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Il y a un bug avec les variables des applications stats-1 var et stats-2 var.
Si vous essayez d'appeler ces variables depuis une autre application,
par exemple :
Stats_-_2var.AAngle ------> erreur de syntaxe.


There are a bug Variables With applications stats-1 var and stats-2 var.
Try our CALLING FROM THESE of application variables Other June
for instance :
Stat_-_2var.AAngle ------ > syntax error.

Sorry for my english.
You have to use Statistics_1Var.AAngle or Statistics_2Var.AAngle instead.
(08-25-2015 04:03 PM)Tyann Wrote: [ -> ]Bonjour

Stat_-_2var.AAngle ------ > syntax error.


You are correct here! It should work, but is not. This is due to the french translation having a - in the middle of the translated name I think. I have put this on the bug list to fix. As already said, the English name will work no matter which language you are currently.

Merci beaucoup

Thank you.

I am not in front of my calculator so I can not check, but if my memory serves me well, the parser should recognize all translated names for the application, so you should be able to use the english app name which should work.

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