As usual, the documentation isn't available for the latest versions of the OS and CK. C'mon, people! Documentation shouldn't be an afterthought. With a machine as complex and powerful as this one, good documentation is essential! What good is putting all that hard work into adding new features if no one knows how to use them effectively? A lot of people might not even be aware the new features exist!
At least bug fixes are usually documented simultaneously with new releases. Please do the same for user guides!
Tom L (descending from my soapbox)
I understand and share your frustration. The problem stems from "we are at the mercy of the larger HP documentation team" so their schedules/processes/resources can play in impacting our stuff. Documents have been updated and are currently going through translation.
It was much easier to keep things in sync with older units when it was a) just english and b) internal calculator team resources only.
How will we know when the up-to-date documentation is available? Will it appear as a new release for the VC or CK? Will it be posted here?
There is actually a very big delay between firmware versions and documentation.
I believe that should be a lot of work editing manual in all supported languages but, they thought to provide documentation with practical examples of commands, something
"HP Prime Technology Corner 13 The Practice of Statistics for the AP Exam, 5e Section 6-3, P. 394" in all languages ?
Any news on then documentation update and how users would know (e.g. an automatic User Guide pdf file update in the virtual calculator?).
(09-26-2016 05:20 PM)Anders Wrote: [ -> ]Tim,
Any news on then documentation update and how users would know (e.g. an automatic User Guide pdf file update in the virtual calculator?).
The plan for just this time is that there will be an updated installer with the new documents. A normal check for update would find that. The applications on ios/winstore/android do pull the documents individually, but that hasn't made it to the desktop versions yet.