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Solar Irradiance: IRRAD

Link to the original blog entry: http://edspi31415.blogspot.com/2015/03/h...solar.html

5: es: elevation of the sun (as decimal degrees)
4: as: azimuth of the sun from south going east (as decimal degrees)
3: ep: elevation of the panel (as decimal degrees)
2: ap: azimuth of the panel from south going east (as decimal degrees)
1: ib: the sun’s power or irradiance (usually 1,000 or 1,367 W/m^2)

<< → es as ep ap ib
<< DEG ep COS es SIN * ep SIN es COS * as ap – COS *
+ ACOS DUP COS ib * >> >>

2: incidence angle
1: surface radiance
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