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Full Version: [SOLVED] Given (|) in programming?
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Hi, I am trying to make a program that calculates x intercepts. Right now, it can calculate the answer, but I can't make it restrict the domain.

I understand you can do this directly in the CAS app:
solve(SIN(x)=0,x)|{(x>-10) AND (x<10)}
{-3*pi, -2*pi, -pi, 0, pi, 2*pi, 3*pi}

But when I put that kind of syntax into my program, it returns "Error: Invalid input".

EXPORT XINT(expression,domainlow,domainhigh)
  LOCAL equation;
  LOCAL variable;
  LOCAL answer;
  answer:=CAS.solve(EVAL(equation),EVAL(variable))|{(EVAL(variable)>-10) AND (EVAL(variable)<10)};

Any ideas?
I'm not sure that syntax, using the "|" operator, is valid within a program; but using assume() and additionally() does appear to work. See modified program below:

EXPORT XINT1(expression,domainlow,domainhigh)
 LOCAL equation;
 LOCAL variable;
 LOCAL answer;
// variable:="x";
 equation:=EXPR(LOWER(STRING("0="+expression)));//EXPR means convert to a string.
Thanks roadrunner, your code works perfectly. One thing I would add though is:


at the very end just before RETURN "done", so that the domain gets deleted and won't affect future calculations involving x.
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