radians. Each of these modes can be substituted by another to some extent, yet one mode is more convenient to use than another depending on the application.
While turn is an established angular unit, it certainly isn't in mainstream use. I'm sure more people would start using it if it were readily available as a mode on calculators. So far, they are using turns implicitly.
I implemented a turns mode in a software calculator I wrote decades ago, and I found it quite useful - that's why I propose this to be implemented in other calculators as well.
In engineering I regularly find myself converting angular values to some internal representation and back. For this, the value gets normalized by dividing it by 2*pi, 360 or 400, then it is multiplied by some factor (say 256, if it needs to be stored in a byte). This can be shortened if the normalization could be skipped (by working in turns instead of one of the other three modes) or if the normalization could at least be simplified (using a set of built-in conversion functions or relying on implicit conversions alongside angular mode switches).
(Of course, it would be even easier, if one could work in target units right from the start, but this very much depends on the actual problem to be solved. One user might need binary radians where a full circle is 256 brads, another might prefer an angular mil mode where full circle corresponds with either 6000, 6283, 6300, or 6400 amils - I can think of at least a dozen other more or less useful units as well. Since not all of them can be implemented in a calculator mode realistically, I suggest to at least implement one "neutral" one which can be converted into the other ones easily - turns. Even more flexible would be an angular mode with a user-definable factor, set to 1 for turns by default.)
I also think that a turns mode could have some educational value when discussing circles and trigonometric functions in math education. I have seen pupils who had difficulties trying to understand the significance of values like 360 or 400. Things might be easier to understand for them using 1 instead. After all, 1 turn nicely corresponds with 100 percent as well.
See also:
(06-09-2017 12:09 PM)toml_12953 Wrote: [ -> ] (06-09-2017 11:12 AM)matthiaspaul Wrote: [ -> ]* (even in decimal mode) optional number entry in binary E-notation (on double-press of EE or by using "B" for *2^ instead of "E" for *10^) and toggle display (single press of button) between decimal and binary scientific / engineering notation for easy ad-hoc conversion between SI and IEC prefixes (not only as unit prefixes, but for any displayed numbers)
Yes! (I'd want the B rather than double press of EE.)
I see that my statement wasn't clear. I want both, of course. B-notation should be accepted by the system whereever E-notation is supported already, and double-pressing the EEX key in direct number entry could be a shortcut in the UI frontend to input the B (like: first press of EEX displays ...E_ (with _ symbolizing the cursor), a second press of EEX would change this to ...B_ and so on).
Some other hotkey would be needed for the +/- exponent shifting feature and for the decimal/binary exponent display toggle, and depending on if this would be (somehow) bound to the EEX key as well or if a separate ENG key (as on Casios) would be available, the best implementation very much depends on the target calculator.
See also:
(06-09-2017 12:09 PM)toml_12953 Wrote: [ -> ] (06-09-2017 11:12 AM)matthiaspaul Wrote: [ -> ]* exponent shifting in scientific notation (+/-1) as well as in decimal (+/-3) and binary (+/-10) engineering notation
(06-09-2017 12:09 PM)toml_12953 Wrote: [ -> ] (06-09-2017 11:12 AM)matthiaspaul Wrote: [ -> ]* full set of trigonometric / hyperbolic functions (as suggested in old thread)
See also:
(06-09-2017 12:09 PM)toml_12953 Wrote: [ -> ] (06-09-2017 11:12 AM)matthiaspaul Wrote: [ -> ]* more detail-refined UI (as suggested in old thread)
How so?