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Full Version: Specific example management
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If only there were a way to add useful examples to the help description, for commands and features that already reside there...

As time goes on, questions find answers, and problems find work-a-rounds. As long as forums are at hand, and useful "Search" features exist, at least the details may still exist. Memory is limited, for sure, but I wonder if it would be practical to add a feature to the "Help" facility that would allow a user to input special examples, captured for 'future' reference? Since "Help" is organized alphabetically, and necessarily too brief for complete detail, being able to add examples to those that may already be present, could be a VERY useful feature!

An example: (Thanks Joe!) Help | size ---> returns an upper case converted syntax, with a brief description, and a simple example. BUT Help does not yield any hint that it's also quite useful for Matrix object types:

(HOME) CAS("SIZE(M1)(1)") # of rows, or CAS("SIZE(M1)(2)") # of columns

My idea would allow a user to be able to save (perhaps 10) "specific use" examples, which would attach to the Help system during "Backup" operations.

Worthwhile or worthless suggestion?

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