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Full Version: U.S. 1976 Standard Atmosphere - HP Prime
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// program demo_us76 HP Prime

// September 10, 2022

// this HP Prime program demonstrates how to interact with the
// us76_atmos subroutine which computes the properties of the
// U.S. 1976 standard atmosphere between 0 and 950 kilometers altitude

For a user-specified altitude in kilometers, the program provides the following atmospheric properties

print("altitude " + round(alt, 4) + " kilometers");

print("temperature " + round(atmtmp, 4) + " degrees Kelvin");

print("density " + atmdns + " kilograms/meter^3");

print("pressure " + atmprs + " newton/meter^2");

print("speed of sound " + round(atmsos, 4) + " meters/second");
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