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Full Version: Frustrating HP 12C
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I love the 12C and it's the only one that serves my needs on a daily basis! I have the old versions and began to get used to the faster 12C+ and picked the 4CY version. Of course, I started to get the same faulty LCD and a senile divide key issue. Not being very adept at opening gadgets I leave it in my car daily to bake and that seems to fix the screen! Anyone have any advice on non-invasive methods to find a permanent solution rather than my admittedly crude method?
Is there by any chance that these issues plaguing the 12C have been fixed or will be fixed without the models announcing the anniversary they are celebrating? I don't want the flashy "anniversary" emblazoned on it perhaps due to the fact I like a discreet look. Perhaps I am being too picky by saying that, but if I wanted to be more picky I would also wish for the old keys...
It seems the frustration has been resolved by buying a new unit from Walmart (of all places) which carries the latest firmware that I know of (2012-04-03 vs older for the anniversary versions). It's a CNA version and works perfectly! This the way it should have been. The upper frame is a bit rounded for those with a keen eye. I recommend any who still use the 12C to opt for this one.
Good to know that you have a new machine to work with.

How do you find the firmware version on your new machine?
Thanks jebem. The instructions are as per the self test: press g and ENTER and power it ON while holding them, then press 2 and cycle through the details. Note that pressing 1 or 3 will perform other tests. Hope that helps! FYI the anniversary version of my friends' calc is: 2009-07-02 which seems to be common.
Just to clarify from above: g and Enter then On will show after pressing 2:
Che -- E1E1h
C 2008 hP
(07-10-2015 08:43 PM)Ali Wrote: [ -> ]Just to clarify from above: g and Enter then On will show after pressing 2:
Che -- E1E1h
C 2008 hP

Many Thanks, Ali,

I don't have that model (not yet!), but I have acquired a 12C Platinum from 2010.
Interestingly, the 12CP has got 4 options in the self test menu.

If and when you have the time, could you please run the tight loop test described here and let us know about the result?
Certainly, however could you break down the steps as I don't use it for program runs as my use is pure and simple financial analysis? Smile
Namely, I can follow the first few steps but don't know how to enter the GTO steps; do I simply press 001 after g GTO?
(07-10-2015 10:39 PM)Ali Wrote: [ -> ]Certainly, however could you break down the steps as I don't use it for program runs as my use is pure and simple financial analysis? Smile
Namely, I can follow the first few steps but don't know how to enter the GTO steps; do I simply press 001 after g GTO?

Yes, you may type exactly as listed.
I must be doing something wrong as I get the answer 1...and I am following the steps where shift button is pressed for f and g where needed

Resolved by changing the steps to remove the extra "0" after GTO to be 01 and 00 in the steps given in the above link. On that basis and running the timer for 60 seconds I get the value of 72,815 versus 76,518 on my friends' 30th Anniversary edition...and 514 on a early CN model back when they engraved the serial numbers! Smile
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