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Full Version: Enlarge 30 seconds dim intervall
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is there any chance to enlarge the 30 sec interval after which the Prime dims? In some situations I find this interval being too short.
Check this out first: http://www.hpmuseum.org/forum/thread-695...ht=dimming

Then there is this:

[Help] Variables | Home Variables | System Variables | TOff

The TOff setting for AUTO SHUTOFF (may) be useful for you. Not so much for the dim delay ...

Thanks, Dale, I was not aware of the other thread, sorry. I know the TOff, but there seems to be no equivalent for dimming.
I don't know of user level feature for that. Too bad, it's one of those things that seems like it should, but batteries have been troublesome for some products, and it may have to do with that in some way.
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