02-18-2022, 02:43 PM
The Aberth method version of the Durand-Kerner program. I've added my tested and verified C version for comparison and commented the code. Perhaps someone finds this useful.
Aberth method: Durand-Kerner with Newton's method, converges generally faster (not always)
Estimate the complex roots of a polynomial
Note: Durand-Kerner is not guaranteed to converge
3rd order convergence, worst-case linear convergence for roots with multiplicities
Optimized implementations in C and BASIC:
- Finds complex roots z of polynomial p such that |p(z)|<T given tolerance T
- Prevents overflow/nan/inf by bounding the root shift adjustment magnitude during polishing
- Prevents loss of precision when possible, e.g. in reciprocals
- Tested with a large sample of polynomials
O. Aberth, Iteration Methods for finding all zeros of a Polynomial Simultaneously, Mathematics Computation, Vol 27, Number 122, April 1973
W.H. Press et al. Numerical Recipes FORTRAN 2ed
David Goldberg. What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating Point, ACM Computing Surveys, 1991
For SHARP PC-12xx to 14xx
To use with SHARP PC models with a single display line:
- remove CURSOR and CLS
- replace PRINT with PAUSE except at line 80
1098 bytes BASIC image (PC-1350)
Degree: max polynomial degree limited by time and memory only
Tolerance: T=1E-6 (adjustable)
Levels: up to L=20 iterations (adjustable)
(Solve x^2+2x+3=0)
N=2 A2=1 A1=2 A0=3
T= L=
-1. -1.414214.
-1. 1.414214.
(Solve x^3-2x^2-x+2=0)
N=3 A3=1 A2=-2 A1=-1 A0=2
T= L=
1. 0.
2. 0.
-1. 0.
(Solve x^3+3x^2+x+3=0)
N=3 A3=1 A2=3 A1=1 A0=3
T= L=
0. -1.
0. 1.
-3. 0.
(Solve x^4+2999x^3-10003e3x^2-2399e7x+24e9=0)
N=4 A4=1 A3=2999 A2=-10003E3 A1=-2399E7 A0=24E9
T= L=
1. 0.
3000. 0.
-4000. 0.
-2000. 0.
(Solve 5x^6-45x^5+225x^4-425x^3+170x^2+370x-500=0)
N=6 A6=5 A5=-45 A4=225 A3=-425 A2=170 A1=370 A0=-500
T= L=
2. 0.
1. 1.
3. 4.
-1. 0.
3. -4.
1. -1.
Aberth method: Durand-Kerner with Newton's method, converges generally faster (not always)
Estimate the complex roots of a polynomial
Note: Durand-Kerner is not guaranteed to converge
3rd order convergence, worst-case linear convergence for roots with multiplicities
Optimized implementations in C and BASIC:
- Finds complex roots z of polynomial p such that |p(z)|<T given tolerance T
- Prevents overflow/nan/inf by bounding the root shift adjustment magnitude during polishing
- Prevents loss of precision when possible, e.g. in reciprocals
- Tested with a large sample of polynomials
O. Aberth, Iteration Methods for finding all zeros of a Polynomial Simultaneously, Mathematics Computation, Vol 27, Number 122, April 1973
W.H. Press et al. Numerical Recipes FORTRAN 2ed
David Goldberg. What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating Point, ACM Computing Surveys, 1991
For SHARP PC-12xx to 14xx
To use with SHARP PC models with a single display line:
- remove CURSOR and CLS
- replace PRINT with PAUSE except at line 80
1098 bytes BASIC image (PC-1350)
Degree: max polynomial degree limited by time and memory only
Tolerance: T=1E-6 (adjustable)
Levels: up to L=20 iterations (adjustable)
(Solve x^2+2x+3=0)
N=2 A2=1 A1=2 A0=3
T= L=
-1. -1.414214.
-1. 1.414214.
(Solve x^3-2x^2-x+2=0)
N=3 A3=1 A2=-2 A1=-1 A0=2
T= L=
1. 0.
2. 0.
-1. 0.
(Solve x^3+3x^2+x+3=0)
N=3 A3=1 A2=3 A1=1 A0=3
T= L=
0. -1.
0. 1.
-3. 0.
