Well, with good intentions, I got all the way to replacing the gummy wheels on my 97. I think I lost one of the white ball bearings! I have 3 plus the roller. I think there are 4 ball bearings. Is there any good source for replacements? I heard them fall out because I held the card reader the wrong way while opening it. I have searched high and low, but either one was not there in the first place (unlikely), or it rolled off the desk unlike its colleagues. Light carpeted floors are not helping the situation.
Any advice on replacement part is appreciated!
Put a sock ofer the hose of a vacuum, and ten vac the place under your desk. if the bearing is still somewhere there, it will be on the sock afterwards.
They're 1/8" nylon balls. Small Parts used to carry them, but they were bought out by Amazon and then they closed the virtual store. Anyway, it's a standard item and there are other places you can buy them like
(01-15-2016 07:07 AM)damaltor Wrote: [ -> ]Put a sock ofer the hose of a vacuum, and ten vac the place under your desk. if the bearing is still somewhere there, it will be on the sock afterwards.
I did try something similar with no luck.
(01-15-2016 12:22 PM)Katie Wasserman Wrote: [ -> ]They're 1/8" nylon balls. Small Parts used to carry them, but they were bought out by Amazon and then they closed the virtual store. Anyway, it's a standard item and there are other places you can buy them like here.
Thank you. I saw from the 97 Service Manual the P/N is 1410-0848. Google revealed what you indicated.
As luck has it, at lunch today I was searching online for a local source for the 0.125 nylon balls. I found one place in Toronto and was told they would give me 20 free as a sample. They were 10 minutes drive from my work as well !
Now I have many of these nylon balls. If anyone needs any please send me a PM with your address and number required. I'll post them at no cost to you.