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Sorry google translator

Some expressions on the history display incorrectly


steps to reproduce the BUG


M2 := [[2,4,1],[6,8,3],[10,12,5]]; [ENTER] return => [[2,4,1],[6,8,3],[10,12,5]] // OK

M2 + 10 [ENTER] return => [[12,4,1],[6,18,3],[10,12,15]] // OK

square matrix + scalar = scalar sum of the diagonal of the matrix and the HP-Prime does well =)

M2 .+ 10 [ENTER] return => [[12,4,1],[6,18,3],[10,12,15]] // element by element OK

but the entry to show as M2 + 10 and must be shown as M2 .+ 10

the two examples above show the difference between (.+) operator and (+)

(.+) no equal (+) same (.-) no equal (-)
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