(Solve x^4+2999x^3-10003e3x^2-2399e7x+24e9=0)
N=4 A4=1 A3=2999 A2=-10003E3 A1=-2399E7 A0=24E9
T= L=
1. 0.
3000. 0.
-4000. 0.
-2000. 0.
(Solve 5x^6-45x^5+225x^4-425x^3+170x^2+370x-500=0)
N=6 A6=5 A5=-45 A4=225 A3=-425 A2=170 A1=370 A0=-500
T= L=
2. 0.
1. 1.
3. 4.
-1. 0.
3. -4.
1. -1.
' Aberth method: Durand-Kerner with Newton's method, converges generally faster (not always)
' Estimate the complex roots of a polynomial
' 3rd order convergence, worst-case linear convergence for roots with multiplicities
' For SHARP PC-12xx to 14xx by Robert van Engelen
' To use with SHARP PC models with a single display line:
' - remove CURSOR and CLS
' - replace PRINT with PAUSE except at line 80
' Optimized implementations in C and BASIC:
' - Finds complex roots z of polynomial p such that |p(z)|<T given tolerance T
' - Prevents overflow/nan/inf by bounding the root shift adjustment magnitude during polishing
' - Prevents loss of precision when possible, e.g. in reciprocals
' - Tested with a large sample of polynomials
' https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Durand–Kerner_method and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aberth_method
' W.H. Press et al. Numerical Recipes FORTRAN 2ed
' David Goldberg. What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating Point, ACM Computing Surveys, 1991
' Algorithm to find complex double precision roots of a polynomial with complex coefficients:
' int ADK(int n, const complex double a[], complex double z[], int maxit, double toler) {
' int i, j, k, m;
' complex double r, p, q, d, f;
' double err, max, h, nprec, dprec;
' if (maxit <= 0)
' maxit = 100;
' if (toler <= 0 || toler >= 1)
' toler = 1e-8;
' // optimize by removing trailing zero coefficients
' for (m = n; m > 1 && a[m] == 0; --m)
' z[m-1] = 0;
' // leading coefficient cannot be zero
' if (m < 1 || a[0] == 0)
' return -1; // error
' // generate initial roots
' for (i = 1; i <= m; ++i)
' z[i-1] = cpow(CMPLX(.4, .9), i-1);
' // max root stride modulus permitted to prevent overflow
' max = pow(DBL_MAX, 1./m);
' if (max < 1)
' max = 1;
' // Aberth-Ehrlich root polishing
' for (k = 1; k <= maxit; ++k) {
' err = 0;
' for (i = 1; i <= m; ++i) {
' // compute p(z) and derivative p'(z) using Horner's rule
' p = a[0];
' q = 0;
' r = z[i-1];
' for (j = 1; j <= m; ++j) {
' q = q * r + p;
' p = p * r + a[j];
' }
' // if p(z) = 0 within acceptable tolerance, then do not update
' if (cabs(p) <= toler)
' continue;
' // compute denominator d=q-sum(i!=j,p/(z[i]-z[j])) of (p/q)/(1-p/q*sum(i!=j,1/(z[i]-z[j]))) => p/(q-sum(i!=j,p/(z[i]-z[j])))
' d = 0;
' for (j = 1; j <= m; ++j) {
' if (i != j) {
' f = r - z[j-1];
' if (cabs(f) >= toler)
' d += p/f;
' }
' }
' d = q - d;
' // compute p/d if d is not too small to prevent overflow
' if (cabs(d) > toler)
' p /= d;
' h = cabs(p);
' err += h;
' // polish root if its shift adjustment is within floating point bounds to prevent overflow
' if (h < max)
' z[i-1] = r - p;
' }
' // check if convergence error is below our tolerance threshold
