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Hello hp-prime community

The current terminal view was created for numerical mode (HOME MODE), for this reason the output expressions are not symbolic. The numerical results, do not need readable printing.

For those we program in CAS MODE we need or require PRETTY PRINT

A comparison of the view & a practical example

[Image: script_hp_prime_image02.png]

simplify flag: off
increasing flag: off
cas mode: on

Script on history view
PHP Code:
a*x^2+b*x+c) = 0;
Ans*4*a;         // ((a*x^2+b*x+c)*4*a) = 0
expand(Ans);     // (4*a^2*x^2+4*a*b*x+4*a*c) = 0
Ans+b^2;         // (4*a^2*x^2 +4*a*b*x + 4*a*c+b^2 ) = (b^2)
Ans-4*a*c;       // (4*a^2*x^2+4*a*b*x+4*a*c+b^2-4*a*c) = (b^2-4*a*c)
simplify(Ans);   // (4*a^2*x^2+4*a*b*x+b^2) = (-4*a*c+b^2)  
factor(Ans);     // (2*a*x+b)^2) = (-4*a*c+b^2)
(Ans);          // (abs(2*a*x+b)) = (√(-4*a*c+b^2))
expr(replace(string(Ans),"abs","")); // (2*a*x+b) = (√(-4*a*c+b^2))
Ans-b;           // (2*a*x+b-b) = (√(-4*a*c+b^2)-b)
simplify(Ans);   // (2*a*x-b) = (√(-4*a*c+b^2)-2*b)
Ans/(2*a);       // (2*a*x/(2*a)) = (-b+√(-4*a*c+b^2))/(2*a)
simplify(Ans);   // x = (-b+√(-4*a*c+b^2))/(2*a)
part(Ans,1)=reorder(part(Ans,2),[b,a,c]);  // x = (-b+√[b^2-4*a*c])/(2*a)
expr(replace(string(Ans),"-b+","-b-")); // x = (-b-√[b^2-4*a*c])/(2*a) 

CAS prgm
PHP Code:
        local equation
// Clear Terminal Window
print( "Use cursor keys ↑↓ to move the output screen" );
"Another key to continue after PAUSE" );
"" );
"[PAUSE]" ); wait();

// Clear Terminal Window again
print( "***** Deduction Quadratic Formula *****" ); // Title
print( "" );

equation:= (a*x^2+b*x+c) = 0
stringequation ) );
"" );

"Ans*4*a" );
equ := equ 4*a;         // ((a*x^2+b*x+c)*4*a) = 0 
print( stringequ ) );
"" );
"expand(Ans)" );
equ := expandequ );     // (4*a^2*x^2+4*a*b*x+4*a*c) = 0
print( stringequ ) );
"" );

"Ans+b^2" );    
equ := equ b^2;         // (4*a^2*x^2 +4*a*b*x + 4*a*c+b^2 ) = (b^2)
print( stringequ ) );
"" );

"Ans-4*a*c" );    
equ := equ 4*a*c;       // (4*a^2*x^2+4*a*b*x+4*a*c+b^2-4*a*c) = (b^2-4*a*c)
print( stringequ ) );
"" );

"simplify(Ans)" );    
equ := simplifyequ );   // (4*a^2*x^2+4*a*b*x+b^2) = (-4*a*c+b^2)  
print( stringequ ) );
"" );

"factor(Ans)" );    
equ := factorequ );     // (2*a*x+b)^2) = (-4*a*c+b^2)
print( stringequ ) );
"" );

"√(Ans)" ); 
assumeb>); assumec>);
equ := equ );          // (abs(2*a*x+b)) = (√(-4*a*c+b^2)) // Should not show ABS
print( stringequ ) );
"" );

// patch
equ := exprreplacestringequ ), "abs""" ) ); // (2*a*x+b) = (√(-4*a*c+b^2))
print( stringequ ) );
"" );

"Ans-b" );    
equ := equ b;           // (2*a*x+b-b) = (√(-4*a*c+b^2)-b)
print( stringequ ) );
"" );

"simplify(Ans)" );    
equ := simplifyequ );   // (2*a*x-b) = (√(-4*a*c+b^2)-2*b)
print( stringequ ) );
"" );

"Ans/(2*a)" );      
equ := equ / ( 2*);       // (2*a*x/(2*a)) = (-b+√(-4*a*c+b^2))/(2*a)
print( stringequ )  );
""  );

"simplify(Ans)"  );    
equ := simplifyequ );   // x1 = (-b+√(-4*a*c+b^2))/(2*a)
equ := exprreplacestringequ ), "x""x1" ) );
stringequ )  );
""  );

"expr(replace(string(equ),"-b+","-b-"))" );
equ1 := exprreplacestringequ ), "-b+""-b-" ) ); // x2 = (-b-√[b^2-4*a*c])/(2*a) 
equ1 := exprreplacestringequ1 ), "x1""x2" ) );    
stringequ1 )  ); 

"[PAUSE]"  ); wait( );

Do you really need a new terminal view with pretty print?

Please vote, Thanks
(11-26-2016 09:30 PM)compsystems Wrote: [ -> ]Survey:
Do you really need a new terminal view with pretty print?

Please vote, Thanks

I don't need one. What I need is a terminal that works like a terminal with ANSI escape sequences. One that allows printing just as a physical terminal would.

Tom L
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