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Full Version: WP 34S --> WP 31S
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You missed the reflection formula to produce an analytic continuation for entire real and complex domains (excepting negative integers and zero of course) Smile

The 34S does all of these BTW using a rather more modern approximation from memory. Sadly, this is one function that took a couple of goes to get accurate but worth the effort nonetheless.

- Pauli
(04-13-2014 11:10 AM)Paul Dale Wrote: [ -> ]Factorial isn't tail recursive

It's easy if you try:
factorial(n) = factorial_helper(n, 1)

factorial_helper(n, prod) = 
    if n > 0 then
        factorial_helper(n - 1, prod * n)

PS: There's something missing in your code leading to a stack overflow.
I'd still posit that coding the iterative version is now easier than the change to the tail recursive form Smile

Yes, I missed the exit condition, that wasn't my intention in that code snippet.

- Pauli
What if "coding the iterative version" isn't supported by the language?
OK, I can't make more sense of this calculator à la HP than this layout:

[Image: wp31s_slanted.png]


Discussion in the next few days, I guess.
How about running a poll? Should be in a new thread, however.

[Image: wp31s_slanted.png] vs. [Image: attachment.php?aid=406]

(04-14-2014 08:42 AM)walter b Wrote: [ -> ]How about running a poll? Should be in a new thread, however.

Let's go for it!

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