Just to blue-sky a bit, I'd like to see a way to specify a datatype, create a structure and do enumeration in PPL. It seems so much like Pascal now that it would be great (IMHO) to go the rest of the way (except for pointers, maybe!)
Tom L
(10-15-2016 03:57 PM)compsystems Wrote: [ -> ]1: define at least an array of the form
PHP Code:
Local array1[5];
Local array2[5,3];
2 : create directories at least one, I have conflicts with variables exported
PHP Code:
DIR 'DIRname'
export var1;
export main()
Is that a comment on my post? I don't get it.
Tom L
(10-15-2016 06:26 PM)toml_12953 Wrote: [ -> ]Is that a comment on my post? I don't get it.
Tom L
I think he's attempting to hijack the thread with yet more random, repetitive enhancement requests.
+1 On your request for the support of enums.
Mark Hardman