I'm going to write about some topic here
The RPN in CAS mode is going to be implemented in the future ?
The solve comand doesn't work for this
And the last thing. Is there any chance to know if theres a new calculator in the way ? Something like HP50g succesor?
(10-06-2016 03:38 PM)Magnus512 Wrote: [ -> ] (10-06-2016 06:50 AM)retoa Wrote: [ -> ]You are using capital letters, which always have an assigned value. You should use unassigned variables.
I'm not ussing capital letters
Sorry, you are right, I looked at the wrong picture...
I believe Magnus is wondering why solve((x^2-6*x+(7/x)+p) = 0,x) returns empty brackets on the Prime while returning:
x = 2*(√(-3*(p-12))*cos((asin((3*(2*p-9)*√(3)/(2*(12-p)^(3/2))))/3)+(π/6))+3)/3
x = -2*(√(-3*(p-12))*sin((asin((3*(2*p-9)*√(3)/(2*(12-p)^(3/2))))/3)+(π/3))-3)/3
x = 2*(√(-3*(p-12))*sin((asin((3*(2*p-9)*√(3)/(2*(12-p)^(3/2))))/3))+3)/3
on the ti-nspire cx cas.
(10-06-2016 11:41 PM)Magnus512 Wrote: [ -> ]Exactly, I mean why ?
That question has been discussed on this forum before. I do know that when you try that equation in Xcas it gives this: "Warning! Algebraic extension not implemented
yet for poly [1,-6,p,7]", emphasis added.
Perhaps a promise of future implementation?