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Hello mathematical programmers and hpprime calc user

mat1 := [[a,b],[c,d]] [Enter] returns [[a,b],[c,d]] Matrix (2rowsx2cols) OK
vec1 := [[1],[2]] [Enter] returns [[1],[2]] Matrix (2rowsx1col) or AKA Column Vector (2 Elements) OK


append(mat1,vec1) [Enter] returns [ [a,b], [c,d], [[1],[2]] ] OK a list of 3 elements
But it shows in history as a matrix, you must be a list
string(append(mat1,vec1) ) [Enter] returns "[ [a,b], [c,d], [[1],[2]] ]" OK ALGEBRAIC VIEW
dim(append(mat1,vec1)) [Enter] returns 3 elements OK


prepend(mat1,vec1) [Enter] returns [ [[1],[2]], [a,b], [c,d] ] ok a list of 3 elements
But it shows in history as a matrix, you must be a list
string(prepend(mat1,vec1)) returns "[ [[1],[2]], [a,b], [c,d] ]" ALGEBRAIC VIEW
dim(prepend(mat1,vec1)) [Enter] returns [3,2]??? It should be 3 elements

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