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Full Version: HP71B - 41 TRANSLATOR - REGISTERS alternative
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in case you are using the HP41 environment exclusively as a pleasant FORTH
extention to easily access floating point calculation and programming WORDS incl.
the famous HP41 instruction set, ...
(as I admit to do - since writing and compiling raw HP41 programs is an endeavour)

... did you know that you actually don't have to allocate/declare any SIZE at all for HP41 REGISTERS and PROGRAMS? (apart from declaring ROOM in FORTH - for WORDS only)?

HP41 environment grants access to BASIC VARIABLES A, A0, ... A9, B, B0, ... Z9.

To STO: x !E, x !G6, ...
To RCL: E, G6, ...

That means 26 ENTER 11 * variables are available ( and even shared with BASIC ), not wasting any precious RAM space in FORTH/HP41 environment.

I realized this just recently- does the User's Manual give any hint?
(I'm sure most of you clever guys did actually know and I was too old to notice, for years - so, never mind!)

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