(06-18-2015 01:59 AM)Marcel Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,
I post the first part of a new application for the Prime. I will post a more complete version at the end of July. This is an astronomy application.
I Marcel,
I'm looking forward to see the complete version soon, with the functions for the Moon added...
so ...now it's the time: casually and independently me too was developing a program about astronomy (and or astrology).
I attach an incomplete version of Effemeridi (a revisitation of an old program of mine, Astrolabio, made many years ago for a TI pocket calc...
My program is a very ugly, fragmentary and ...old, however, not an App...
Its purpose is to give parameters for Sun, Moon, Planets and Jupiter satellites: longitude, latitude, right ascension and declination, azimuth and height, hour to rise and sunset, longitude of the node and perigeo... For the moon also phases, rise and fall, eclipses (not still) ...
It calculates sidereal time and hoarily angle (I hope to put also equation of time).
For now I've put only Saturn, among planets, as a model: the others merely depends of the working version of this one (model), changing constants...
It's "mixed" language: Italian and English
I was using the old model of a French (and Italian) book by Serge Bouiges, with an approach that calculates parameters based on "N" (number of days from 1901, Jan 1) and adding constants multiplied by trigonometric functions...
Some functions need to be reviewed, and, please,
help me: precision for the Moon (for now about ±0.25°, and mostly function to get correct culmination, rise, sunset for Moon and planets (I'm using "semiarc" to get the values...)
If you want, you can use it, modify, include in app or ...to laugh for it
I would also include a function to calc "
Ascendent" (not astronomy, but more fascinating also), with the "Zodiac signs"...
I'm glad to collaborate with you!
EDIT: updated zip with code, a few improvements in it...