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Full Version: Random Integers Wish
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I would like to see an option offered that would allow a user to choose between a list of random integers and a list of random numbers without duplication...equivalent to the statistical exercise of choosing balls from an urn with replacement, and an option to choose without replacement.
(04-09-2015 01:44 AM)lrdheat Wrote: [ -> ]I would like to see an option offered that would allow a user to choose between a list of random integers and a list of random numbers without duplication...equivalent to the statistical exercise of choosing balls from an urn with replacement, and an option to choose without replacement.

Good news: What you seek is already available. In the following, all parameters are assumed to be integers.

RANDINT(n,a,b) --> n random integers between a and b inclusive, with possible duplicates.

rand(n,a,b) --> n random integers between a and b inclusive, with no duplicates. Of course, b-a must be big enough to accommodate n items, else an error occurs.

Notice that rand must be spelled in lowercase, whereas randint works in both uppercase and lowercase.

Alternative method: CAS.RANDOM(n,a,b) seems to be the same as rand(n,a,b), but CAS.RANDOM must be spelled all in uppercase.
Thanks! I do remember noting this a long time ago, and forgot! This should be in the catalogue.
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