' if (err <= toler)
' break;
' }
' // round results (optional)
' nprec = toler;
' dprec = 1/toler;
' for (i = 1; i <= m; ++i) {
' r = z[i-1];
' z[i-1] = nprec*CMPLX(round(creal(r)*dprec), round(cimag(r)*dprec));
' }
' return k; // number of iterations >0
' }
' Algorithm to find complex roots of a polynomial with real coefficients, using separate real and imaginary variables:
' int ADK(int n, const double a[], double zr[], double zi[], int maxit, double toler) {
' int i, j, k, m;
' double rr, pr, dr;
' double ri, pi, di;
' double s1, s2, k1, k2, k3;
' double err2, max2, tol2; // err, max, toler squared
' double h, t, nprec, dprec;
' const double zh = sqrt(.97), zt = atan(2.25);
' if (maxit <= 0)
' maxit = 100;
' if (toler <= 0 || toler >= 1)
' toler = 1e-8;
' tol2 = toler * toler;
' // optimize by removing trailing zero coefficients
' for (m = n; m > 1 && a[m] == 0; --m)
' zr[m-1] = zi[m-1] = 0;
' // leading coefficient cannot be zero
' if (m < 1 || a[0] == 0)
' return -1; // error
' // generate initial roots z[i]=(.4+.9I)^i for i=0 to m-1
' h = zh;
' t = zt;
' zr[0] = 1;
' zi[0] = 0;
' for (i = 2; i <= m; ++i) {
' zr[i-1] = h * cos(t);
' zi[i-1] = h * sin(t);
' h *= zh;
' t += zt;
' }
' // square of max root stride modulus permitted to prevent overflow
' max2 = m > 2 ? pow(DBL_MAX, 2./m) : DBL_MAX;
' if (max2 < 1)
' max2 = 1;
' // Aberth-Ehrlich root polishing
' for (k = 1; k <= maxit; ++k) {
' err2 = 0;
' for (i = 1; i <= m; ++i) {
' // compute p(z) and derivative p'(z) using Horner's rule
' pr = a[0];
' pi = 0;
' qr = 0;
' qi = 0;
' rr = zr[i-1];
' ri = zi[i-1];
' for (j = 1; j <= m; ++j) {
' // compute q = q*r+p
' k1 = qr;
' qr = qr * rr - qi * ri + pr;
' qi = qi * rr + k1 * ri + pi;
' // compute p = p*r+a[j]
' k1 = pr;
' pr = pr * rr - pi * ri + a[j];
' pi = pi * rr + k1 * ri;
' }
' // if p(z) = 0 within acceptable tolerance, then do not update
' if (pr * pr + pi * pi <= tol2)
' continue;
' // compute denominator d=q-sum(i!=j,p/(z[i]-z[j])) of (p/q)/(1-p/q*sum(i!=j,1/(z[i]-z[j]))) => p/(q-sum(i!=j,p/(z[i]-z[j])))
' dr = 0;
' di = 0;
' for (j = 1; j <= m; ++j) {
' if (i != j) {
' // compute d = d + 1/(r - z[j])
' s1 = rr - zr[j-1];
' s2 = ri - zi[j-1];
' if (s1 * s1 + s2 * s2 >= tol2) {
' if (fabs(s1) < fabs(s2)) {
' k1 = s1/s2;
' k2 = k1 * s1 + s2;
' s1 = (pr * k1 + pi)/k2;
' s2 = (pi * k1 - pr)/k2;
' }
' else {
' k1 = s2/s1;
' k2 = s1 + k1 * s2;
' s1 = (pr + pi * k1)/k2;
' s2 = (pi - pr * k1)/k2;
' }
' dr += s1;
' di += s2;
' }
' }
' }
' dr = qr - dr;
' di = qi - di;
' // compute p/d if d is not too small to prevent overflow
' if (dr * dr + di * di > tol2) {
' // compute p/d without loss of precision
' if (fabs(dr) >= fabs(di)) {
' k1 = di/dr;
' k2 = k1*di + dr;
' k3 = pr;
' pr = (k1*pi + pr)/k2;
' pi = (pi - k1*k3)/k2;
' }
' else {
' k1 = dr/di;
' k2 = k1*dr + di;
' k3 = pr;
' pr = (k1*pr + pi)/k2;
' pi = (k1*pi - k3)/k2;
' }
' }
' // polish root if its shift adjustment is within floating point bounds to prevent overflow
