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Full Version: Using DIMGROB in program fails while Spreadsheet APP is active
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I try to write program to draw some custom chart from data within Spreadsheet.
When I use DIMGROB_P(G2, ....
The PRIME dont recognize G2 as graphics variable, but as value of cell g2 :-(
Program ends with "Error: Invalid input"

The simple reproduction of this bug (on emulator too):
1.activate Spreadsheet APP
2.in HOME type G2 [Enter]
return is 0 //or any other value stored in g2 cell

2.activate Statistics 1Var APP
2.in HOME type G2 [Enter]
return is G2

Please is some workaround there for this, until it will be fixed in new firmware?
You'd have to compile the program (edit and then exit the program editor) with another application active. Then it should work fine.
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