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Full Version: Complex conjugates
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Hi all, a pleasure to address so distinguish gentlemen.

I'm having difficulties in finding the answer I expect out of multiplying complex conjugates on the Prime, for example (3+2i)(3-2i) or (8-10i)(8+10i), as the rule state multiplying complex conjugates will give a real number 13 and 164 respectively from the examples above on the Prime CAS I get 3+2*i and 8-10*i Also on the HP35s I get the correct answer 13,i*0 164,i*0. What would I need to change on Prime for it to return the answer in the correct form?.

You are missing the multiplication symbol

(3+2*i)*(3-2*i) = 13 no problem.
OMG! i'm getting old.

(10-14-2014 04:33 PM)jefierro Wrote: [ -> ]I'm having difficulties in finding the answer I expect out of multiplying complex conjugates on the Prime, for example (3+2i)(3-2i) or (8-10i)(8+10i)

Use the multiplication symbol instead of implicit multiplication and it should work. Implicit multiplication seems to be misinterpreted. You can see this in the left side of the history sometimes.
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