' h = pr * pr + pi * pi;
' err2 += h;
' if (h < max2) {
' zr[i-1] = rr - pr;
' zi[i-1] = ri - pi;
' }
' }
' // check if convergence error is below our tolerance threshold
' if (err2 <= tol2)
' break;
' }
' // round results (optional)
' nprec = toler;
' dprec = 1/toler;
' for (i = 1; i <= m; ++i) {
' zr[i-1] = nprec*round(zr[i-1]*dprec);
' zi[i-1] = nprec*round(zi[i-1]*dprec);
' }
' return k; // number of iterations >0
' }
' N degree
' T tolerance (1E-6)
' L max iterations (20), updated to the iterations executed
' A(27..27+N) N+1 coefficients indexed from highest to lowest
' A(O..O+N-1) N roots real parts
' A(Z..Z+N-1) N roots imag parts
' E estimated error of the roots squared
' O array offset in A() with the real parts of the roots, O=28+N
' Z array offset in A() with the imag parts of the roots, Z=O+N
' S tolerance T squared
' R max root stride modulus squared
' I,J,K loop iterators
' P,Q real and imag parts of p(z)
' F,G real and imag parts of p'(z)
' A,B,C,D scratch
' U,V,W,X,Y scratch
' driver program
10 "A" CLS: WAIT 0: INPUT "N=";N: IF N<2 GOTO 10
20 FOR I=0 TO N: CLS: PRINT "A";STR$(N-I);"=";A(27+I): CURSOR 24: INPUT A(27+I)
40 CURSOR: T=1E-6,L=20: INPUT "T=";T
50 INPUT "L=";L
80 FOR I=0 TO N-1: PRINT A(O+I),A(Z+I): NEXT I
90 END
' polynomial root finder: N degree, T tolerance, L max iters, A(27..27+N) coefficients
100 "ADK" S=T*T,O=28+N,Z=O+N,M=N
' optimize: remove leading zero coefficients (trailing A)
110 IF M>1 IF A(27+M)=0 LET M=M-1,A(O+M)=0,A(Z+M)=0: GOTO 110
120 IF M<1 OR A(27)=0 RETURN
' generate initial roots, square of max root shift distance bounded to prevent overflow
130 RADIAN: X=SQR .97,Y=ATN 2.25,U=X,V=Y,A(O)=1,A(Z)=0,R=1E99: IF M>2 LET R=R^(2/M): IF R<1 LET R=1
140 IF M>1 FOR I=1 TO M-1: A(O+I)=U*COS V,A(Z+I)=U*SIN V,U=U*X,V=V+Y: NEXT I
' iterative root polishing until convergence or max iterations reached
150 FOR K=1 TO L: E=0
160 FOR I=0 TO M-1
' compute p(z) and p'(z) using Horner's rule
170 A=A(O+I),B=A(Z+I),C=0,D=0,F=0,G=0,P=A(27),Q=0
180 FOR J=0 TO M-1: U=F,F=F*A-G*B+P,G=G*A+U*B+Q,U=P,P=P*A-Q*B+A(28+J),Q=Q*A+U*B: NEXT J
' optimized: if |p(z)|<tolerance then do not update root z
190 IF P*P+Q*Q<=S GOTO 310
' compute denominator
200 FOR J=0 TO M-1: IF I=J GOTO 250
210 X=A-A(O+J),Y=B-A(Z+J)
220 IF X*X+Y*Y>=S LET U=X/Y,V=U*X+Y,X=(P*U+Q)/V,Y=(Q*U-P)/V: GOTO 240
230 U=Y/X,V=X+U*Y,X=(P+Q*U)/V,Y=(Q-P*U)/V
240 C=C+X,D=D+Y
250 NEXT J
260 C=F-C,D=G-D
' compute p/d if d is not too small to prevent overflow
270 X=C*C+D*D: IF X<=S GOTO 300
280 IF ABS C>=ABS D LET U=D/C,V=U*D+C,W=P,P=(U*Q+P)/V,Q=(Q-U*W)/V: GOTO 300
290 U=C/D,V=U*C+D,W=P,P=(U*P+Q)/V,Q=(U*Q-W)/V
' polish root if its shift adjustment is within max bounds to prevent overflow
300 X=P*P+Q*Q,E=E+X: IF X<R LET A(O+I)=A-P,A(Z+I)=B-Q
310 NEXT I
320 CURSOR 24: PRINT "K=";STR$ K;":E=";SQR E: IF E<=S LET U=L,L=K,K=U
330 NEXT K
' round results (optional)
340 U=1/T
350 FOR I=0 TO M-1: A(O+I)=T*INT(U*A(O+I)+.5),A(Z+I)=T*INT(U*A(Z+I)+.5): NEXT I
' return error estimate
360 E=(E=0)*T+SQR E: RETURN