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I've read the manual and is possible formatting the Cells in Spreadsheet, changing the color. Is it possible changing it programmatically?

Thank you very much for your help
(11-27-2014 01:55 AM)rbiondi Wrote: [ -> ]I've read the manual and is possible formatting the Cells in Spreadsheet, changing the color. Is it possible changing it programmatically?

Thank you very much for your help

yes with cell (row, column, 6) := n for text and cell (row, column, 7):=n to the bottom
with 0 <= n < = 32768 .
Note that I would recommend using the RGB function for setting your color. That way it will be compatible when/if color depth changes for future revisions/software versions.
(11-29-2014 02:27 PM)Tim Wessman Wrote: [ -> ]Note that I would recommend using the RGB function for setting your color. That way it will be compatible when/if color depth changes for future revisions/software versions.

Hello Tim
I thought RGB did not work, I have to repeat some tests , in fact it is necessary to limit the values ​​to not exceed 32768 .
RGB ( 0,0 to 127 ,0 to 255 ) .
From what I understand .
Sorry for my english : google translation.
Note that you can use the syntax: A6 (6) in place of cell ( 6,1,6 ) for example.
Hmm. Indeed. I think that needs to be fixed.
Thank you very much for the help!
I'm still learning more about the calculator and loving it so much!

Best regards,
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