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This is semi-automatic UNDO (backup mechanism)

Press Shift-USER B (B is button Mem) to Backup current version of current program (or last edited if u are not editing some program). Your current version will be stored to BACKUP 1.

Press Shift-USER U (U is button 4) to Restore from BACKUP 1 or undo your previous restore (just in case) from BACKUP 2. So u can flip two versions (previous or saved) calling undo again and again.

Note!!! that u will be thrown away from editor to programs catalog because it can't change text during editing.

You can comment out lines with MSGBOX (at least in Backup code) to avoid pressing annoying OK.


KEY K_Math() // Shift-USER B ([Mem] button) Backup current program
    LOCAL ProgLst:=Programs;
    LOCAL PName:=ProgLst(1);
    Programs(PName+"_BKUP2"):=""; //delete prev bkup
    RETURN "";

KEY K_4() // Shift-USER U (4 button) Restore last backup saving current in backup2 or vise versa
    LOCAL ProgLst:=Programs;
    LOCAL PName:=ProgLst(1);
    IF POS(ProgLst,PName+"_BKUP")>0 THEN
       Programs(PName+"_BKUP"):=""; // delete bkup
       IF POS(ProgLst,PName+"_BKUP2")>0 THEN // Have bkup to undo
          Programs(PName+"_BKUP"):=Programs(PName); // save current in first
          Programs(PName):=Programs(PName+"_BKUP2"); // save bkup undo in program
          Programs(PName+"_BKUP2"):=""; // Remove second bkup
       ELSE // No bkups
    RETURN "";
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