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Full Version: classical orbital elements of a hyperbolic flyby orbit
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This HP Prime program demonstrates how to interact with the fbhyper subroutine which calculates the classical orbital elements of a hyperbolic flyby orbit.

The user provides the x, y and z components of both the incoming and outgoing v-infinity velocity vectors along with the periapsis radius of the flyby orbit and gravitational constant of the flyby planet with statements like the following

// gravitational constant of the flyby planet (kilometers^3/seconds^2)

LOCAL mu := 324858.599;

// incoming v-infinity vector (kilometers/second)

vinfi(1) := 2.675356842744762;
vinfi(2) := -0.067571880627955;
vinfi(3) := 7.018676936018188;

// outgoing v-infinity vector (kilometers/second)

vinfo(1) := 4.415208588753238;
vinfo(2) := 5.192058899284808;
vinfo(3) := 3.157910646786967;

// periapsis radius of the flyby trajectory (kilometers)

rp := 7051.910939;

The source code and documentation for this program can be downloaded from

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