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Full Version: CAS cos(45)
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Why does CAS report cos(45)=sqrt(2)^-1 instead of sqrt(2)/2. angle mode is degrees and software is 7820.
http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=cos%2845%C2%B0%29 ???

However, you should probably update your calculator.
I would think it should avoid sqrt in the denominator and return sqrt(2)/2.
(06-30-2015 05:38 PM)rgallier Wrote: [ -> ]I would think it should avoid sqrt in the denominator and return sqrt(2)/2.

It does, if you change the CAS "Simplify" Setting to either None or Maximum. It only returns 1/sqrt(2) when Simplify is set to Minimum, which unfortunately is the default setting. (FWIW, I keep mine on "None" at all times, and press the simplify button when the mood strikes).
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