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Full Version: PRINT() to terminal last space instead of new line.
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Is there a way to use PRINT() sending text to the Terminal that would allow the next PRINT() command to continue where the last avaiable space was, instead of taking a new line with a new PRINT() command?
(05-01-2023 10:53 PM)matalog Wrote: [ -> ]Is there a way to use PRINT() sending text to the Terminal that would allow the next PRINT() command to continue where the last avaiable space was, instead of taking a new line with a new PRINT() command?
Regardez l'instruction 'Terminal', elle permet de récupérer et de modifier ce qui a été
envoyé avec PRINT.
Si ça peut aider.

Look at the 'Terminal' instruction, it allows you to retrieve and modify what has been
sent with PRINT.
If it helps.
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