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Full Version: How to set the GoTo Vars X and Y?
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In the Advanced Graphing app, from a program or the command line, is there a way to set the Go To Vars X and Y?
For example, with the Advanced Graphing app as the current app, setting X:=any real number, does NOT change the X value in the Plot | Menu | Go To | X value. It seems to be a different instance of the variable X. Perhaps, it can't be accessed?

Looking for something like this (doesn't work):

EXPR("Advanced_Graphing.Go_To.X:=" + 'N');

(01-15-2017 05:12 PM)DrD Wrote: [ -> ]In the Advanced Graphing app, from a program or the command line, is there a way to set the Go To Vars X and Y?
For example, with the Advanced Graphing app as the current app, setting X:=any real number, does NOT change the X value in the Plot | Menu | Go To | X value. It seems to be a different instance of the variable X. Perhaps, it can't be accessed?

Looking for something like this (doesn't work):

EXPR("Advanced_Graphing.Go_To.X:=" + 'N');


I suspect that there currently is no such user-accessible method for modifying those values. In the conn. kit, when clicking on an app, you can see which app variables are available for modification.
Apps in general:

Is it, or was it ever, an intention to have interaction between the program environment and the app's? Maybe just a few of them, like the geometry and spreadsheet apps, etc.?

I may be messing around with something that really isn't ready for prime time. I'm not doing anything that necessarily requires the advanced graphing app, but I do want to include graphing as part of my project. The CAS plotxxxx commands are not suitable for my needs.

Programs (in the program catalog) were more imagined as repositories of math functions or exercises in algorithmic....

App programs were more designed to interact with the app that they belong to and provide more UI based interactions.

Thanks for your explanation, Cyrille. I think I'm going to avoid using the apps outside of their own environment, for now, anyway.


That would be a good thing to do.

The system does let you do it (through fully qualified names)... but if a program interacts a lot with a specific app, it should, in most likelyhood, be an app program...

The original thought was that you would make a copy of the app and start writing the program for that app copy.

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