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My intention is that it facilitates the use of the hp-prime with new 2D-templates

[Image: templates2D_image00.png]

[Image: templates2D_image01.png]

[Image: templates2D_image02.png]

Although output in linear text is trivial, for a beginner (high school student) in handling can be useful

[ f(▣) ] -> f( , ):= // definition of a function

[ f º g ] -> f(g) // composition of functions

[ f'(▣) ] -> f'() // diff with quote

[ e ] -> e^()

⌈ ▣ ⌉ -> ceil( )

⌊ ▣ ⌋ -> floor( )

▣ module ▣ -> ( mod )

( ▣,▣ ) -> ( , ) // complex num

(array)( i,j ) -> // extraction of elements of an array

is useful for you these templates?

Another template would like to add?
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